'Missile shield' details became clear


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
Will be put on table in November in Lisbon NATO meeting for NATO to decide on.
State News Agency quoting Defence Minister on 2 pre-conditions:
- System control will be by NATO
- System concept around common NATO defence (Article 5)
Anadolu Ajans? - FÜZE SAVUNMA S?STEM? ?Ç?N 2 ?ART

If these conditions are met, Turkey willl vote in favour of missile defence in Lisbon meeting. According to diplomatic circles, if NATO agrees on missile shield in Lisbon, Ships with AEGIS SM-3 missiles will be put into territorial waters of Black Sea.
PAC-3 systems will be put in North-Eastern and Eastern Anatolia.
X-band radar will be built after a study, where it is best placed in Turkey.
It is said, that missiles aimed at Europe from Mid-East will have a fly-direction through Black Sea.
Ýþte NATO’nun füze planý - Hürriyet Dünya

A bit in English source:

After Yesterday's NATO meeting in Brussels there was Gates-Clinton vs. Gönül-Davutoglu meeting. Seems they have agreed on something:
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Apart from that, we will set-up own air-defence.
Proposals by Russians (S-300), Americans (PAC-3), Chinese (HQ-9) were given on January 2010.
It is expected, that the decision for the contract will be decided in December.
Savunma Sanayii Müste?arl???

If we choose PAC-3, it would have a contract value of 7.8 Billion $.
US Congress has already given approval if PAC-3 is chosen by SSM (Defence Procurement Authority)
TRT.World - US possible to sale PAC-3 missiles to Turkey

The Medium Altitude Air Defence is currently under development and will come to Army around 2014
Ummm, who are we protecting from?

The AN/TPY-2 radars deployed in Turkey will provide early tracking information on long range missiles headed towards the U.S., securely linked into the fire control of the 30 Ground-Based Interceptors (GBI) in Alaska and California defending the U.S. A similar architecture is deployed today against North Korea with the AN/TPY-2 radar deployed in Shariki, Japan.
Ideally, two AN/TPY-2 radars would be deployed in Turkey to provide triangulation and cover the full range of missile paths from Iran to the U.S. and Europe. This system would be complemented with THAAD and Patriot Batteries as well as linkage into U.S. Aegis Missile Defense Ships and Aegis Ashore platforms to provide a multi-layered robust defense.
Turkey to Host U.S. Missile Defense -- WASHINGTON, Oct. 18 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

After Lisbon NATO meeting in November we will know more.
Turkey herself does not have enemies in the region.
Ummm, who are we protecting from?

The AN/TPY-2 radars deployed in Turkey will provide early tracking information on long range missiles headed towards the U.S., securely linked into the fire control of the 30 Ground-Based Interceptors (GBI) in Alaska and California defending the U.S. A similar architecture is deployed today against North Korea with the AN/TPY-2 radar deployed in Shariki, Japan.
Ideally, two AN/TPY-2 radars would be deployed in Turkey to provide triangulation and cover the full range of missile paths from Iran to the U.S. and Europe. This system would be complemented with THAAD and Patriot Batteries as well as linkage into U.S. Aegis Missile Defense Ships and Aegis Ashore platforms to provide a multi-layered robust defense.
Turkey to Host U.S. Missile Defense -- WASHINGTON, Oct. 18 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

After Lisbon NATO meeting in November we will know more.
Turkey herself does not have enemies in the region.

Iran's Flying Boats | SPIKE

Check out the Iranian air force. I think the single prop driven planes are made from wood. It can't be tracked by radar, but you can hear it coming from a hundred miles away. It's hilarious.
Ummm, who are we protecting from?

The AN/TPY-2 radars deployed in Turkey will provide early tracking information on long range missiles headed towards the U.S., securely linked into the fire control of the 30 Ground-Based Interceptors (GBI) in Alaska and California defending the U.S. A similar architecture is deployed today against North Korea with the AN/TPY-2 radar deployed in Shariki, Japan.
Ideally, two AN/TPY-2 radars would be deployed in Turkey to provide triangulation and cover the full range of missile paths from Iran to the U.S. and Europe. This system would be complemented with THAAD and Patriot Batteries as well as linkage into U.S. Aegis Missile Defense Ships and Aegis Ashore platforms to provide a multi-layered robust defense.
Turkey to Host U.S. Missile Defense -- WASHINGTON, Oct. 18 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

After Lisbon NATO meeting in November we will know more.
Turkey herself does not have enemies in the region.

Iran's Flying Boats | SPIKE

Check out the Iranian air force. I think the single prop driven planes are made from wood. It can't be tracked by radar, but you can hear it coming from a hundred miles away. It's hilarious.

Cute, but completely untrue.
List of aircraft of the Iranian Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Sukhoi Su-25
Sukhoi Su-24


Shenyang F-6

Are pretty up to date designs.

They also still have some f14 Tomcats we sold them, Though we do not sell them parts for those anymore.

This link has more info on their air force.

