Mind of an idiot: Man tries to explain why cop killing is tit for tat..

He is a moron. He can barely verbalize what he means, he meanders and rambles almost incoherently.
Give him a break, he's a young guy who's being interviewed on national television by a guy who interrupts him constantly.

In terms of his opinion, he was born and raised in an environment of division. He's the product of the race baiters.


You should have heard the forty year old women they interviewed ...she was just as stupid.
The black community is screwed if this is what passes for intelligence among them.
Well, just try to remember what has been done to them for generations now, by those who claim to "care".

Every person is responsible for their own actions, skin color is irrelevant, but environment does play a role.


What has been done? Tell us with some concrete examples, please.
Annie, since you have decided to desend from your tower of rat dung maybe YOU could clear something up. It would appear mind you that ALL of your fellow parasites AVOIDED a rather large racist statement made by one of your leaders posted right HERE on this board.

Now YOU can claim bigotry all you want but YOU own this statement made by YOUR defacto head racist found here.

Sharpton We Must Make It A Federal Crime For White People To Shoot Black People Ever Including Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So tell me something there Annie girl, just where is the racist again?

He's not one of my leaders. Who is Annie?
He is a moron. He can barely verbalize what he means, he meanders and rambles almost incoherently.
Give him a break, he's a young guy who's being interviewed on national television by a guy who interrupts him constantly.

In terms of his opinion, he was born and raised in an environment of division. He's the product of the race baiters.


You should have heard the forty year old women they interviewed ...she was just as stupid.
The black community is screwed if this is what passes for intelligence among them.
Well, just try to remember what has been done to them for generations now, by those who claim to "care".

Every person is responsible for their own actions, skin color is irrelevant, but environment does play a role.


What has been done? Tell us with some concrete examples, please.
Annie, since you have decided to desend from your tower of rat dung maybe YOU could clear something up. It would appear mind you that ALL of your fellow parasites AVOIDED a rather large racist statement made by one of your leaders posted right HERE on this board.

Now YOU can claim bigotry all you want but YOU own this statement made by YOUR defacto head racist found here.

Sharpton We Must Make It A Federal Crime For White People To Shoot Black People Ever Including Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So tell me something there Annie girl, just where is the racist again?

What did he say? How about an exact quote? Got one?
Give him a break, he's a young guy who's being interviewed on national television by a guy who interrupts him constantly.

In terms of his opinion, he was born and raised in an environment of division. He's the product of the race baiters.


You should have heard the forty year old women they interviewed ...she was just as stupid.
The black community is screwed if this is what passes for intelligence among them.
Well, just try to remember what has been done to them for generations now, by those who claim to "care".

Every person is responsible for their own actions, skin color is irrelevant, but environment does play a role.


What has been done? Tell us with some concrete examples, please.
Annie, since you have decided to desend from your tower of rat dung maybe YOU could clear something up. It would appear mind you that ALL of your fellow parasites AVOIDED a rather large racist statement made by one of your leaders posted right HERE on this board.

Now YOU can claim bigotry all you want but YOU own this statement made by YOUR defacto head racist found here.

Sharpton We Must Make It A Federal Crime For White People To Shoot Black People Ever Including Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So tell me something there Annie girl, just where is the racist again?

He's not one of my leaders. Who is Annie?
Would you say in TEXT that Al Sharpton is a racist puke bag?
You are constrained by a lack of intellect. You can't imagine how the fact that so many unarmed black men get shot by cops could lead to people being frightened enough to take to the streets. The chant didn't get the cops shot.

Now this is as much of a dumbass statement as the kid in the video.
So many unarmed black men get shot...by black men

Yep..they say nothing while blacks murder each other at a prodigious rate,and then they get pissed when one of these pillars of the community gets shot by a cop.

Who says nothing? Name a person who you believe says nothing about black people murdering other black people. I'll wait.

Are you surprised that with all the gun play blacks are involved in that they would get shot more often? I mean it only makes sense they would be shot by the police more often since they are constantly getting into gun fights right?
That you cant grasp that fact tells me you're a complete moron.
Give him a break, he's a young guy who's being interviewed on national television by a guy who interrupts him constantly.

