Minimum Wage Hikes Hurt Teenagers in Long Run


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Working in ones teens gives one vital experience for later stages of life.

However, when looking at the longer-term effects of minimum wages, immigration, and returns to schooling on human capital and earnings, the authors found:

no evidence that higher minimum wages … led to greater human capital investment. If anything, the evidence is in the other direction. Thus, it is more likely that the principal effect of higher minimum wages in the 2000s, in terms of human capital, was to reduce employment opportunities that could enhance labor market experience.

So, while some workers benefited from higher minimum wages in the short term, the authors found that higher minimum wages had either no impact or a negative impact on the long-run earnings of workers exposed to higher minimum wages as teenagers.

Something the Leftists and media aren't going to tell you. The full article @ Study: Raising the Minimum Wage Reduces Long-Term Earnings

I never liked the part of any government telling employers what they are supposed to pay their workers. If the salaries aren't worthwhile, they won't get workers and can't make a profit.
Yeah, because private corporations should pay us all 1 dollar an hour with no benefits while we work 24/7, so corrupt executives can make millions and millions of dollars while jacking up the price of everything and loading up their companies with debt, and then blame those lazy blacks and mexicans for everything wrong with America.

Nobody buys your bullshit anymore. You are welcome to go to China and work as a factory slave the rest of your life.

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