Nothing we could not utterly destroy in short order if it came to that, but far from the joke Rdean describes. But then why would that surprise any of us. We all know Rdean likes to play hard and loose with the facts :)

Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Jerusalem Post reported that Iran has signed an arms deal with the Russian Rosoboronexport arms group to buy 250 Su-30 MKM warplanes and 20 Il-78 MKI aerial tankers. It is reported that Israeli defense officials were investigating the potential Iran-Russia deal, in which Iran would pay $1 billion a dozen squadrons’ worth of the jets.[7] Iran and Russia have both denied this and have rejected these claims as propaganda.[8][9][10] In a recent broadcast the "Mehr News Agency" has reported that they (the reporters) saw a dozen Su 30s in a maneuver that took place on 15 and 16 September 2008; further the report reads: "In this joint maneuver of the IRIAF and the AFAGIR which is called the 'Guardians of the Nations Skies' the Air Forces of Iran have tested domestically developed systems as well as newly purchased systems (from Russia and China)."[11] The harsh warnings of Israel that it could attack Iran at any time and the Russo-American conflict over Georgia have led to reported weapons sales to Iran by Russia, but so far there have no details been revealed by either side.
The AN/TPY-2 radars deployed in Turkey will provide early tracking information on long range missiles headed towards the U.S., securely linked into the fire control of the 30 Ground-Based Interceptors (GBI) in Alaska and California defending the U.S. A similar architecture is deployed today against North Korea with the AN/TPY-2 radar deployed in Shariki, Japan.
Ideally, two AN/TPY-2 radars would be deployed in Turkey to provide triangulation and cover the full range of missile paths from Iran to the U.S. and Europe. This system would be complemented with THAAD and Patriot Batteries as well as linkage into U.S. Aegis Missile Defense Ships and Aegis Ashore platforms to provide a multi-layered robust defense.
Turkey to Host U.S. Missile Defense -- WASHINGTON, Oct. 18 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

After Lisbon NATO meeting in November we will know more.
Turkey herself does not have enemies in the region.

Iran's Flying Boats | SPIKE

Check out the Iranian air force. I think the single prop driven planes are made from wood. It can't be tracked by radar, but you can hear it coming from a hundred miles away. It's hilarious.

Cute, but completely untrue.
List of aircraft of the Iranian Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Sukhoi Su-25
Sukhoi Su-24


Shenyang F-6

Are pretty up to date designs.

They also still have some f14 Tomcats we sold them, Though we do not sell them parts for those anymore.

This link has more info on their air force.

Nothing we could not utterly destroy in short order if it came to that, but far from the joke Rdean describes. But then why would that surprise any of us. We all know Rdean likes to play hard and loose with the facts :)

Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Jerusalem Post reported that Iran has signed an arms deal with the Russian Rosoboronexport arms group to buy 250 Su-30 MKM warplanes and 20 Il-78 MKI aerial tankers. It is reported that Israeli defense officials were investigating the potential Iran-Russia deal, in which Iran would pay $1 billion a dozen squadrons’ worth of the jets.[7] Iran and Russia have both denied this and have rejected these claims as propaganda.[8][9][10] In a recent broadcast the "Mehr News Agency" has reported that they (the reporters) saw a dozen Su 30s in a maneuver that took place on 15 and 16 September 2008; further the report reads: "In this joint maneuver of the IRIAF and the AFAGIR which is called the 'Guardians of the Nations Skies' the Air Forces of Iran have tested domestically developed systems as well as newly purchased systems (from Russia and China)."[11] The harsh warnings of Israel that it could attack Iran at any time and the Russo-American conflict over Georgia have led to reported weapons sales to Iran by Russia, but so far there have no details been revealed by either side.

Hello, it was the Iranians who were showing off their "hi tech" flying boats. Anyone can post to Wikipedia.
Turks Seek Control Over Shield
Prime Minister Increases Conditions, Says NATO Plan Needs Local Commander
Turkey Seeks Command of NATO Shield - WSJ.com

"Especially if this is to be placed on our soil, [command] definitely should be given to us—otherwise it is not possible to accept," Mr. Erdogan told journalists at Istanbul's Ataturk airport on Monday, according to Anadolu Ajansi, Turkey's state-funded news agency.
"If we reach an agreement, that's great. If not, there's nothing more to say"

Demands that have been met:
- within all NATO documents, the system will be classified as 'defence' system with no mentioning of any countries. Neither Iran nor Russia.
- systems, which will be deployed on Turkish territory, will be under Turkish command

Demand to be negotiated on Lisbon meeting:
- NATO will reduce its bases from 12 to 8, reduce its personell in those facilities from 19.000 to 13.000. Turkey will demand Izmir base to be made HQ of NATO Air Force, and the system to be placed in Turkey integrated into command of Izmir Base.
Komuta þartý tamam Ýzmir pazarlýðýna devam - Hürriyet Dünya

On last NATO-meeting on 14th October in Brussels, Robert Gates already said, that NATO's Izmir Base will not be closed down and there must be at least 1 base in Turkey within the alliance structure.
?zmir'deki NATO üssü kapat?lmamal? - Dünya Genel- ntvmsnbc.com
putting Aegis cruiser in the black sea on a 'forever stand by' is a huge waste of money as compared to just going ahead with the original plan, but we cannot because we got snookered. and for what?
Days ahead of the NATO Lisbon Summit on Nov. 19-20, when a decision regarding the controversial missile defense system is expected to be made, US officials have found “reasonable” Turkey's demand that a final declaration to be adopted at the end of the summit would avoid citing Iran as a threat.

In line with what Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has stated on several occasions, Turkey will stick to the principle that “what matters for Ankara is NATO documents.” Accordingly, Ankara is likely to ignore public statements by US officials who intend to continue labeling Iran as a threat against the Euro-Atlantic alliance.
Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news

Talk the talk for US domestic consumption.
:lol:yes we certainly would not want to hurt irans feelings. :lol:
:lol:yes we certainly would not want to hurt irans feelings. :lol:

World dynamics change fast, there is no reason for a 'defensive alliance' to mention any country as a threat in its documents which leads to a kind of automatism.
Izmir is Turkey's 3rd biggest city, it is mainly inhabited by people who have fled Balkan Ottoman territories. I will try to post some pictures.
Saint Anthon Church

A picture from 1966, in same year was earthquake and its 2 towers were destroyed

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