Missing Bride To Be Found Alive

dilloduck said:
call it whatever you like Mr. P-----I am simply pointing out how this girl is being tried in the media (and as you said) when no charges have been filed.

I can't hang with you on this one DD. Granted, her disappearance was simply symptomatic of her overall flakey character, but she had an obligation to her family, her fiance' and her community to speak up once she realized the turmoil her little escapade was creating. But that wasn't a crime, it was just self-centered and stupid.

But when she claimed she had been abducted, she crossed the line from simply being a dingbat to being a criminal. On that basis, she should be charged and IMO the sentence should be a fine amounting to twice the cost of all police and community efforts expended on her behalf.
dilloduck said:
hey i'm all for it------lets tack on that irresponsible tax on too right there with the stupidity tax.

Just warning people to be careful whta you ask for----they'll be charging you for the extra gas they had to use to chase you down ON TOP OF the fine. Where does it end?
makin a mountain out of a mole hill
dilloduck said:
hey i'm all for it------lets tack on that irresponsible tax on too right there with the stupidity tax.

Just warning people to be careful whta you ask for----they'll be charging you for the extra gas they had to use to chase you down ON TOP OF the fine. Where does it end?

With intelligence and common sense. Using your arguement, the wear and tear on the tires and oil used during the chase could be added on to the fine also.

Don't take this conversation to the extreme - it just makes you seem ridiculous - and I know you aren't.
dilloduck said:

D- on the insult-----you usually do much better-ask Shattered for some lessons. LOL
I guess I should, cuz she can and does nail ya. But then you do make it easy. :laugh:
Johnney said:
makin a mountain out of a mole hill

Try to watch TV without seeing the mountain that the media has created already---OReilly has in fact asked his listeners to respond to the very same question. Guess that puts me in pretty good company of those who want to know how people feel about an issue.
GotZoom said:
With intelligence and common sense. Using your arguement, the wear and tear on the tires and oil used during the chase could be added on to the fine also.

Don't take this conversation to the extreme - it just makes you seem ridiculous - and I know you aren't.

me ridiculous or you foolish for not being able to understand my point ?
Merlin1047 said:
I can't hang with you on this one DD. Granted, her disappearance was simply symptomatic of her overall flakey character, but she had an obligation to her family, her fiance' and her community to speak up once she realized the turmoil her little escapade was creating. But that wasn't a crime, it was just self-centered and stupid.

But when she claimed she had been abducted, she crossed the line from simply being a dingbat to being a criminal. On that basis, she should be charged and IMO the sentence should be a fine amounting to twice the cost of all police and community efforts expended on her behalf.
No problem--I'm not looking for support here. I attempting to find someone to explain to me WHY she should be charged any more than any other criminal is. You are saying that because the crossed the line from dingbat to criminal she should be fined MORE ??? You can't tell me that there isn't an emotional factor in play here that has the community screaming for punishing her to the full extent of the law and THEN some.
Mr. P said:
I guess I should, cuz she can and does nail ya. But then you do make it easy. :laugh:

After reading her posts and her poll it just doesn't have that ole sting to it Mr. P. :cof:
dilloduck said:
After reading her posts and her poll it just doesn't have that ole sting to it Mr. P. :cof:
She started poll? Where I missed that..
dilloduck said:
No problem--I'm not looking for support here. I attempting to find someone to explain to me WHY she should be charged any more than any other criminal is. You are saying that because the crossed the line from dingbat to criminal she should be fined MORE ??? You can't tell me that there isn't an emotional factor in play here that has the community screaming for punishing her to the full extent of the law and THEN some.

Not really. All I'm saying is that she committed a crime when she made the false kidnapping claim. I believe that the appropriate punishment for said crime is a fine equal to twice the amount of money she cost the taxpayer. I think that people should be held accountable for their actions and that the penalty should be appropriate to the act and the fallout from it. Perhaps making an example of this woman may deter some idiot in the future from sending the police and the community haring off after another phony disappearance.
Merlin1047 said:
Not really. All I'm saying is that she committed a crime when she made the false kidnapping claim. I believe that the appropriate punishment for said crime is a fine equal to twice the amount of money she cost the taxpayer. I think that people should be held accountable for their actions and that the penalty should be appropriate to the act and the fallout from it. Perhaps making an example of this woman may deter some idiot in the future from sending the police and the community haring off after another phony disappearance.

The punishment IS or SHOULD BE? Just wondering if we're making up laws as we go along here or what. If that is the law now then it should be applied to all crimes for the same reason. The "making an example" of someone always makes me a bit uncomfortable unless it applies to all people who commit crimes. Hell- let's squeeze every buck we can outta the bastards. Are we going to charge a flat fee or percentage of income? This is smelling more and more like Martha Stewart to me all the time. Maybe it's a woman thing.

This MAY even result in people waiting too long to report a missing person. "Hmmmmm I wonder if ole Mary got kidnapped or is playing a trick on us". We better be right or it'll cost us big bucks !!!
dilloduck said:
hey i'm all for it------lets tack on that irresponsible tax on too right there with the stupidity tax.

