Mind of an idiot: Man tries to explain why cop killing is tit for tat..

99% of the time they are legit shoots.
If you dont believe the MB shooting was legit you're living in lala land.

They need to be legit shoots 100% of the time. What is wrong with you?

And that would be the goal but we just don't live in a perfect world.
Sorry, Princess.

True. Then prosecute the ones that are not legit. Asshole.

And on that we agree. So which of the recent shootings do you feel requires prosecution?
Really? You consider the grand jury and the USDoJ to be cops?
No, I do NOT. But, they are government agencies. Members of law enforcement are either state, local, or federal agencies. They are all law enforcement agencies. Local police, state troopers, FBI, etc. are government agencies. Some are local, some are state, and some are federal. The same goes for drug enforcement, immigration, etc.

Lame. You claimed the Brown investigation was rigged because it was conducted by gov't agencies and a grand jury comprised of ordinary citizens doing their civic duty. The DoJ - an agency comprised of many honest, hard-working, justice-seeking people - was operating under intense public and media scrutiny. For some here nothing is good enough.

No, I did NOT say that it was rigged. I did say that bias and prejudice was a part of the outcome. In my opinion, the question of bias can certainly be inferred. Why should any of us take as gospel what was given us by those doing the investigation into what actually happened? Do you trust our government? I certainly don't trust anything the government says.

So "biased and prejudiced" does not equal rigged? Yeah ... OK. The case findings were produced by many people and multiple agencies and I have a more nuanced view of our gov't than you. I believe it is made up of lots of PEOPLE, some of who are dishonest or self-serving and many who are the opposite and that sometimes our gov't gets things right.
You're entitled to your opinion, and have the right to express it. Obviously, we disagree on this matter.
99% of the time they are legit shoots.
If you dont believe the MB shooting was legit you're living in lala land.

They need to be legit shoots 100% of the time. What is wrong with you?

And that would be the goal but we just don't live in a perfect world.
Sorry, Princess.

True. Then prosecute the ones that are not legit. Asshole.

And on that we agree. So which of the recent shootings do you feel requires prosecution?

99% of the time they are legit shoots.
If you dont believe the MB shooting was legit you're living in lala land.

They need to be legit shoots 100% of the time. What is wrong with you?

And that would be the goal but we just don't live in a perfect world.
Sorry, Princess.

True. Then prosecute the ones that are not legit. Asshole.

And on that we agree. So which of the recent shootings do you feel requires prosecution?


Lame dodge.
Another mentality you see in this video...is right after Hannity reads straight from Eric Holders statement categorically showing the whole "hands up" mantra was made up...the idiot comes back with that..."you don't know how it is...let me take you to the streets of St. Louis...it's how it is here...

WTF? - You see inner city blacks say this all the time. When explaining the high crime rates "you don't know how it is"...when explaining as high as 60% high school drop out rates - "you don't know how it is, we're on the streets man"...when explaining 70% of black fathers are dead beat dads..."you don't know how it is"...when explaining ludicrous amoral behavior and extremely high government dependence..."you don't know how it is"....don't have a job? never had a job?..."man, you don't know how it is...to be black in America maaannn".


Outrageous...the man is so out of touch.

1) "what happened originally in Ferguson was worthy of protest"...WTF??..is he as dumb as the idiot in the OP video? His own DOJ categorically supported Officer Wilson's side...what was "worthy of protest"
2) As Kimmel alluded to - the Police give tickets to increase revenue in every town/city in the U.S., it is just stupid to say they did it in Ferguson because of racism, they did it in Ferguson for exactly the same reason they do everywhere - to make revenue for the department.
3) THE INCREDIBLE AND IMPOSSIBLE TO IGNORE WITH WHAT OBAMA SAID -- he spent 3 seconds saying the shooting of the officers was bad. And then spent FOUR MINUTES repeating how bad the police are there.. Just incredible.
just figured he would throw a little gas on the fire I guess...

