Minnesota leads the Nation in number of refugee ‘secondary migrants’ Posted by Ann Corcoran on Sept


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Minnesota leads the Nation in number of refugee ‘secondary migrants’
Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 4, 2014
Minnesota leads the Nation in number of refugee 8216 secondary migrants 8217 Refugee Resettlement Watch
Secondary migrants are the refugees who were resettled in one state and decided within a few months that they want to move on to another more attractive state—the attraction is usually that they want to live with their kind of people (and have heard that jobs and welfare are good). That is something ethnic minorities can do and no one says boo—they can live with their people! But just imagine some white ethnic European saying ‘I want to live with my kind of people’ and all hell will break loose!

Anyway, as part of that Key Indicators for refugee placement that the ORR is now spearheading (we mentioned the latest report here), they have a section on ‘secondary migrants’ and by a wide margin Minnesota leads the nation in attracting refugees who didn’t want to be where they were initially placed by the US State Department and its contractors.

These numbers are somewhat useful, but I doubt the feds can track the movements of the over 100,000 refugees/asylees etc. arriving in America each year.

They don’t give nationalities, but I will bet a buck that most of those heading to Minnesota are Somalis. (page 9)

Minnesota: 2,496

Ohio: 881

Florida: 603

Iowa: 381

Oklahoma: 235

So what states are refugees leaving? Arizona, Texas, New York, California and Georgia top the list. (page 9)

Minnesota topped the list last year as well, here.

Could Minnesota one day be the first Muslim-majority state in America?

New Somalis on the way from Africa: In ten months of fiscal year 2014 we have resettled another 7,326 Somalis to your towns and cities.

This is just stupid! A people that can't even keep a fucking government and are mostly extremist muslims being let in.
What a dumb OP.

I really love the part that says they don't know but they have decided the nationalities. Sheesh. Isn't that just typical of RWs.

Well, maybe some of you knee jerkers will finally get the fact that most illegals do not come from Mexico, Central and South America.

Naw - when RWs want to believe their own lies, all the facts in the world won't budge them.
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The jerk will love this...Bad for America.

Almost 1,000 additional Somalis admitted to US in last month
Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 7, 2014
Almost 1 000 additional Somalis admitted to US in last month Refugee Resettlement Watch

Just this morning I was working on all those darn numbers and now a few hours later I see that the August 31 data is available at the Refugee Processing Center.

From July 31 to August 31 we admitted 952 Somalis to your towns and cities for a total of 8,278 this year. That moves Somalis up from the 4th highest group of refugees to the third. Ahead of Somalia are Iraq (17,771) and Burma (13,166).

Check out all nationalities for the last 11 months (Fiscal year 2014) by clicking here.

While you are visiting the Refugee Processing Center, be sure to see how many refugees your state received so far this year.
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How to find those darn numbers! Found it! 7,600 Somalis to America in 2013
Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 7, 2014
Update: Almost 1,000 additional Somalis admitted to the US in the past month, here. The number for FY2014 is now 8,278.

Almost every day someone asks us—where do I find numbers for this group of refugees admitted to the US, or that group. Let me tell you it isn’t easy!

This morning I was on the hunt for how many Somalis we admitted to the US in fiscal year 2013.


Eskinder Negash (right) Director of ORR and Larry Bartlett (left) Director of Refugee Admissions of the US State Department addressing an audience in “welcoming” Portland, Maine. Maine is a Somali resettlement site. Growth of Portland s refugee community attributed to welcoming city - The Portland Press Herald Maine Sunday Telegram

We know that for fiscal year 2014, through July 31st (in ten months), we have admitted 7,326. You can always check this site at WRAPSnet.org for the on-going resettlement in a given year.

Update: Here in Statistical Abstracts you can learn about how many refugees/asylees etc. came to your state in FY2013.

The handiest place for all numbers is the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s Annual Reports to Congress, here. However, since they are always behind in producing those, the most recent numbers are not available to us or to Congress. The numbers are in tables at the end of each report.

