Misery index then and now!

So you don't blame Reagan because he was new in office and you blame Carter who was president the previous four years before Reagan, yet, you now blame Biden who is new in office but not Trump who was president the last four years...You are very inconsistent, biased and not a guy you can trust...
It took six year during Reagan to bring it down but you want Biden to perform miracles with the economic mess Trump left....
Of course I blame Biden!
A) Biden caused gas prices to inflate by this action!
Which President saw the USA energy independent since 1957? Hmmm..
Which President has cancelled exploration on land that produces 25% of the USA oil production? Hmmm...
Which President was building walls around the country to what discourage law breaking?
Which President is spending $455,000 ‘Security Fencing’ Around His Luxury Beach Home After Halting Border Wall Funds Biden builds taxpayer-funded fence around Delaware beach house, kills border project: Hannity
Which President said: "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border"? Hmmm?
Which President did in 9 months what would have taken 10 years? Hmmm...
Just one indicator should prove to you but of course you will NEVER admit to these FACTS!
Gas today $3.377 vs 1 year ago $2.115 under Trump... increase $1.262 or 60% MORE than under Trump!
You don't think that has an affect on INFLATION???
When Biden signed moratorium on federal land lease exploration, land that produces 25% of oil and gas used by the USA,
that says to oil companies...hmm guess we're in for more expensive exploration costs! But see Biden didn't understand that!
Also to Trump did something that has NOT happened in 62 years! Energy independence. But of course really uninformed people
don't comprehend what that means to our country's security. Hint... LOOK at

Europe increasingly dependent on oil imports, above all from Russia​

European dependence on oil imports has grown from 76% in 2000 to over 88% in 2014. The EU spends some €215 bn on oil imports, over 5 times as much as gas imports (€40 bn). Russia is the biggest supplier: dependence on Russia has grown from 22% in 2001 to 30% in 2015.
Do you understand what that means in control of life style?

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Of course I blame Biden!
A) Biden caused gas prices to inflate by this action!
Which President saw the USA energy independent since 1957? Hmmm..
Which President has cancelled exploration on land that produces 25% of the USA oil production? Hmmm...
Which President was building walls around the country to what discourage law breaking?
Which President is spending $455,000 ‘Security Fencing’ Around His Luxury Beach Home After Halting Border Wall Funds Biden builds taxpayer-funded fence around Delaware beach house, kills border project: Hannity
Which President said: "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border"? Hmmm?
Which President did in 9 months what would have taken 10 years? Hmmm...
Just one indicator should prove to you but of course you will NEVER admit to these FACTS!
Gas today $3.377 vs 1 year ago $2.115 under Trump... increase $1.262 or 60% MORE than under Trump!
You don't think that has an affect on INFLATION???
When Biden signed moratorium on federal land lease exploration, land that produces 25% of oil and gas used by the USA,
that says to oil companies...hmm guess we're in for more expensive exploration costs! But see Biden didn't understand that!
Also to Trump did something that has NOT happened in 62 years! Energy independence. But of course really uninformed people
don't comprehend what that means to our country's security. Hint... LOOK at

Europe increasingly dependent on oil imports, above all from Russia​

European dependence on oil imports has grown from 76% in 2000 to over 88% in 2014. The EU spends some €215 bn on oil imports, over 5 times as much as gas imports (€40 bn). Russia is the biggest supplier: dependence on Russia has grown from 22% in 2001 to 30% in 2015.
Do you understand what that means in control of life style?

View attachment 558713
There was hardly any activity in 2020 for gas to be high, unlike now where demand is high and so is the price.
He managed to screw up the economy in 2020 to where it was in the negative GDP range. Gasoline inflated from .97 cents to $1.79, he paid people to sit at home and declared a national health emergency which cause society to shut down..

What the fuck are you talking about? Gasoline hasn't been .97 cents per gallon since the 1980's. It went to $4 per gallon under Obama, and was about $2.40 when Trump left office.

U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon)

Of course he declared a national emergency. Would you have rather that he hadn't done that? Do you think Trump was responsible for the Chinese virus? Would you rather that he and Congress hadn't issued emergency stimulus checks to millions of Americans? Would you rather that he hadn't tried to close our borders to foreign travelers, at the risk of being called "xenophobic"?

Are you so fucking stupid that you actually think Trump "shut down" the economy? Let me give you a civics lesson here:

"Under the enumerated powers of the U.S. Constitution and the Article II powers of the Presidency, the President does not have the power, legal authority, or police powers to command any state to take action with respect to public health, including quarantines, travel restrictions within the state, and business closures.

These powers belong to the states and administered by its governor and legislature, depending on the state's constitution.

Specifically, the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution governs states' rights, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

It was the states themselves that determined when to enact or lift quarantines, travel restrictions, and reopen businesses. President Trump had absolutely nothing to do with that. It was state Governors, city Mayors and councils which enacted shutdown orders, not Trump.

