Minimum IQ to vote....even higher IQ to run for office


May 14, 2011
This idiot that keeps being sent by his scumbag followers in Georgia is proof we need to block people with low IQs from voting and even being able to work in Congress like this idiot.

FYI....he is the one that asked the military if Guam was going to "tip over" with too many people living on it. Now...he is talking about midgets....

Hank Johnson apologizes for 'midget' analogy -
Funny, I thought to run for office your IQ had to be lower than the average American.
Or am I the only one who things the government is run entirely by idiots, left and right?
Then there's that other Democrap from Texas that thought US astronauts put the US flag on Mars......I see a pattern here.
Hell yeah, some elected officials believe the earth is, get this, 6000 years old! What retards.
This idiot that keeps being sent by his scumbag followers in Georgia is proof we need to block people with low IQs from voting and even being able to work in Congress like this idiot.

FYI....he is the one that asked the military if Guam was going to "tip over" with too many people living on it. Now...he is talking about midgets....

Hank Johnson apologizes for 'midget' analogy -

The problem with requiring a minimum IQ to run for office is that anyone that is smart enough to actually do the job would be too smart to want it.
This idiot that keeps being sent by his scumbag followers in Georgia is proof we need to block people with low IQs from voting and even being able to work in Congress like this idiot.

FYI....he is the one that asked the military if Guam was going to "tip over" with too many people living on it. Now...he is talking about midgets....

Hank Johnson apologizes for 'midget' analogy -

You didn't take my Debt Ceiling I.Q. test.

So who the fuck are you to be talking about how smart people are?
Your test??? I didn't see your stupid fucking test and could care less....asswipe.

You are not worthy of being in my space....I'd make you choke yourself being around me.

Oh, I think the model Congressman that supports Obamination is proof Democraps are fucking idiots....."Guam tipping over" should give you a clue.

This idiot that keeps being sent by his scumbag followers in Georgia is proof we need to block people with low IQs from voting and even being able to work in Congress like this idiot.

FYI....he is the one that asked the military if Guam was going to "tip over" with too many people living on it. Now...he is talking about midgets....

Hank Johnson apologizes for 'midget' analogy -

You didn't take my Debt Ceiling I.Q. test.

So who the fuck are you to be talking about how smart people are?
The problem with requiring a minimum IQ to run for office is that anyone that is smart enough to actually do the job would be too smart to want it.

On my arrival in the United States I was surprised to find so much distinguished talent among the citizens and so little among the heads of the government. It is a constant fact that at the present day the ablest men in the United States are rarely placed at the head of affairs; and it must be acknowledged that such has been the result in proportion as democracy has exceeded all its former limits. The race of American statesmen has evidently dwindled most remarkably in the course of the last fifty years.

The greater or lesser ease with which people can live without working is a sure index of intellectual progress. This boundary is more remote in some countries and more restricted in others, but it must exist somewhere as long as the people are forced to work in order to procure the means of subsistence; that is to say, as long as they continue to be the people. It is therefore quite as difficult to imagine a state in which all the citizens are very well informed as a state in which they are all wealthy; these two difficulties are correlative. I readily admit that the mass of the citizens sincerely wish to promote the welfare of the country; nay, more, I even grant that the lower classes mix fewer considerations of personal interest with their patriotism than the higher orders; but it is always more or less difficult for them to discern the best means of attaining the end which they sincerely desire. Long and patient observation and much acquired knowledge are requisite to form a just estimate of the character of a single individual. Men of the greatest genius often fail to do it, and can it be supposed that the common people will always succeed? The people have neither the time nor the means for an investigation of this kind. Their conclusions are hastily formed from a superficial inspection of the more prominent features of a question. Hence it often happens that mountebanks of all sorts are able to please the people, while their truest friends frequently fail to gain their confidence.

While the natural instincts of democracy induce the people to reject distinguished citizens as their rulers, an instinct not less strong induces able men to retire from the political arena, in which it is so difficult to retain their independence, or to advance without becoming servile.

Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 13


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