Another good source is the Annual Flow Reports from the Department of Homeland Security. Here is one for 2012.

You can find some information at the Migration Policy Institute (a pro-immigration ‘think tank’), here.

Then there is the massive data base at Homeland Security’s Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, here.

Where did I finally find the number I was looking for?
I found it in the text of a year-end wrap-up which we previously posted by the Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, Eskinder Negash, who said this on December 20, 2013 (posted here for the benefit of our new readers). Emphasis is mine:

Two thousand thirteen was another busy year for the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Despite an extended moratorium on overseas refugee arrivals in October, Fiscal Year 2013 brought fairly steady arrivals each month, across all categories.

The largest group was refugees, with the United States welcoming refugees from 65 countries across the globe this past year. The highest number of overseas arrivals represented a slight switch from those of the past few years, with nearly 19,500 Iraqi refugee admissions and 16,300 Burmese refugees accounting for more than half of all refugee arrivals. They were followed by Bhutanese (9,100), Somali (7,600) and Cuban refugees (4,200), with Iran, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Eritrea and Ethiopia rounding out rest of the top ten admissions groups in FY2013.

The overall population served by ORR and its partners, however, grew to a projected 143,000 new arrivals in Fiscal Year 2013, including almost 72,000 refugees and Special Immigrant Visa holders, an estimated 46,000 asylees and Cuban/Haitian Entrants and Parolees; more than 500 Victims of Trafficking, and nearly 25,000 Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC).

Negash: The best news! They are voting!

The numbers only tell part of the story: most of the 143,000 people ORR served last year are on a path to U.S. citizenship that began the day they arrived. Former refugees, asylees, and UAC are making positive changes in communities across the country—and will continue to do so throughout their lives—opening businesses, buying homes and raising families, and voting (and running!) in local elections. Three former refugees ran for public office in multi-cultural Clarkston, Georgia this past November—and for the first time in the city’s history, voters elected a refugee to a seat on the City Council.

Read it all.

We have two categories, now very full, to help you find reports, documents, statistics etc. One is ‘Where to find information’ and the other isRefugee statistics.’

See also one of our most read posts from the last seven years, ‘How did we get so many Somali refugees…’ I put those numbers together by poring over each annual report that had become available. By the way, keep in mind that most Somalis in the US today came as refugees or are the children of refugees.
I don't care who they are or where they came from. Just doesn't matter. We had enough ppl here 50 years ago.
I heard a guy , recognizable to me , can't remember his name he is aout 60 , bald with glasses and was / is a bigwig in USA government . He said that the goal of USA government was to make the USA population as diverse as the rest of the world . A mini world in the borders of the USA .
I heard a guy , recognizable to me , can't remember his name he is aout 60 , bald with glasses and was / is a bigwig in USA government . He said that the goal of USA government was to make the USA population as diverse as the rest of the world . A mini world in the borders of the USA .

We were too successful so our fucking government(liberals) needed to screw us over.
I heard a guy , recognizable to me , can't remember his name he is aout 60 , bald with glasses and was / is a bigwig in USA government . He said that the goal of USA government was to make the USA population as diverse as the rest of the world . A mini world in the borders of the USA .

We are already more diverse than most of the world, so that sounds like bullshit.
I heard a guy , recognizable to me , can't remember his name he is aout 60 , bald with glasses and was / is a bigwig in USA government . He said that the goal of USA government was to make the USA population as diverse as the rest of the world . A mini world in the borders of the USA .

We are already more diverse than most of the world, so that sounds like bullshit.
We should feed all our hungry people at home, and get everyone jobs before letting more people in.
What a dumb OP.

I really love the part that says they don't know but they have decided the nationalities. Sheesh. Isn't that just typical of RWs.

Well, maybe some of you knee jerkers will finally get the fact that most illegals do not come from Mexico, Central and South America.

Naw - when RWs want to believe their own lies, all the facts in the world won't budge them.
oh really?.....maybe where you are at....50-60% of the illegal Immigrants in this Country are from Mexico....

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