Miss-sippi's gonna have our law letting us not serve homosexuals

If you have a right not to serve homo-sexuals...What's to stop you from not serving someone based on color?

Okay, that's stupid even for you. Neg rep.

It's a pro-business, pro freedom move. You go, guys.
If you have a right not to serve homo-sexuals...What's to stop you from not serving someone based on color?

Okay, that's stupid even for you. Neg rep.

It's a pro-business, pro freedom move. You go, guys.

It's the same thing! If you're going to debate rather someone has the right to serve someone or not. How am I wrong? Everyone either has the choice or they don't.

Neg rep in return!
Actually, the Family Council guy explained why blacks are different from homosexuals. We cain't dis-crimnate 'gaisnt the blacks cause of the civil rights laws, but them law don' apply to homosexuals, so we can be separate from them, and they can be separate from us. Like Jesus said.
Actually, the Family Council guy explained why blacks are different from homosexuals. We cain't dis-crimnate 'gaisnt the blacks cause of the civil rights laws, but them law don' apply to homosexuals, so we can be separate from them, and they can be separate from us. Like Jesus said.

So if they was black and they was homosexuals then what? What if it was one was black and one was white and they was both gay, what then?

Fuck it

Nuke the transgender, multi-ethnic, green, gay, baby whales, damn it. :mad:
Doan' mattah no how no way what them cristun crazees do bout hit.

goobuhs dere need lessonin' ever' ten years or so, reckon.
Think of all the tourism dollars Mississippi will lose.....$27.50?

More seriously although that $27.50 is quite a hit to their GDP of $5K...what morons who make these laws don't realize is that when a young lady or gentleman who is possibly sympathetic or a member of the LGBT community is fielding offers from colleges...and the State Legislature has rubber stamped discrimination on you or your friends...you're not likely to take that offer from Jackson or Oxford. Local companies that may want to recruit engineers from these schools will have fewer to choose from.

It's just another reason to overlook MS; not that there were any compelling reasons to spend time there anyhow.
Prolly a bit higher now, lol.

I remember going to a seafood restaurant when I was in Mississippi. Anything that came from the water was seafood.....Gator, crawfish, froglegs, snake.
If you have a right not to serve homo-sexuals...What's to stop you from not serving someone based on color?

But just think, if we invested in science, education, and infrastructure there wouldn't be people of color.

If you have a right not to serve homo-sexuals...What's to stop you from not serving someone based on color?

Okay, that's stupid even for you. Neg rep.

It's a pro-business, pro freedom move. You go, guys.


The proposed measure is untenable and un-Constitutional:

Roughly speaking, the experts said, these bills fall into two categories. One consists of proposals that mention same-sex couples, or the act of marriage, explicitly. Examples of this approach include the measure that died last week in the Kansas state senate, which sponsors called “an act concerning religious freedoms with respect to marriage.” The name of a similar proposal in South Dakota was “An Act to protect the citizens and businesses of South Dakota regarding speech pertaining to views on sexual orientation and to provide for the defense of such citizens and businesses.” Would-be measures in Oregon, and Tennessee had similar taglines.

And those words have consequences, the experts say. The specificity—singling out same-sex couples and, in some cases, the act of marriage—is just begging for judicial scrutiny. “Those, to me, seem very susceptible to a challenge under the Equal Protection Clause,” said Douglas NeJaime, a professor at the University of California, Irvine, School of Law and an expert in constitutional and sexuality law. NeJaime said that a series of recent Supreme Court precedents, including the 2013 decision striking down the federal Defense of Marriage Act, “make clear singling out gay and lesbian people is not going to be acceptable for equal protection purposes."

Religious Freedom Anti-Gay Bills Don't Pass Constitutional Muster | New Republic
Think of all the tourism dollars Mississippi will lose.....$27.50?

More seriously although that $27.50 is quite a hit to their GDP of $5K...what morons who make these laws don't realize is that when a young lady or gentleman who is possibly sympathetic or a member of the LGBT community is fielding offers from colleges...and the State Legislature has rubber stamped discrimination on you or your friends...you're not likely to take that offer from Jackson or Oxford. Local companies that may want to recruit engineers from these schools will have fewer to choose from.

It's just another reason to overlook MS; not that there were any compelling reasons to spend time there anyhow.


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