Mind your mouth McConnell

Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

lol i think the whole questioning where he was born sort of shifted that line

he's gonna campaign with biden in a way I have not seen in my lifetime....Maybe anyone's lifetime from a former president

How did that work out for Hitlery?

He didn't do it for hillary or she would have no doubt won

He will do it for old Joe tho, 99% of the black female vote about to turn out for the old man

Older black ladies love joe
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

lol i think the whole questioning where he was born sort of shifted that line

he's gonna campaign with biden in a way I have not seen in my lifetime....Maybe anyone's lifetime from a former president

How did that work out for Hitlery?

nothing worked out for Hill but the fact is you fuks didn't win dems just lost it That ain't happening again
I s
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

I seem to recall Obama blaming all of his own failures on Bush throughout both terms but constantly during his first. At least once a day for four whole years.

MORON You think GWB left Obama a bed of roses ?? You and your republicans suck and trump is the worst of you all a sick perverted pos

Need a tissue Eddie.

You seem disturbed. Might want to back off the grass......

hey you dumb fuk Just tested negative and even ah republicans can't bother me now I'll have a party No repubs invited lol
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

lol i think the whole questioning where he was born sort of shifted that line

he's gonna campaign with biden in a way I have not seen in my lifetime....Maybe anyone's lifetime from a former president

How did that work out for Hitlery?

He didn't do it for hillary or she would have no doubt won

He will do it for old Joe tho, 99% of the black female vote about to turn out for the old man

Older black ladies love joe

Where the hell were you in 2016? Obama campaigned hard for Hitlery. America rejected him.
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

lol i think the whole questioning where he was born sort of shifted that line

he's gonna campaign with biden in a way I have not seen in my lifetime....Maybe anyone's lifetime from a former president

How did that work out for Hitlery?

nothing worked out for Hill but the fact is you fuks didn't win dems just lost it That ain't happening again

How is Trump in the White House if he didn't win, Dummy?
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

lol i think the whole questioning where he was born sort of shifted that line

he's gonna campaign with biden in a way I have not seen in my lifetime....Maybe anyone's lifetime from a former president

How did that work out for Hitlery?

He didn't do it for hillary or she would have no doubt won

He will do it for old Joe tho, 99% of the black female vote about to turn out for the old man

Older black ladies love joe

Where the hell were you in 2016? Obama campaigned hard for Hitlery. America rejected him.

No he wasn't....lol

He's leaking fucking conference calls in 2020

He did nothing of the sort in 16, it was a clinton campaign

They are totally seperate camps in the democratic party
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

lol i think the whole questioning where he was born sort of shifted that line

he's gonna campaign with biden in a way I have not seen in my lifetime....Maybe anyone's lifetime from a former president

How did that work out for Hitlery?

He didn't do it for hillary or she would have no doubt won

He will do it for old Joe tho, 99% of the black female vote about to turn out for the old man

Older black ladies love joe

Where the hell were you in 2016? Obama campaigned hard for Hitlery. America rejected him.

No he wasn't....lol

He's leaking fucking conference calls in 2020

He did nothing of the sort in 16, it was a clinton campaign

They are totally seperate camps in the democratic party

Here is one, Dummy.

Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

lol i think the whole questioning where he was born sort of shifted that line

he's gonna campaign with biden in a way I have not seen in my lifetime....Maybe anyone's lifetime from a former president

How did that work out for Hitlery?

He didn't do it for hillary or she would have no doubt won

He will do it for old Joe tho, 99% of the black female vote about to turn out for the old man

Older black ladies love joe

Where the hell were you in 2016? Obama campaigned hard for Hitlery. America rejected him.

No he wasn't....lol

He's leaking fucking conference calls in 2020

He did nothing of the sort in 16, it was a clinton campaign

They are totally seperate camps in the democratic party

Another one..............

Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

lol i think the whole questioning where he was born sort of shifted that line

he's gonna campaign with biden in a way I have not seen in my lifetime....Maybe anyone's lifetime from a former president

How did that work out for Hitlery?

He didn't do it for hillary or she would have no doubt won

He will do it for old Joe tho, 99% of the black female vote about to turn out for the old man

Older black ladies love joe

Where the hell were you in 2016? Obama campaigned hard for Hitlery. America rejected him.