In terms of his opinion, he was born and raised in an environment of division. He's the product of the race baiters.


You should have heard the forty year old women they interviewed ...she was just as stupid.
The black community is screwed if this is what passes for intelligence among them.
Well, just try to remember what has been done to them for generations now, by those who claim to "care".

Every person is responsible for their own actions, skin color is irrelevant, but environment does play a role.


What has been done? Tell us with some concrete examples, please.
Annie, since you have decided to desend from your tower of rat dung maybe YOU could clear something up. It would appear mind you that ALL of your fellow parasites AVOIDED a rather large racist statement made by one of your leaders posted right HERE on this board.

Now YOU can claim bigotry all you want but YOU own this statement made by YOUR defacto head racist found here.

Sharpton We Must Make It A Federal Crime For White People To Shoot Black People Ever Including Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So tell me something there Annie girl, just where is the racist again?

What did he say? How about an exact quote? Got one?
"Sharpton: We Must Make It A Federal Crime For White People To Shoot Black People Ever, Including In Self Defense."
You should have heard the forty year old women they interviewed ...she was just as stupid.
The black community is screwed if this is what passes for intelligence among them.
Well, just try to remember what has been done to them for generations now, by those who claim to "care".

Every person is responsible for their own actions, skin color is irrelevant, but environment does play a role.


What has been done? Tell us with some concrete examples, please.
Annie, since you have decided to desend from your tower of rat dung maybe YOU could clear something up. It would appear mind you that ALL of your fellow parasites AVOIDED a rather large racist statement made by one of your leaders posted right HERE on this board.

Now YOU can claim bigotry all you want but YOU own this statement made by YOUR defacto head racist found here.

Sharpton We Must Make It A Federal Crime For White People To Shoot Black People Ever Including Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So tell me something there Annie girl, just where is the racist again?

He's not one of my leaders. Who is Annie?
Would you say in TEXT that Al Sharpton is a racist puke bag?

Al Sharpton is a charlatan. He uses the fact that minorities have been discriminated against in this nation to fill his bank account. He's a dick. He's dishonest. He's a terrible on air personality. He isn't my leader.

Is he a racist? I doubt it. I doubt that he would say that black people are superior to white people. I don't think he is against interracial marriage.
Last edited:
You should have heard the forty year old women they interviewed ...she was just as stupid.
The black community is screwed if this is what passes for intelligence among them.
Well, just try to remember what has been done to them for generations now, by those who claim to "care".

Every person is responsible for their own actions, skin color is irrelevant, but environment does play a role.


What has been done? Tell us with some concrete examples, please.
Annie, since you have decided to desend from your tower of rat dung maybe YOU could clear something up. It would appear mind you that ALL of your fellow parasites AVOIDED a rather large racist statement made by one of your leaders posted right HERE on this board.

Now YOU can claim bigotry all you want but YOU own this statement made by YOUR defacto head racist found here.

Sharpton We Must Make It A Federal Crime For White People To Shoot Black People Ever Including Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So tell me something there Annie girl, just where is the racist again?

What did he say? How about an exact quote? Got one?
"Sharpton: We Must Make It A Federal Crime For White People To Shoot Black People Ever, Including In Self Defense."

Did he actually say those words?

Check first. Then answer. I'm thin king that you might not know what a direct quote is.
You are constrained by a lack of intellect. You can't imagine how the fact that so many unarmed black men get shot by cops could lead to people being frightened enough to take to the streets. The chant didn't get the cops shot.

Now this is as much of a dumbass statement as the kid in the video.
So many unarmed black men get shot...by black men

Yep..they say nothing while blacks murder each other at a prodigious rate,and then they get pissed when one of these pillars of the community gets shot by a cop.

Who says nothing? Name a person who you believe says nothing about black people murdering other black people. I'll wait.

Are you surprised that with all the gun play blacks are involved in that they would get shot more often? I mean it only makes sense they would be shot by the police more often since they are constantly getting into gun fights right?
That you cant grasp that fact tells me you're a complete moron.

