Misrepresentation or Misunderstanding of Arabic and Islamic Terms !

Wow, there are hundreds of these!!

So a Preacher isn't a Christian?

What about Priests that molest kids; are they not Christians??

Where does the New Testament instruct Priests to molest kids? Since you want to bring up child molestation......Why don't you show us that one of your muslim cleric kissing that little boy forcefully. Yeah, show us that one. Your religion is the sickest thing on this planet. Looks like that old sick criminal has a good grasp on the poor child. You sick fuck.

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCrWJHLlrCc]Pastor Murders Man Then Delivers His Eulogy! Wife Set It Up! - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l04mUjBa2_g]BEATEN,STARVED,CHAINED CHILDREN RESCUED FROM ISLAMIC SCHOOL IN PAKISTAN - YouTube[/ame]

Only a sick mind and a black heart would not be able to see the child and parent are endorsing the kiss. The IMAM is forcing himself on that boy. You know that, but you're a liar so it really doesn't matter to you. You'll say and do anything to promote your hateful Islam.
Christian parents pimping their children; how sick is that!!! :eek:

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Only a sick mind and a black heart would not be able to see the child and parent are endorsing the kiss. The IMAM is forcing himself on that boy. You know that, but you're a liar so it really doesn't matter to you. You'll say and do anything to promote your hateful Islam.

Are you kidding?:eek:

Talk about seeing what you want to see.


The child and the child's parent are inviting this. Look at the one of the Imam and the little boy and then try to convince yourself it's the same thing. The boy is being forced.
The child and the child's parent are inviting this. Look at the one of the Imam and the little boy and then try to convince yourself it's the same thing. The boy is being forced.


Not seeing it.

That is what you are seeing because your hate has blinded you to any other possibility.
This article discuss islamophobes trial to spread islamophobic lies around certain arabic terms.

Misrepresentation or Misunderstanding of Arabic and Islamic Terms
Sheila Musaji

The American Muslim (TAM)


The term: Allah

How it’s used: As a negatively charged byword for a special Islamic deity

Example: “The animals of Allah for whom any day is a great day for a massacre are drooling over the positive response that they are getting from New York City officials over a proposal to build a 13 story monument to the 9/11 Muslims who hijacked those 4 airliners.” –Tea Party activist Mark Williams

What it actually means: Arabic for “God” (the term is used by Muslims and Arab Christians for God but is also used in Arabic-influenced languages and thus by Turkish and Malaysian Christians and others). Muslims believe Allah is the same deity worshiped by Jews and Christians. The first verses of the Quran present the basic Muslim view of God: “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the Merciful, the Compassionate, the Sovereign of the Day of Judgment. Truly, it is You we worship and You whose aid we seek.” He is creator, sustainer, judge and ruler of the universe; all-powerful and all-merciful. Allah is described as the Merciful and Compassionate; every verse of the Quran begins with “In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate.” Believed to have revealed himself to a long line of prophets (including the biblical prophets), to Moses, Jews (Torah) and Jesus (Gospels). As in Judaism and Ch

Personally, I have no Problem with the Term "Allah" being used to depict God. Your Premise might be off a bit, concerning most of the Christian World, anyway. The words WE use when We Pray, for Each of Us, being a matter of Conscience, is our Own business. It is Personal, it is between Each of us and God. The way we treat others, both Consciously, and Unconsciously, is reflective of our relationship with Him. There is no false argument, regarding any of us, that justifies mistreatment and Injustice. Both Impartiality, and a balanced scale, transcend Dogma.
In the Christian churches of the middle east the Bible's are printed in the arabic language.

In the verses referring to God; the arabic word "Allah" is used.

Christian missionaries have tried to get the Arab christians to quit using the word Allah to describe God.

But the arab christians have refused.

Because they know that the God of the Bible and Allah of the Quran are identical. :cool:

In the Middle East and some parts of Africa, Christian churches are burnt down because they are unislamic, despite having an identical god.

through the ages Christians have killed Christian and burned down their churches and drove them underground.
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The child and the child's parent are inviting this. Look at the one of the Imam and the little boy and then try to convince yourself it's the same thing. The boy is being forced.


Not seeing it.

That is what you are seeing because your hate has blinded you to any other possibility.

LOL. The only hate around here is from those like you who support a religion of hate. Hate is as hate does. Christians aren't strapping on bombs or showing their children cartoons of hate and murder. Moron.
In the Christian churches of the middle east the Bible's are printed in the arabic language.

In the verses referring to God; the arabic word "Allah" is used.

Christian missionaries have tried to get the Arab christians to quit using the word Allah to describe God.

But the arab christians have refused.

Because they know that the God of the Bible and Allah of the Quran are identical. :cool:

In the Middle East and some parts of Africa, Christian churches are burnt down because they are unislamic, despite having an identical god.

through the ages Christians have killed christian and burned down their churches and drove them underground.
I think that throughout History, Human's get destructive, the cause, usually insignificant, the intensity, more so. The frenzy, more about the dark side of our nature, than the excuses we profess. Once the Frenzy gets out of control, bad things happen.
The child and the child's parent are inviting this. Look at the one of the Imam and the little boy and then try to convince yourself it's the same thing. The boy is being forced.


Not seeing it.

That is what you are seeing because your hate has blinded you to any other possibility.

LOL. The only hate around here is from those like you who support a religion of hate. Hate is as hate does. Christians aren't strapping on bombs or showing their children cartoons of hate and murder. Moron.

No they are using drones and missiles to kill people.

Moron? Really? Is that the best you've got Bubba?
Where are Christians using drones and missiles to kill people?

Well they were using missiles in Iraq. They are using drones currently in Pakistahn and Afghanistan.

Do you not read the news?

I didn't read that news. I wasn't aware it was a Christian enterprise.

Are there no christians in the US Army?

Are there none in active service in the ME?

Come on.

If a CHristian pulls the trigger or flies the drone then christians are killing muslims. You cannot blame all Muslims for the 9/11 attacks and I am not blaming all Christians of what is happening in the ME but there are certainly plenty of Christians killing Muslims over there.

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