Exactly. If you are one of the idiots in the OP video and you saw the President in this clip - what is the message he sends? "HE IS ON OUR SIDE".
I would 100% think he "understands" why the cops were shot...afterall he spent 4 1/2 minutes telling us why.
And while that is true not all, nor most, nor even many cops are "a danger to us." The fact is the vast majority of them are just doing the job and trying to get home alive.

And they have as much of a vested interest in getting rid of the bad apples as the rest of us, then.

The real problem is that a lot of good cops tolerate the bad ones.
No crime? Minor crime?

Aggravated assault is a deadly felony. So is trying to disarm a cop during an assault.

Mike Brown and Trayvon both decided to assault someone...who had a gun...and each assault rose to the point that the victim felt their life was in danger.

So....thats not "minor or no crime at all".

You idiots seem to think that if a cop stops someone for a minor offense...that they're entitled to attack the cop and none of that matters.

Trayvon was defending himself against some pervert who was stalking him, it's not something he should have been shot over.

And sorry, getting into a shooting incident over some stolen cigars is not a good idea.
Chicago/St Louis and Detroit have been democrat run cities for at least four decades. They are dying or have died under democrat leadership.

Chicago is doing just fine, thanks.

Detroit died because the Auto Industry got greedy and stupid, and let foreign companies take their market share.

Not true.
Detroit died for a lot of reasons.
One was Nixon signing off the gold standard that exacerbated an already weak dollar.
Two - the high price of gasoline.
Three - the high cost of labor vs. cheap labor in foreign markets. The 70l's union labor/benefits was extremely high at a time when car sales was falling.

Four - and the primary reason - the death of the American BIG automobile. Detroits factories were totally engineered to build V8's, big frames and large power train parts. In order to build smaller cars with V6 moters and 4 bangers, the old factories needed to be completely retooled. Unfortunately for Detroit, it was cheaper to outsource and build smaller factories in multiple locations - than to re outfit the giant factories in Detroit. The death of the big American cruiser is what truly killed Detroit.
That's essentially what the guy is saying. "It was a reaction". Nothing unusual about this, just read some of the comments in the Huffington Post, or here, for that matter.

The guy in the video isn't an idiot. The flames have been fanned for generations now, none of this can be surprising, nothing that happens in the future can be surprising.

Yup, them Negroes should totally accept that cops and neighborhood watch losers are going to gun down their children in cold blood for minor crimes of maybe no crime at all.

In MacWorld, people don't get upset unless someone TELLS them to get upset. Damned uppity Negroes!
Your just as willfully ignorant as the guy in the video,no matter what facts are presented to you,you will not except them,even when presented by a known resist Eric holder,that totally undermines your fact less mime.
Chicago/St Louis and Detroit have been democrat run cities for at least four decades. They are dying or have died under democrat leadership.

Chicago is doing just fine, thanks.

Detroit died because the Auto Industry got greedy and stupid, and let foreign companies take their market share.

Yeah ... the big three got together - on the golf course, of course - and decided to let foreign companies take their market share just to fuckover Detroit and their unions. It can't possibly be that Detroit and the unions got greedy and made operations there too expensive.
Sheesh ... loony liberal socialists say the silliest things.
Not true.
Detroit died for a lot of reasons.
One was Nixon signing off the gold standard that exacerbated an already weak dollar.

Oh, noes, we got a Gold Bug!!!!

Two - the high price of gasoline.
Three - the high cost of labor vs. cheap labor in foreign markets. The 70l's union labor/benefits was extremely high at a time when car sales was falling.

Well, no. You almost hit an actual fact here, but you miss a few things. The problem wasn't that gasoline got expensive, it was that Ford and GM and Chrysler didn't want to build fuel efficient cars. So they produced peices of shit like the Chevette and the Escort and the Gremlin and the Pacer that were bad starter cars.