Unarmed black men get shot by cops because of other incidents of armed black men using guns? Is that what you are saying?
I would like to think that, if I were born and raised into that environment, if I were told every single day by everyone around me that someone is out to get me and that someone has to be punished and that only the government could help me, that I would be able to rise about all that -- holy crap, I can't honestly say that.

Again, I'm not excusing behavior, I'm just saying that generations of conditioning will take its toll on anyone, skin color irrelevant.

I think maybe the reason why these folks think the cops are out to get them is because the cops are out to get them. When you have three warrants for every resident of the town, most for petty offenses to raise money, maybe they think the cops really are out to get them.
What you ARE seeing in Ferguson is yet another failed democrat city on a smaller scale then other lovely sh8t holes like St Louis or Chicago or Detroit. The ripple effect of the more major cities destroyed by democrats.

And make no mistake there will be more. California has about SIX barely getting by.

I've often wondered if Dems are killing our cities or if they are elected because the cities are dying and Cali also has 5 of America's 10 wealthiest cities but that's another subject.
And this man shows why Eric Holder should not have said what he said (in public)......

Eyewitnesses to Ferguson police shooting describe scene On Air Videos Fox News
We probably will never know the truth of what actually happened between the cop and the victim. The so-called reaching for the officer's weapon took place with the cop still seated in his vehicle, and could not be seen by anyone else. After the so-called reaching for the weapon, the victim backed away and was moving away from the vehicle. Then the cop says that the victim turned around and charged him. Witnesses gave different accounts of what happened the seconds before the shots were fired. Some witnesses were believed, and some witnesses were dismissed as liars. The witnesses that gave an account that verified what the cop said were believed, and those that gave an account that differed from what the cop said, were dismissed as liars. Every agency that investigated the incident, was tied to law enforcement. In other words, law enforcement investigating law enforcement. No independent outside sources were used to examine evidence, nor interview witnesses. Everything was handled in-house.

Several witnesses to the recent shooting of two officers also gave different accounts. Some witnesses said that the shots were fired from close range, other witnesses said that the shots came from some distance away. When things happen fast, and people are in a panic mode, it's easy to get confused about details. When the shots were fired, according to the videos, people ran in different directs attempting to find safety. They were concerned with their safety and not the details of exactly where the shots came from. Again, it's easy to confuse details when everything happens so fast, and people are in a panic mode fearing for their lives.

The point is, without video and/or witnesses examined by outside independent sources, it's difficult to determine truth and the validity of reports and accounts of events. A huge shadow is cast on events and tragedies when all investigating is done in-house. Whether real or imaginary, bias does rear it's ugly head when law enforcement investigates law enforcement. Many citizens have no faith in the Department of Justice, and with good reason. Likewise, many citizens have no faith in local or state agencies that investigate their own. Bias and prejudice are legitimate arguments in the case of Mr. Brown, and many other cases that's been in the spotlight and news over the past year or so.

It's my opinion that riots and protests, especially the violent ones, could be avoided by allowing randomly chosen outside independent agencies to handle all questionable cases where racial differences are obvious agitating influences on the general public. This could also be a good idea even when race, or other inflammatory differences, are not present. The mere inference of bias or prejudice can easily taint the judicial process and system by which the last word is given. In other words, it's common knowledge that the majority of citizens have little or no faith in our justice system, nor in our courts. The evidence and testament to this is obvious, especially since the O.J. Simpson trial of the mid 90's. Some believe that he was guilty, while others believe that justice was served, and that the system works. There has been several well publicized cases and trials in recent years that have greatly divided the public and the public's opinion of our judicial system and process.

