Mindhunter (Netflix series by David Fincher)


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie

I'm not the biggest fan of David Fincher, but he has definitely made some movies that I enjoyed. I thought Fight Club was overrated. Se7en was good, but it was very stylized. The Social Network is probably the first movie by Fincher that really impressed me (thanks, in part, to Aaron Sorkin's writing, of course).

I just watched the first episode of Mindhunter, and I loved it. It felt much more restrained and realistic. I'm a bit of a true crime junkie, but I really only like the really good stuff like True Detective season 1, The Wire, Boardwalk Empire, etc. Based on the first episode alone, Mindhunter is in that category of shows.

The cinematography is awesome, but it's not hyper-stylized the way Se7en or Fight Club are. It's very clean and restrained, which I prefer.

What surprised me the most about the above trailer when I first saw it was the serial killer who speaks the opening lines. That is Ed Kemper, and I immediately recognized him since I had watched a documentary about him and footage of one of his interviews a few months before I saw this trailer.

Obviously, the person in the trailer is an actor, but his appearance and voice are eerily similar to the real Ed Kemper. If you don't know who Ed Kemper is, don't read up on him before watching the show since you'll probably come across some spoilers for the show.

The writing, acting, and directing are all top notch so far in Mindhunter.

9/10 for the first episode.
I just finished episode 2. Although I've only seen 2 episodes so far, this one is definitely my favorite. This episode is pretty much nothing but people talking, but it's extremely interesting, IMO.

Also, what's surprising about this show that the trailer doesn't reveal is that the show is actually quite funny at times. It's not a comedy, but there are a lot of funny moments.

I'd rate this episode 9.6/10.
I just finished the season. What an awesome yet very strange and unique show. There is little to no action in this show, yet it kept me hooked enough to binge watch it in a day.

This show reminds me of The Wire except it focuses way more on the feds than the local police. It's also got a bit of Silence of the Lambs and True Detective in it. It is not grotesque for the sake of shock-value type of show, but there are some disturbing crime scene photos shown in the show from time to time.

The entire cast was great, but I have to say my favorite actor was the guy playing Ed Kemper. He did an amazing job.

The show did start to dip a bit in the second half of the season, but it picks up again. I thought the ending was pretty good, and I definitely look forward to a second season.

Overall, I'd give this season a 9.2/10.

It didn't quite reach the heights of a show like The Wire, but it definitely laid the groundwork for some potentially awesome seasons later on.

I don't think this show is for everyone. If the idea of a law enforcement show where hardly anyone fires a gun sounds boring, this isn't the show for you. This show is less action and more Sherlock Holmes/Batman trying to figure out the real-life equivalents of the likes of the Joker and other villains from Arkham Asylum.
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I just binged watched four episodes

The acting is very good and the subject matter can get disturbing. Overall a very good watch that I will finish off in the next few days
Just watched the first three episodes, and am wondering how I missed this when it first came out.

What a fantastic show! Maybe the best one from Netflix so far.

This show is based on a non-fiction book about the formation of the FBI's Behavioral Sciences Unit. Think Silence of the Lambs, except a true story.

This show is not for the faint of heart. They go into quite a lot of gruesome dialog about the specific details of serial murders in a deadpan style that still makes one cringe.

I've never had a solidly favorable opinion of criminal profiling. To me, it is one step up from psychics solving cases. "The dead guy will be found near a body of water."

However, it is still a fascinating show, with the interviews of serial killers providing just the right amount of spice.

I could do without the relationship scenes between Holden Ford and his girlfriend. I think the only purpose of those scenes is to rack up some nudity. It's really stupid.
We both liked it a lot.
Very interesting story line showing how the FBI began criminal/psychological profiling.
Only thing I could do without is the rather boring "love interest" with the main character and his girlfriend. Distracting from the show, and the girl's character is annoying played by an actress that is not that good. Unlike all of the other characters which are interesting and played well.
Looking forward to the next season.
We both liked it a lot.
Very interesting story line showing how the FBI began criminal/psychological profiling.
Only thing I could do without is the rather boring "love interest" with the main character and his girlfriend. Distracting from the show, and the girl's character is annoying played by an actress that is not that good. Unlike all of the other characters which are interesting and played well.
Looking forward to the next season.

Girlfriend was sexy....but annoying
I guess they needed a little T&A to get viewer interest

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