Minneapolis mayoral candidate Raymond Dehn proposes disarming police of guns

He can't say the truth. Somali police can't be trusted with guns. Therefore no one should have guns.
About time alternative policies were considered.

I'm fine where I'm at, so I say go for it. Disarm them.

Things must be different in the big city. Out here in a town of 5,000 people and mostly rural countryside, we know all of our officers by their first names. Sure there are inter-departmental politics going on, but they don't interfere with the fine job they're doing of reducing the heroin, cocaine, and meth problem we have been having.

When I first moved here, one of my liberal neighbors called the sheriff's department because my wife and I were shooting a pistol on out 60-acre property. A deputy came out and we had a good talk about politics and guns. I pointed to his Glock pistol and remarked how my wife wanted one of those.

He proceeded to unholster his duty weapon, pull the magazine, eject the round in the chamber, and handed it to me to admire. That was almost 10 years ago. I see the same officer occasionally in town, and we talk politics.

You see, what I'm trying to say here, is that law-enforcement officers are people just like you and I. They have wishes, dreams, families, and homes, just like anyone else.

Sometimes from the stress of dealing with shitheads every day, they can develop an "us verses them" attitude, feeling as if we civilians don't appreciate the job they're doing. That's why there are such a high incidence of divorce, suicides, drug use, or alcoholism among officers. They are constantly having to deal with the lowest common denominator of this country: being spit on, cursed at, shot at, bled on, and having their lives and the lives of their families threatened. Not only that, there's always the opportunity to screw up: They are constantly tempted by offers of drugs, money, or sex.

I surely wouldn't want to have to do their job.
Of course you won't believe this but it will guarantee NOT take care of the issues. Incase you forgot which most of you have when they begin to do this, they end up hiring Feds. FEDERALIZED police who can then shoot the fk out of you and have a totally different set of laws over STATE. how fkn stupid are you.

Why do you think you heard AL SHARPTON say we need to Federalize the police ..................... Connect the dots.
Oh, please let this guy win. The calamity that would result from this is too good to pass up.


MINNEAPOLIS (KMSP) - State Representative and Minneapolis mayoral candidate Raymond Dehn is calling for major policing changes, proposing to take away guns from the majority of officers.

Dehn is one of several candidates running to beat current Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges in the fall.

He recently won the support of voters at the Democratic Farmer Labor convention and now his call to disarm police of their side guns is garnering major attention.

Minneapolis mayoral candidate Raymond Dehn proposes disarming police of guns

If he does win it will be one of those moments when you have to ask how retarded the voter must be to vote for someone that will get officers killed!?!
The US, where police are defended for shooting unarmed civilians.
The US, where police are defended for shooting unarmed civilians.

Wasn't the officer a Somalian, who was hired on the basis of "affirmative action"?

His training must have really sucked.
The US, where police are defended for shooting unarmed civilians.

Wasn't the officer a Somalian, who was hired on the basis of "affirmative action"?

His training must have really sucked.
No training required, if you're a black who comes from a violent neighborhood. Everybody knows you can always assume those guys are ethical and by the book! No testing required. It has something to do with their skin color and their muslim faith...it makes them innately superior.
I'm amazed every two bit town has its own law enforcement.
I'm amazed every two bit town has its own law enforcement.


Should they depend on the 'big city cops' to handle day to day things?

alarm goes off at a store, want to wait while a cop drives 15-20 miles to respond?

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