The Ferguson matter just might not be so much about Mr. Brown and the two officers that were shot, but rather a climax to mistrust and obvious abuses and favoritisms shown by the legal system over the years. Yes, we do have a racial prejudice problem in this country, and have had for over a century now. We may not be reliving the 60's, but the tensions and frustrations are very similar in nature. The news media never fails to insert the words, "black on black crime", "black on white crime", or "white on black crime". The racial divide is kept alive by those reporting events, which to many, is nothing short of instigating more racial tension and more division. Harmony among all peoples is next to impossible when certain groups and/or organization constantly stir the pot of racism and racial prejudice.
You are constrained by a lack of intellect. You can't imagine how the fact that so many unarmed black men get shot by cops could lead to people being frightened enough to take to the streets. The chant didn't get the cops shot.

Now this is as much of a dumbass statement as the kid in the video.
So many unarmed black men get shot...by black men

Yep..they say nothing while blacks murder each other at a prodigious rate,and then they get pissed when one of these pillars of the community gets shot by a cop.

Who says nothing? Name a person who you believe says nothing about black people murdering other black people. I'll wait.

Are you surprised that with all the gun play blacks are involved in that they would get shot more often? I mean it only makes sense they would be shot by the police more often since they are constantly getting into gun fights right?
That you cant grasp that fact tells me you're a complete moron.

this latest incident taking pop shots at the cops

only serves to prove the polices position that they are dealing

with animals
You are constrained by a lack of intellect. You can't imagine how the fact that so many unarmed black men get shot by cops could lead to people being frightened enough to take to the streets. The chant didn't get the cops shot.

Now this is as much of a dumbass statement as the kid in the video.
So many unarmed black men get shot...by black men

Yep..they say nothing while blacks murder each other at a prodigious rate,and then they get pissed when one of these pillars of the community gets shot by a cop.

Who says nothing? Name a person who you believe says nothing about black people murdering other black people. I'll wait.

Are you surprised that with all the gun play blacks are involved in that they would get shot more often? I mean it only makes sense they would be shot by the police more often since they are constantly getting into gun fights right?
That you cant grasp that fact tells me you're a complete moron.

Unarmed black men get shot by cops because of other incidents of armed black men using guns? Is that what you are saying?

You seem to be saying that it's perfectly understandable that random cops are assassinated because of incidents of armed cops using guns.

That's essentially what the guy is saying. "It was a reaction". Nothing unusual about this, just read some of the comments in the Huffington Post, or here, for that matter.

The guy in the video isn't an idiot. The flames have been fanned for generations now, none of this can be surprising, nothing that happens in the future can be surprising.


He is a moron. He can barely verbalize what he means, he meanders and rambles almost incoherently.
Give him a break, he's a young guy who's being interviewed on national television by a guy who interrupts him constantly.

In terms of his opinion, he was born and raised in an environment of division. He's the product of the race baiters.


You should have heard the forty year old women they interviewed ...she was just as stupid.
The black community is screwed if this is what passes for intelligence among them.
Well, just try to remember what has been done to them for generations now, by those who claim to "care".

Every person is responsible for their own actions, skin color is irrelevant, but environment does play a role.


What has been done? Tell us with some concrete examples, please.
EXAMPLES: slavery, enter through the back door, sit in the back of the bus, use different water fountains, use different restrooms, voting, recognized for their service during wars, school segregation, discrimination in the work place, and injustices in our judicial system.
Now this is as much of a dumbass statement as the kid in the video.
So many unarmed black men get shot...by black men

Yep..they say nothing while blacks murder each other at a prodigious rate,and then they get pissed when one of these pillars of the community gets shot by a cop.

Who says nothing? Name a person who you believe says nothing about black people murdering other black people. I'll wait.

Are you surprised that with all the gun play blacks are involved in that they would get shot more often? I mean it only makes sense they would be shot by the police more often since they are constantly getting into gun fights right?
That you cant grasp that fact tells me you're a complete moron.

Unarmed black men get shot by cops because of other incidents of armed black men using guns? Is that what you are saying?

You seem to be saying that it's perfectly understandable that random cops are assassinated because of incidents of armed cops using guns.

No I don't, idiot. I don't seem to be saying that at all.
Yep..they say nothing while blacks murder each other at a prodigious rate,and then they get pissed when one of these pillars of the community gets shot by a cop.