So if your first car was a Chevette like mine was, and it was a piece of crap, when you got a little older and started making more money and unlike your WWII vet Dad, you weren't really upset about Pearl Harbor, you might make your next car a Toyota instead of a Chevy. Which is exactly what a lot of people did.
Your just as willfully ignorant as the guy in the video,no matter what facts are presented to you,you will not except them,even when presented by a known resist Eric holder,that totally undermines your fact less mime.

Guy, perception is reality. when they see black children get gunned down and no consequences for it, they aren't nearly as intersted in "law and order' as you are.

Clueless white people sure are clueless.
Not true.
Detroit died for a lot of reasons.
One was Nixon signing off the gold standard that exacerbated an already weak dollar.

Oh, noes, we got a Gold Bug!!!!

Two - the high price of gasoline.
Three - the high cost of labor vs. cheap labor in foreign markets. The 70l's union labor/benefits was extremely high at a time when car sales was falling.

Well, no. You almost hit an actual fact here, but you miss a few things. The problem wasn't that gasoline got expensive, it was that Ford and GM and Chrysler didn't want to build fuel efficient cars. So they produced peices of shit like the Chevette and the Escort and the Gremlin and the Pacer that were bad starter cars.

So if your first car was a Chevette like mine was, and it was a piece of crap, when you got a little older and started making more money and unlike your WWII vet Dad, you weren't really upset about Pearl Harbor, you might make your next car a Toyota instead of a Chevy. Which is exactly what a lot of people did.

No I am not a gold bug, the only gold I have is my wedding ring and in my mouth.

I hit a "fact" right on the head. Interesting you listed Chevettes...you realize not one of the 7,000,000 T-Model cars were built in Michigan? You made my point again. The problem with Detroit's factories is exactly what I said - they were big, old and filled to the brim with old machinery that could not build smaller parts. That is a fact, I am sorry it doesn't fit into your "three white guys smoking cigars and teeing off with their gold plated clubs while sticking it to the unions" philosophy.
Was there bad decisions made by the big 3 management? Yes, as in hell yes.
There is a reason why GM and it's subsidiaries has filed bankruptcy 27 times last count. And why Chrysler is no longer an American company. The best of the three is Ford, but they f*cked up royally themselves of course also.
Yes, they were convinced that smaller cars was a phase. It wouldn't last - after the cars fell apart on the side of the rode - they would come running back to Big GM cars. Nope. The little foreign cars ran like tops. Better in fact than American cars - still true, but getting less true.
The of course there was the HUUUUGE problem of shitty American manufacturing of the 70's. Union laborers were so spoilt and lazy, and had contracts that ensured factories were grossly over employed that the big three cut corners everywhere they could. Thin metal, plastic everything, and cheap poorly made outsourced parts. American cars from the early 70's all the way through the 90's were abominations. Part of that problem was greedy management cutting quality for higher profits - but it was also the poor work ethics of union workers getting away with murder. They built shoddy tin boxes.

No I am not a gold bug, the only gold I have is my wedding ring and in my mouth.

I hit a "fact" right on the head. Interesting you listed Chevettes...you realize not one of the 7,000,000 T-Model cars were built in Michigan? You made my point again. The problem with Detroit's factories is exactly what I said - they were big, old and filled to the brim with old machinery that could not build smaller parts. That is a fact, I am sorry it doesn't fit into your "three white guys smoking cigars and teeing off with their gold plated clubs while sticking it to the unions" philosophy.

Guy, it doesn't take that much to build or modify newer machinery. the problem wasn't the machinery, it was the designs.

and, yes, while American companies were seeing their workers as "the enemy", the Japanese and Germans were seeing their workers as valued partners. The UAW would LOVE to have something like what the German and Japanese unions have.

Part of that problem was greedy management cutting quality for higher profits - but it was also the poor work ethics of union workers getting away with murder. They built shoddy tin boxes.

No, the entire problem was management.

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