Just warning people to be careful whta you ask for----they'll be charging you for the extra gas they had to use to chase you down ON TOP OF the fine. Where does it end?

Just the point I think most of us were trying to make. IF I have taken reasonable care of my abode, but there is a fire in the fuse box, from a short I was unaware of-my taxes will cover the fire department call. My homeowner's the repairs to my home.

If I am an idiot, I have several major appliances on an extension cord, I've lit candles under curtains, I have not had my chimney cleaned in years-but burn newspapers regularly. It will be found out, ashes and all. I should pay for the problem. That is negligence. Duh!
dilloduck said:
The punishment IS or SHOULD BE?
Should be - in my personal, non legally binding opinion. If I were emperor of Georgia, she'd have to cough up some bucks and do some community service.

Now - do me a favor and try to make me understand why you want to give the woman a complete pass on the crime she committed. Or do you view the false reporting of a kidnapping as a harmless prank? I say this in all sincerity DD because frankly I don't understand where you're coming from with your apparent attitude that I'm trying to be sexist or unreasonable because I believe there should be consequences for a criminal act. Ya lost me there somewhere.
Kathianne said:
Just the point I think most of us were trying to make. IF I have taken reasonable care of my abode, but there is a fire in the fuse box, from a short I was unaware of-my taxes will cover the fire department call. My homeowner's the repairs to my home.

If I am an idiot, I have several major appliances on an extension cord, I've lit candles under curtains, I have not had my chimney cleaned in years-but burn newspapers regularly. It will be found out, ashes and all. I should pay for the problem. That is negligence. Duh!

I'm aware that I am not making my point clearly because of the answers I am recieving .
EVERY CRIME IS IRRESPONSIBLE AND STUPID and costs the taxpayer----Are we going to try to recover every cent that we have paid trying to solve it ?
Or maybe just the ones that piss us off ?---is that moral relativism I hear creeping in? ( I thought you were a bit above the DUH stuff)
dilloduck said:
I'm aware that I am not making my point clearly because of the answers I am recieving .
EVERY CRIME IS IRRESPONSIBLE AND STUPID and costs the taxpayer----Are we going to try to recover every cent that we have paid trying to solve it ?
Or maybe just the ones that piss us off ?---is that moral relativism I hear creeping in? ( I thought you were a bit above the DUH stuff)

Nope, I am not 'above' anything. :teeth: That said, there is due diligence and negligence. In this particular case, the subject was wantonly cavalier with the cries for help with the lies.
Merlin1047 said:
Should be - in my personal, non legally binding opinion. If I were emperor of Georgia, she'd have to cough up some bucks and do some community service.

Now - do me a favor and try to make me understand why you want to give the woman a complete pass on the crime she committed. Or do you view the false reporting of a kidnapping as a harmless prank? I say this in all sincerity DD because frankly I don't understand where you're coming from with your apparent attitude that I'm trying to be sexist or unreasonable because I believe there should be consequences for a criminal act. Ya lost me there somewhere.

As emperor of Georgia would you require EVERY CRIMINAL to financially pay for every crime that was committed? I'm not just referring to the fine on the statutes--I'm talking about total restitution?

I have never said nor implied that the woman should get a total pass for her crimes. She should recieve the statutory punishment for every law that she broke should the DA see that the appropriate way to go. The difference that I see is that the American community wants the MAX for this case in particular but are we willing to ask the MAX for all cases that cost us this much or more? I'm not implying tthat you are a sexist either. I just happen to think that Martha Stewart is "being made an example of" also and she wears an GPS monitor while violent sex offenders don't. Nonsense laws cause people to have disrespect for the rest.
Kathianne said:
Nope, I am not 'above' anything. :teeth: That said, there is due diligence and negligence. In this particular case, the subject was wantonly cavalier with the cries for help with the lies.

So I have discovered-- Hopefully the punishment that she receives will reflect the statutes intentions and not the inflamed desires of angry people and politically sensitive judges.

It would be nice if EVERYONE who broke a law received the same treatment just to give folks the impression that there is at least the pretense of fairness in our judicial system.
dilloduck said:
So I have discovered-- Hopefully the punishment that she receives will reflect the statutes intentions and not the inflamed desires of angry people and politically sensitive judges.

It would be nice if EVERYONE who broke a law received the same treatment just to give folks the impression that there is at least the pretense of fairness in our judicial system.

:chains: If a poor person did the same thing, charges WOULD be brought. They couldn't pay and would be in jail.
Kathianne said:
:chains: If a poor person did the same thing, charges WOULD be brought. They couldn't pay and would be in jail.

I wasn't only referring to poor people but if every criminal paid for the entire cost of catching him and processing the crime there sure as hell would be a lot of them. Free doughnuts for all the cops---we can afford it !!!!
dilloduck said:
I wasn't only referring to poor people but if every criminal paid for the entire cost of catching him and processing the crime there sure as hell would be a lot of them. Free doughnuts for all the cops---we can afford it !!!!

Get a life.

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