Yes, when the people who are paid to protect us become a danger to us, we should ALL be a little worried.

And while that is true not all, nor most, nor even many cops are "a danger to us." The fact is the vast majority of them are just doing the job and trying to get home alive.
You are constrained by a lack of intellect. You can't imagine how the fact that so many unarmed black men get shot by cops could lead to people being frightened enough to take to the streets. The chant didn't get the cops shot.

Now this is as much of a dumbass statement as the kid in the video.
So many unarmed black men get shot...by black men

Yep..they say nothing while blacks murder each other at a prodigious rate,and then they get pissed when one of these pillars of the community gets shot by a cop.

Who says nothing? Name a person who you believe says nothing about black people murdering other black people. I'll wait.

Are you surprised that with all the gun play blacks are involved in that they would get shot more often? I mean it only makes sense they would be shot by the police more often since they are constantly getting into gun fights right?
That you cant grasp that fact tells me you're a complete moron.

Unarmed black men get shot by cops because of other incidents of armed black men using guns? Is that what you are saying?

Well it would be obvious to most that if blacks commit more crimes they would be more likely to be shot by the police whether they were armed at the time or not.
How often they kill each other is indicative of their penchant for crime.
He is a moron. He can barely verbalize what he means, he meanders and rambles almost incoherently.
Give him a break, he's a young guy who's being interviewed on national television by a guy who interrupts him constantly.

In terms of his opinion, he was born and raised in an environment of division. He's the product of the race baiters.


You should have heard the forty year old women they interviewed ...she was just as stupid.
The black community is screwed if this is what passes for intelligence among them.
Well, just try to remember what has been done to them for generations now, by those who claim to "care".

Every person is responsible for their own actions, skin color is irrelevant, but environment does play a role.


What has been done? Tell us with some concrete examples, please.
EXAMPLES: slavery, enter through the back door, sit in the back of the bus, use different water fountains, use different restrooms, voting, recognized for their service during wars, school segregation, discrimination in the work place, and injustices in our judicial system.

"By those who claim to care". Do you know who Mac was referring to with that qualifier?
Now this is as much of a dumbass statement as the kid in the video.
So many unarmed black men get shot...by black men

Yep..they say nothing while blacks murder each other at a prodigious rate,and then they get pissed when one of these pillars of the community gets shot by a cop.

Who says nothing? Name a person who you believe says nothing about black people murdering other black people. I'll wait.

Are you surprised that with all the gun play blacks are involved in that they would get shot more often? I mean it only makes sense they would be shot by the police more often since they are constantly getting into gun fights right?
That you cant grasp that fact tells me you're a complete moron.

Unarmed black men get shot by cops because of other incidents of armed black men using guns? Is that what you are saying?

Well it would be obvious to most that if blacks commit more crimes they would be more likely to be shot by the police whether they were armed at the time or not.
How often they kill each other is indicative of their penchant for crime.

Al Sharpton is a charlatan. He uses the fact that minorities have been discriminated against in this nation to fill his bank account. He's a dick. He's dishonest. He's a terrible on air personality. He isn't my leader...

Yeah, I hear you and I hear the same from many yet every time the shit hits the fan, whose mouth ends up front and center?
Yep..they say nothing while blacks murder each other at a prodigious rate,and then they get pissed when one of these pillars of the community gets shot by a cop.

Who says nothing? Name a person who you believe says nothing about black people murdering other black people. I'll wait.

Are you surprised that with all the gun play blacks are involved in that they would get shot more often? I mean it only makes sense they would be shot by the police more often since they are constantly getting into gun fights right?
That you cant grasp that fact tells me you're a complete moron.

Unarmed black men get shot by cops because of other incidents of armed black men using guns? Is that what you are saying?

Well it would be obvious to most that if blacks commit more crimes they would be more likely to be shot by the police whether they were armed at the time or not.
How often they kill each other is indicative of their penchant for crime.


Are you disputing the fact that blacks shoot each other at a much higher rate than any other race and are more likely to be armed and violent?

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