Mississippi’s New Anti-LGBT Law Is the Most Dangerous One To Be Passed Yet

Hardly an authoritarian impulse.
So you don't want to punish those that disagree with you?

Do you condemn these sort of government actions:

Baker Faces Prison for Refusing to Bake Same-Sex Wedding Cake - Breitbart

New Mexico Court: Christian Photographer Cannot Refuse Gay-Marriage Ceremony - Breitbart

And if you believe the ACA mandates are unconstitutional
and you cannot comply without violating your Constitutional beliefs,
you get FINED for that. But if you join an approved religious group
you are exempted. Is that not regulating and punishing people by religion?
They do more damage politically because they actually pass laws that penalize people and are getting enforced causing real damage.
I think you are right.

I'd like to see how the Democrats who support ACA would respond to this offer: to assess the costs of exempting all Constitutionalists whose beliefs are violated by the mandates, by (a) either buying memberships for them under the cheapest health share program to avoid the fine or (b) allowing all such persons who feel coerced and deprived of their income to declare themselves exempted under "domestic violence" hardships. SEE Domestic Violence | OVW | Department of Justice (under ACA the domestic violence claim may require registration but not documented proof of what kind of domestic violence occurred as long as it is within the qualifying dates)

And then offering to sue them for reimbursement since this financial condition violates religious freedom and Constitutional beliefs in free market choices for health care without penalizing them over what choices work best to cover the diverse populations of different beliefs.

If the Obama administration will either agree to declare the mandates optional or agree to recognize the "domestic violence" exemption for people claiming political abuse of law to coerce them and deprive them of income against their will, then this would NOT add a financial burden and NOT have to be paid back since the cost is zero for this unconstitutional condition placed on religious freedom of choice.

But if they REFUSE to allow for a no cost exemption, and insist that all citizens MUST PAY to be part of either an insurance program or religious ministry that qualifies, then the COST of buying back the original freedom we had before this bill was passed would be tallied up per person complaining of violation and charged back to the Democrats who insisted on enforcing this bill in violation of well established and communicated beliefs.

Either agree to pay up, or make it free to be exempted.
Dangerous? To whom? And how? People can't criticize and opine? Sorry, we will, and then some. Not hurting anyone, either. Thesis, antithesis. Get over it.
Dangerous? To whom? And how? People can't criticize and opine? Sorry, we will, and then some. Not hurting anyone, either. Thesis, antithesis. Get over it.

Dear MaryL see the part about FINING people for their beliefs
1. fines for refusing to photograph a wedding
2. fines for refusing to host a gay wedding at a property
3. fines for believing in free market health care choices instead
of federal mandates requiring people to buy insurance

This isn't just opining, it's FINING people financially.

MaryL how would YOU respond if the mandates went the other way?
What if PROLIFE mandates were passed where everyone had to either pay into a prolife system of "their choice" or pay a fine into a prolife system.

Wouldn't the prochoice people yell and say why is our only choice to buy prolife approved options in order to get exempted?

Why can't we fund our prochoice options and still get the same exemption?
Mississippi could lose $Billions as a result of this law. For the poorest state, that's a big deal.

Why Mississippi’s New Anti-LGBT Law Is the Most Dangerous One To Be Passed Yet

If you are religiously opposed to other people having non-marital sex, Mississippi's "religious freedom" law could be the law for you.

On Tuesday morning, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed into law HB 1523—the “Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act”—one of the most sweeping of the nation’s “religious liberty” bills that are making the rounds in numerous red-state capitals this year. In the press they are often referred to as “anti-LGBT bills,” because they would give legal cover to those who want to discriminate against LGBT people out of “sincerely held religious belief.” Critics such as Ben Needham, director of Human Rights Campaign’s Project One America, has said the measure is “probably the worst religious freedom bill to date.” But there is an even more radical agenda behind these bills, and the atrocious attempt to deprive LGBT Americans of their rights is only a part of it.

This is The result of, "bake me a cake, or else".

If it weren't for the, "in your face", attitude of the gay community and their activist supporters these laws wouldn't exist.
Mississippi could lose $Billions as a result of this law. For the poorest state, that's a big deal.

Why Mississippi’s New Anti-LGBT Law Is the Most Dangerous One To Be Passed Yet

If you are religiously opposed to other people having non-marital sex, Mississippi's "religious freedom" law could be the law for you.