No he wasn't....lol

He's leaking fucking conference calls in 2020

He did nothing of the sort in 16, it was a clinton campaign

They are totally seperate camps in the democratic party

Another one..............

That's a get out the vote campaign

You can tell cuz tehre aren't clinton banners everywhere

Obama will be showing up at biden events
Obama hits the campaign trail with Hitlery.............

....? lol

He is speaking behind the seal of the president.

She came to him not the other way around.

Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

lol i think the whole questioning where he was born sort of shifted that line

he's gonna campaign with biden in a way I have not seen in my lifetime....Maybe anyone's lifetime from a former president

How did that work out for Hitlery?

He didn't do it for hillary or she would have no doubt won

He will do it for old Joe tho, 99% of the black female vote about to turn out for the old man

Older black ladies love joe

Where the hell were you in 2016? Obama campaigned hard for Hitlery. America rejected him.

No he wasn't....lol

He's leaking fucking conference calls in 2020

He did nothing of the sort in 16, it was a clinton campaign

They are totally seperate camps in the democratic party

Another one..............

That's a get out the vote campaign

You can tell cuz tehre aren't clinton banners everywhere

Obama will be showing up at biden events

You are owned, Simpleton. :iyfyus.jpg:
Obama hits the campaign trail with Hitlery.............

....? lol

He is speaking behind the seal of the president.

She came to him not the other way around.

Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

lol i think the whole questioning where he was born sort of shifted that line

he's gonna campaign with biden in a way I have not seen in my lifetime....Maybe anyone's lifetime from a former president

How did that work out for Hitlery?

He didn't do it for hillary or she would have no doubt won

He will do it for old Joe tho, 99% of the black female vote about to turn out for the old man

Older black ladies love joe

Where the hell were you in 2016? Obama campaigned hard for Hitlery. America rejected him.

No he wasn't....lol

He's leaking fucking conference calls in 2020

He did nothing of the sort in 16, it was a clinton campaign

They are totally seperate camps in the democratic party

Another one..............

That's a get out the vote campaign

You can tell cuz tehre aren't clinton banners everywhere

Obama will be showing up at biden events

You are owned, Simpleton. :iyfyus.jpg:

uh huh

linking a get out the vote campaign and a presidential rally....lol

remember your educatino pleb.

Your mediocre teachers didn't even consider you clever. Certainly no one here is going to. Remember your place
Obama hits the campaign trail with Hitlery.............

....? lol

He is speaking behind the seal of the president.

She came to him not the other way around.

Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

lol i think the whole questioning where he was born sort of shifted that line

he's gonna campaign with biden in a way I have not seen in my lifetime....Maybe anyone's lifetime from a former president

How did that work out for Hitlery?

He didn't do it for hillary or she would have no doubt won

He will do it for old Joe tho, 99% of the black female vote about to turn out for the old man

Older black ladies love joe

Where the hell were you in 2016? Obama campaigned hard for Hitlery. America rejected him.

No he wasn't....lol

He's leaking fucking conference calls in 2020

He did nothing of the sort in 16, it was a clinton campaign

They are totally seperate camps in the democratic party

Another one..............

That's a get out the vote campaign

You can tell cuz tehre aren't clinton banners everywhere

Obama will be showing up at biden events

You are owned, Simpleton. :iyfyus.jpg:

uh huh

linking a get out the vote campaign and a presidential rally....lol

Keep digging, Loser.

I s
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

I seem to recall Obama blaming all of his own failures on Bush throughout both terms but constantly during his first. At least once a day for four whole years.

MORON You think GWB left Obama a bed of roses ?? You and your republicans suck and trump is the worst of you all a sick perverted pos

Need a tissue Eddie.

You seem disturbed. Might want to back off the grass......

hey you dumb fuk Just tested negative and even ah republicans can't bother me now I'll have a party No repubs invited lol

Don't choke on your food.

Since, like his boss and master Trump, he doesn't know what the hell he is talking about, why not just keep his mouth shut? Why is it so hard to do that.

Trump has the same problem, running off at the mouth and Twitter incessantly while not knowing a damn thing.

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