Christ man. You can't possibly be that stupid.
That is what the chart says. He was elected in 1980 and it took until 1986 to get better. Meanwhile Trump got a good economy and ruined it in four years.
haha that is not what the chart says

trump was handled a gop congress which was an advantage, but stagnation….he got it booming again…it literally took a global pandemic for trumps record breaking economy to go back to the obama/xiden dem congress economy
What the fuck are you talking about? Gasoline hasn't been .97 cents per gallon since the 1980's. It went to $4 per gallon under Obama, and was about $2.40 when Trump left office.

U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon)

Of course he declared a national emergency. Would you have rather that he hadn't done that? Do you think Trump was responsible for the Chinese virus? Would you rather that he and Congress hadn't issued emergency stimulus checks to millions of Americans? Would you rather that he hadn't tried to close our borders to foreign travelers, at the risk of being called "xenophobic"?

Are you so fucking stupid that you actually think Trump "shut down" the economy? Let me give you a civics lesson here:

"Under the enumerated powers of the U.S. Constitution and the Article II powers of the Presidency, the President does not have the power, legal authority, or police powers to command any state to take action with respect to public health, including quarantines, travel restrictions within the state, and business closures.

These powers belong to the states and administered by its governor and legislature, depending on the state's constitution.

Specifically, the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution governs states' rights, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

It was the states themselves that determined when to enact or lift quarantines, travel restrictions, and reopen businesses. President Trump had absolutely nothing to do with that. It was state Governors, city Mayors and councils which enacted shutdown orders, not Trump.

Christ man. You can't possibly be that stupid.

Reports: Gas under $1 per gallon at some SW Mo. gas stations, averaging $1.35 in Springfield​

haha that is not what the chart says

trump was handled a gop congress which was an advantage, but stagnation….he got it booming again…it literally took a global pandemic for trumps record breaking economy to go back to the obama/xiden dem congress economy
Trump never broke any records except in the area of negative GDP, Trump's presidency was never better than Oblama's in terms of GDP.
Revenues from energy development on federal land and in offshore waters are a major source of federal income, second only to tax revenue. Each year, the money is distributed to states, Native American tribes, and the U.S. Treasury and is the primary funding source for popular federal and state programs devoted to everything from education and conservation to health care and public safety. More than $8 billion of energy revenues were disbursed last year for these purposes, primarily from royalty payments and lease sales associated with fossil-fuel development. Prior to the pandemic, disbursements were nearly $12 billion.
A ban on new leases will cut directly into these funds and the programs they support. Although the moratorium does not apply to existing leases, which are valid for up to ten years, no new leases would be issued pending completion of “a comprehensive review and reconsideration” of federal permitting and leasing practices. A recent University of Wyoming study estimated that a lease moratorium could cost western states $1.6 billion per year in tax revenue, with New Mexico and Wyoming bearing the brunt of the losses. Gulf Coast states that have offshore-drilling revenue-sharing agreements with the federal government will also be affected. Lease sales planned in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, and the Gulf of Mexico in March have already been shelved.

About 22 percent of U.S. oil production and 12 percent of natural-gas output comes from federal lands and offshore waters. Biden’s ban will cause much of that production to simply move elsewhere.
He can slow-walk drilling permits on existing leases, impose burdensome regulatory requirements on current operations, and even declare new areas of federal land off-limits to development. And Biden can cancel permits for cross-border pipelines with the stroke of a pen, as he did with the Keystone XL project on his first day in office.
For years, politicians have essentially pitched fossil-fuel revenues as free money that doesn’t cost taxpayers anything. Now the fiscal realities are coming back to bite them—and some of the federal programs they profess to support will suffer for it.
Which President has cancelled exploration on land that produces 25% of the USA oil production? Hmmm...

Texas has not stopped oil production nor has any company stopped doing oil exploration, now Green land has stopped all oil and gas exploration.

Texas is by far the largest oil-producing state in the United States. In 2020, Texas produced a total of 1.78 billion barrels.

Big U.S. oil drillers have federal permits to mute effect of any Biden ban​

Revenues from energy development on federal land and in offshore waters are a major source of federal income, second only to tax revenue. Each year, the money is distributed to states, Native American tribes, and the U.S. Treasury and is the primary funding source for popular federal and state programs devoted to everything from education and conservation to health care and public safety. More than $8 billion of energy revenues were disbursed last year for these purposes, primarily from royalty payments and lease sales associated with fossil-fuel development. Prior to the pandemic, disbursements were nearly $12 billion.
A ban on new leases will cut directly into these funds and the programs they support. Although the moratorium does not apply to existing leases, which are valid for up to ten years, no new leases would be issued pending completion of “a comprehensive review and reconsideration” of federal permitting and leasing practices. A recent University of Wyoming study estimated that a lease moratorium could cost western states $1.6 billion per year in tax revenue, with New Mexico and Wyoming bearing the brunt of the losses. Gulf Coast states that have offshore-drilling revenue-sharing agreements with the federal government will also be affected. Lease sales planned in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, and the Gulf of Mexico in March have already been shelved.

