Missing: Key Documents About Alleged Misconduct By Robert Mueller’s Lead Prosecutor

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Michael Tigar is quoted in this article. His statements against Weissmann are damning.

Michael Tigar’s abilities and knowledge of the law are so far above Weismann’s (or Muellar’s, for that matter) that it is laughable. Tigar was a professor of criminal law at UT for 15 years. He cannot be classified correctly as either liberal or a conservative idealogue. His calling is to know the law and apply it to any particular case or client.
Scary how damaging information about the left just disappears!

Andrew Weissmann, the lead prosecutor for Special Counsel Robert Mueller, has a history of questionable conduct. But the full extent of Weissmann’s alleged prosecutorial misconduct is unclear because some of the most serious charges were hidden behind redactions and secreted in sealed court filings.

Two months ago I sued to have these records released, but late Friday federal Judge Sim Lake’s case manager confirmed that several of the sought-after documents are missing from the court record.

In early November, Houston attorney Kevin Fulton of the Fulton Law Group filed a motion in a Texas federal court to unseal and unredact court records related to claimed prosecutorial misconduct by Weissmann during the latter’s stint as the head of the Enron Task Force.

In a joint motion to dismiss the criminal charges filed against them, four individuals connected to the Enron collapse alleged that Weissmann had improperly threatened witnesses to keep them from speaking with defense lawyers. In support of their motion, the defendants included an email Weissmann had sent to the lawyer of a “critical witness.” What exactly Weissmann said, though, is unclear, as the brief redacted the details:

Read more at thefederalist.com ...

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