Mind your mouth McConnell

I s
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

I seem to recall Obama blaming all of his own failures on Bush throughout both terms but constantly during his first. At least once a day for four whole years.
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

AND Obama never criticized Bush But this FN POS in our WH Blames Obama all the time Wish he'd shut that loud stupid mouth

BK good seeing you and will on the same wavelength Get weather and eagle too make it like the good ol days when all you guys were always wrong

When were we wrong? Please specify.
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

AND Obama never criticized Bush But this FN POS in our WH Blames Obama all the time Wish he'd shut that loud stupid mouth


Anything and everything that ever went wrong was answered with:


link an example or 2 Your man dump is the nastiest most unqualified POS ever to enter our wh and in sports talk he couldn't carry Obama's jock strap
I s
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

I seem to recall Obama blaming all of his own failures on Bush throughout both terms but constantly during his first. At least once a day for four whole years.

MORON You think GWB left Obama a bed of roses ?? You and your republicans suck and trump is the worst of you all a sick perverted pos
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

AND Obama never criticized Bush But this FN POS in our WH Blames Obama all the time Wish he'd shut that loud stupid mouth

BK good seeing you and will on the same wavelength Get weather and eagle too make it like the good ol days when all you guys were always wrong

When were we wrong? Please specify.

Tough one bk You all spoke up for and supported the moron who got 1000;s of Americans to lose their lives over a bs war
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

Barry has no class.
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

Tramp has been bad mouthing Obama ever since he (Obama) won the Potus.

And Barry spent 8 years blaming Bush for his feckless regime.

Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

AND Obama never criticized Bush But this FN POS in our WH Blames Obama all the time Wish he'd shut that loud stupid mouth

AND Obama never criticized Bush

:iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

AND Obama never criticized Bush But this FN POS in our WH Blames Obama all the time Wish he'd shut that loud stupid mouth

BK good seeing you and will on the same wavelength Get weather and eagle too make it like the good ol days when all you guys were always wrong

When were we wrong? Please specify.

Tough one bk You all spoke up for and supported the moron who got 1000;s of Americans to lose their lives over a bs war

Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

lol i think the whole questioning where he was born sort of shifted that line

he's gonna campaign with biden in a way I have not seen in my lifetime....Maybe anyone's lifetime from a former president
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

Tramp has been bad mouthing Obama ever since he (Obama) won the Potus.

And Barry spent 8 years blaming Bush for his feckless regime.


Hmm...well, let's see, Bush Jr left Obama with an economic disaster the likes of which the country hadn't seen since the Great Depression. So I cut him some slack (even though he referred to Jrs admin a bit too often for my liking). And as I remember, it didn't last much past two years...about the length of time it took the economy to come back. Unlike Trump who still refers to Obama after 3+ years. And even had the gall to accuse him of a crime...all without actually saying what that crime was. Trump just confirmed he is an absolutely cowardly POS.
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

AND Obama never criticized Bush But this FN POS in our WH Blames Obama all the time Wish he'd shut that loud stupid mouth


Anything and everything that ever went wrong was answered with:


link an example or 2 Your man dump is the nastiest most unqualified POS ever to enter our wh and in sports talk he couldn't carry Obama's jock strap

Uh...go read post #31
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

AND Obama never criticized Bush But this FN POS in our WH Blames Obama all the time Wish he'd shut that loud stupid mouth


Anything and everything that ever went wrong was answered with:


link an example or 2 Your man dump is the nastiest most unqualified POS ever to enter our wh and in sports talk he couldn't carry Obama's jock strap

In sports talk, Obama doesn't wear a jock strap because he has no balls.

So why don't you fuck off.
I s
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

I seem to recall Obama blaming all of his own failures on Bush throughout both terms but constantly during his first. At least once a day for four whole years.

MORON You think GWB left Obama a bed of roses ?? You and your republicans suck and trump is the worst of you all a sick perverted pos

Need a tissue Eddie.

You seem disturbed. Might want to back off the grass......
Our whiny bitch for a bigoted president sulks and walks out of a press briefing

Can't handle it when reporters don't suck up to him. He's such a sniveling rat:

| More

To the contrary, he has no time for nonsense masquerading as journalism.
Glorified bloggers that only have a job because they have a large fake twitter troll fan base. That’s what our “media” has been reduced to.
Obama deserves to be in prison we all know it.....that Kenyan shit all over our founding documents his entire 8 worthless years.....
Mitch only interest is power & money for him self, could care's less about any of us, he could have helped Trump be a better president, instead his focus is on what's best for Mitch. So hooked into China maybe you should ask him about what's going on there.
Obama was initially largely silent on Trump.

However, in recent weeks they’ve each taken a few public swipes at the other.

Without mentioning Trump, Obama last month called out the lack of “a coherent national plan to navigate this pandemic.” And in March ― again without mentioning Trump ― Obama warned of “the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic.”

Trump has been more direct, accusing Obama of the “biggest political crime in American history.”

However, he could not provide any details of the alleged crime, saying only that it’s “very obvious to everybody.”

Trump has also repeatedly blamed his administration’s failure to respond quickly to the crisis on Obama, claiming his predecessor left behind “bad, broken tests.”

COVID-19 didn’t exist until nearly three years after Obama left office.

McConnell has his own history with Obama. In 2010, he declared the “single most important thing” for Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president. And last year, he bragged about blocking Obama’s judicial nominees, then laughed about it.

Users on Twitter called McConnell out for telling a former president of the United States ― and the nation’s first Black president ― to keep his mouth shut:


You know what’s “classless”?Saying the former President of the United States — a grown, free, American man with every right do as he pleases and say what he wants, should “keep his mouth shut.” ⁦@senatemajldr⁩ McConnell should remember his manners. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/497239-mcconnell-obama-should-have-kept-his-mouth-shut-on-trumps-coronavirus …

Bush never criticized obama

obama should follow that example

lol i think the whole questioning where he was born sort of shifted that line

he's gonna campaign with biden in a way I have not seen in my lifetime....Maybe anyone's lifetime from a former president

How did that work out for Hitlery?
Democrats seem to have nominated a serial sexual abuser who can't put a sentence together but they are concerned about the republican senate majority leader laughing about the former president's judicial nominees? Y'all lefties really need to get your priorities straight.

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