About 22 percent of U.S. oil production and 12 percent of natural-gas output comes from federal lands and offshore waters. Biden’s ban will cause much of that production to simply move elsewhere.
He can slow-walk drilling permits on existing leases, impose burdensome regulatory requirements on current operations, and even declare new areas of federal land off-limits to development. And Biden can cancel permits for cross-border pipelines with the stroke of a pen, as he did with the Keystone XL project on his first day in office.
For years, politicians have essentially pitched fossil-fuel revenues as free money that doesn’t cost taxpayers anything. Now the fiscal realities are coming back to bite them—and some of the federal programs they profess to support will suffer for it.

Big U.S. oil drillers have federal permits to mute effect of any Biden ban​


Reports: Gas under $1 per gallon at some SW Mo. gas stations, averaging $1.35 in Springfield​

Published: Apr. 19, 2020 at 12:29 PM CDT

WHO was the President in 2020???? HMMM>>> NOT BIDEN!
‘Why are gas prices so high?’ That’s a web search question leading readers to my pages this morning, along with another asking ‘why are gas prices so high in California?’ That second one is just as important as the first, since California is basically serving as the canary in the coal mine for the rest of the country.

Finally, a third web search question high on the list this week is ‘Is America energy independent?’ The answers to all of these questions are all intertwined with one another. Let’s examine why.

First, why are prices at the pump so high in general? There are several factors at play here that all have had an impact since last November:

  1. The loosening of COVID restrictions globally in recent months has led to a rapid recovery in global demand for crude oil that has exceeded the expectations of all of the “experts” on the subject, leading to a tightening of global crude markets;
  2. Strong discipline among the OPEC+ nations related to their agreement to limit exports has also played a major role in tightening the relationship between global supply and demand;
  3. The U.S. election has also obviously played a big role here. Since last November 3, the average price per gallon of regular gasoline in the U.S. has skyrocketed by 75 cents. The markets clearly see the Biden/Harris administration as one that will work to inhibit U.S. oil production, which will also have the effect of tightening the global market, and traders have responded by driving up the price of crude oil;
  4. Refinery maintenance and the changeover to summer gasoline blends. This is a factor that I tend to write about every year at this time. Gas prices have continued to rise even as crude prices have dropped over the past week mainly due to the fact that March and April are the time of year in which many U.S. refineries are taken offline for annual maintenance and all refiners are switching from manufacturing a handful of winter blends of gasoline to the dozens of summer blends required by the EPA. This changeover invariably raises the costs of both refining and transportation of gasoline, and that is always worked into gas prices during these months.

To sum up: We’ve seen a confluence of factors since November that have driven up the price for crude oil now combined with the higher costs associated with the annual conversion over to summer blends of gasoline. Since gas prices at the pump tend to follow the price of crude on almost a linear basis, none of this is really surprising.

Yeah Your choice of the bullying lying moronic pervert Trump was so much better


I can thoroughly understand how you missed the great economy President Trump oversaw before the Chinese Murder Virus tried to kill your Granny. You were so busy flinging your poop along with the rest of the shit-flinging monkeys, that you were completely unaware of what a great job Trump was doing.
Published: Apr. 19, 2020 at 12:29 PM CDT

WHO was the President in 2020???? HMMM>>> NOT BIDEN!
Yes, why are you confused when I said that gasoline was .97 cents in 2020 and that it went up to $1..79 in December during Trump and thus during Trump prices were inflating under Trump??
Texas has not stopped oil production nor has any company stopped doing oil exploration, now Green land has stopped all oil and gas exploration.

Texas is by far the largest oil-producing state in the United States. In 2020, Texas produced a total of 1.78 billion barrels.

Big U.S. oil drillers have federal permits to mute effect of any Biden ban​

NO SHIT!!!! THESE are leases that were granted years ago!
WE are describing evidently something that YOU have no comprehension...i..e. PLANNING!
The oil companies can't sign leases to EXPLORE... do you understand? NOT produce but to EXPLORE!
All the gas you use was originally "EXPLORED" to find oil fields. Biden has prohibited any exploration on federal lands that produce today federal lands over 25% of all the oil used to be refined into gas that YOU use.
So people unlike you that are "PLANNERS" have to figure all federal lands no longer will be available for "EXPLORATION" and eventual production. BIDEN has seen to it!
DO you finally understand then why gas prices are going up NOW?
Planners are telling financial people... look it's going to cost more to find oil so we need to plan for these higher costs by charging more today! That's the way economics works! I'm 100% you don't comprehend anything I wrote though! Truly a moonBOT!
Prices were inflating before Biden became president..

So has the creepy incontinent bastard done anything to bring the gas prices down? I mean, other than shutting down a pipeline and having his DOE and EPA ramp up restrictions on the oil and gas industry?

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