Missing Bride To Be Found Alive

Mr. P said:
Because there must be "INTENT"...you lost this one dildo..go chill..

Did she intend for the community to spend thousands looking for her? prove it !!
Mr. P said:
Because there must be "INTENT"...you lost this one dildo..go chill..

Not necessarily. If you speed but don't mean to run someone over, but do and they die, trust me - you will be charged because of the death.
The groom should really re-think getting married to this gal very soon, and really stipulate that his Fiancee' go into some very serious counseling. In fact, the two should probably both do some serious pre-marital counseling co-inciding with her separate counseling. After one year the groom to-be should try to make an assessment, if marriage is still a viable option. She should do the same.

If they opt to go ahead........trim down the size of the wedding so that the bride is not over-whelmed, and go for it.

I do think that instead of criminal charges being files that atleast the bride should have some liability in paying back the city for the rescue efforts performed by both police and fire rescue personel. There was an element of risk for these rescue folks, both volunteer and payed. It would have been sad if there had been some injuries incurred by any of these people while performing the search, and maybe some liability to the bride should be considered there.

Her purchase of a bus ticket 10 days in advance does indicate less than a "spurr of the moment" decision, but some fore-planning.
dilloduck said:
Did she intend for the community to spend thousnds looking for her? prove it !!
I doubt that she gave $$ amount a thought...She did intend to vanish...the ticket was purchased a week ahead of time, under a false name I understand. Now if she was o so smart to do that wouldn't it be logical she would know people would look for her and it would cost $$$..

There's your "intent"...
Like I said, ya lost this one...go chill...
Oh, good grief.. Dillo - admit defeat on this one - you can't logically win it. The only way you can win is if everyone just gives up, and leaves the thread due to the sheer stupidity of its progression, just like I'm about to do.

Later. :)
I Repeat!

Eightball said:
The groom should really re-think getting married to this gal very soon, and really stipulate that his Fiancee' go into some very serious counseling. In fact, the two should probably both do some serious pre-marital counseling co-inciding with her separate counseling. After one year the groom to-be should try to make an assessment, if marriage is still a viable option. She should do the same.

If they opt to go ahead........trim down the size of the wedding so that the bride is not over-whelmed, and go for it.

I do think that instead of criminal charges being files that atleast the bride should have some liability in paying back the city for the rescue efforts performed by both police and fire rescue personel. There was an element of risk for these rescue folks, both volunteer and payed. It would have been sad if there had been some injuries incurred by any of these people while performing the search, and maybe some liability to the bride should be considered there.

Her purchase of a bus ticket 10 days in advance does indicate less than a "spurr of the moment" decision, but some fore-planning.
Mr. P said:
I doubt that she gave $$ amount a thought...She did intend to vanish...the ticket was purchased a week ahead of time, under a false name I understand. Now if she was o so smart to do that wouldn't it be logical she would know people would look for her and it would cost $$$..

There's your "intent"...
Like I said, ya lost this one...go chill...
In your dreams P :slap:
Shattered said:
Oh, good grief.. Dillo - admit defeat on this one - you can't logically win it. The only way you can win is if everyone just gives up, and leaves the thread due to the sheer stupidity of its progression, just like I'm about to do.

Later. :)

Stupid is as stupid does !!!! :funnyface

NOW we just want people to pay for it-----hope your rich!
GotZoom said:
Not necessarily. If you speed but don't mean to run someone over, but do and they die, trust me - you will be charged because of the death.
True but...you're not charged with killing someone cuz you were speeding..You're most likely charged with vehicular homicide, due to a lack of control required of you when operating a vehicle.
This goes beyond intent...to negligence..When issued a licence you are bound to adhere to the laws while operating a vehicle..intent is understood..if you fail it can be considered negligence.
Mr. P said:
True but...you're not charged with killing someone cuz you were speeding..You're most likely charged with vehicular homicide, due to a lack of control required of you when operating a vehicle.
This goes beyond intent...to negligence..When issued a licence you are bound to adhere to the laws while operating a vehicle..intent is understood..if you fail it can be considered negligence.

well speeding is stupid so lets charge them for all the bucks it cost for the police to deal with the wreck too!
Mr. P said:
True but...you're not charged with killing someone cuz you were speeding..You're most likely charged with vehicular homicide, due to a lack of control required of you when operating a vehicle.
This goes beyond intent...to negligence..When issued a licence you are bound to adhere to the laws while operating a vehicle..intent is understood..if you fail it can be considered negligence.

Agreed. Even though my intent wasn't to kill someone, because of my irresponsibility and my actions, I will be charged with the appropriate crime because I did kill someone.

She won't be charged with anything because she left. They can't make her pay restitution because "she left." She is over the age of 18, she can do whatever she wants - without telling anybody if she so chooses.

But...when she made that phone call a week later, and claimed that she was kidnapped - that is a crime. And in charging her with that crime, they can demand restitution - as a plea bargin.

She should be charged because of the false claim of kidnapping.
dilloduck said:
well speeding is stupid so lets charge them for all the bucks it cost for the police to deal with the wreck too!

I agree! Make the speeder pay for the tow, the clean up, etc.

Great idea!
Why are some ppl having a problem with the fact that due to one's "Negligence" (to leave a note, maybe?) the community was out Hundreds? of thousands of dollars?

That's a crime, IMO...to the extent some portion should be levied against the perp.
-=d=- said:
Why are some ppl having a problem with the fact that due to one's "Negligence" (to leave a note, maybe?) the community was out Hundreds? of thousands of dollars?

That's a crime, IMO...to the extent some portion should be levied against the perp.

Example---If I just wanna disappear and have people leave me the hell alone, there is no law telling me I have to leave a note. Why in the hell should i pay for people who DECIDED BY THEMSELVES to look for me?
dilloduck said:
Example---If I just wanna disappear and have people leave me the hell alone, there is no law telling me I have to leave a note. Why in the hell should i pay for people who DECIDED BY THEMSELVES to look for me?

But there is community responsibility. If people spent money searching for you, because you neglected to have the balls to TELL somebody prior to your leaving, I'd have no problems passing along the bill for the search.
-=d=- said:
But there is community responsibility. If people spent money searching for you, because you neglected to have the balls to TELL somebody prior to your leaving, I'd have no problems passing along the bill for the search.

What does balls have to do with it???? NOTHING I have the right to "disappear" anytime I want. Are you telling me I don't ? This is ridiculous! I don't have to leave a note for my mommy!
dilloduck said:
What does balls have to do with it???? NOTHING I have the right to "disappear" anytime I want. Are you telling me I don't ?

Again - I'm saying if you DO disappear, from what looks outwardly to be the result of foul play, you deserve to get billed.

simple. :)
-=d=- said:
Again - I'm saying if you DO disappear, from what looks outwardly to be the result of foul play, you deserve to get billed.

simple. :)

I am NOT responsible for the assumption of others. It was not originally seen as an act of foul play anyway!

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