On Tuesday morning, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed into law HB 1523—the “Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act”—one of the most sweeping of the nation’s “religious liberty” bills that are making the rounds in numerous red-state capitals this year. In the press they are often referred to as “anti-LGBT bills,” because they would give legal cover to those who want to discriminate against LGBT people out of “sincerely held religious belief.” Critics such as Ben Needham, director of Human Rights Campaign’s Project One America, has said the measure is “probably the worst religious freedom bill to date.” But there is an even more radical agenda behind these bills, and the atrocious attempt to deprive LGBT Americans of their rights is only a part of it.
Prove otherwise. The law affirms and protect religious freedom. It's not anti-Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transvestite. (LGBT)
Dangerous? To whom? And how? People can't criticize and opine? Sorry, we will, and then some. Not hurting anyone, either. Thesis, antithesis. Get over it.

Dear MaryL see the part about FINING people for their beliefs
1. fines for refusing to photograph a wedding
2. fines for refusing to host a gay wedding at a property
3. fines for believing in free market health care choices instead
of federal mandates requiring people to buy insurance

This isn't just opining, it's FINING people financially.

MaryL how would YOU respond if the mandates went the other way?
What if PROLIFE mandates were passed where everyone had to either pay into a prolife system of "their choice" or pay a fine into a prolife system.

Wouldn't the prochoice people yell and say why is our only choice to buy prolife approved options in order to get exempted?

Why can't we fund our prochoice options and still get the same exemption?
Dangerous? To whom? And how? People can't criticize and opine? Sorry, we will, and then some. Not hurting anyone, either. Thesis, antithesis. Get over it.

Dear MaryL see the part about FINING people for their beliefs
1. fines for refusing to photograph a wedding
2. fines for refusing to host a gay wedding at a property
3. fines for believing in free market health care choices instead
of federal mandates requiring people to buy insurance

This isn't just opining, it's FINING people financially.

MaryL how would YOU respond if the mandates went the other way?
What if PROLIFE mandates were passed where everyone had to either pay into a prolife system of "their choice" or pay a fine into a prolife system.

Wouldn't the prochoice people yell and say why is our only choice to buy prolife approved options in order to get exempted?

Why can't we fund our prochoice options and still get the same exemption?
Good question. It's part of puzzle we Americans need to solve.
Standing up for basic freedoms is not a "radical agenda"! Guys dressing up like women and guys b*******ing each other are behaviors not an ethnic group. People shouldn't be forced to celebrate these behaviors. Bakers, florists, photographers, etc. should not be bankrupted or imprisoned because they refuse to submit to the PC thought police. Arrogant corporate bosses should not try to impose their "values" on the people.

Mississippi Passes Religious-Freedom Law

That's OK. Nobody said you have to like it. You just have to do it. The Mississippi law will be struck down soon.
The only thing we have to do is die. Everything other than that, is a choice.
Here's Camille Paglia discussing gay activists: “To express yourself in a magazine in an interview — this is the level of punitive PC, utterly fascist, utterly Stalinist, OK, that my liberal colleagues in the Democratic Party and on college campuses have supported and promoted over the last several decades,”

“This is the whole legacy of free speech 1960’s that have been lost by my own party.”

“I think that this intolerance by gay activists toward the full spectrum of human beliefs is a sign of immaturity, juvenility,”

Here's Andrew Sullivan: “The guy who had the gall to express his First Amendment rights and favor Prop 8 in California by donating $1,000 has just been scalped by some gay activists,”

“Will he now be forced to walk through the streets in shame?” “Why not the stocks? The whole episode disgusts me — as it should disgust anyone interested in a tolerant and diverse society.”

“If this is the gay rights movement today — hounding our opponents with a fanaticism more like the religious right than anyone else — then count me out,”

“If we are about intimidating the free speech of others, we are no better than the anti-gay bullies who came before us.”
The LGBT doesn't see themselves as bullies, it's just everyone else that does.
Dangerous? To whom? And how? People can't criticize and opine? Sorry, we will, and then some. Not hurting anyone, either. Thesis, antithesis. Get over it.

Dear MaryL see the part about FINING people for their beliefs
1. fines for refusing to photograph a wedding
2. fines for refusing to host a gay wedding at a property
3. fines for believing in free market health care choices instead
of federal mandates requiring people to buy insurance

This isn't just opining, it's FINING people financially.

MaryL how would YOU respond if the mandates went the other way?
What if PROLIFE mandates were passed where everyone had to either pay into a prolife system of "their choice" or pay a fine into a prolife system.

Wouldn't the prochoice people yell and say why is our only choice to buy prolife approved options in order to get exempted?

Why can't we fund our prochoice options and still get the same exemption?
Dangerous? To whom? And how? People can't criticize and opine? Sorry, we will, and then some. Not hurting anyone, either. Thesis, antithesis. Get over it.

Dear MaryL see the part about FINING people for their beliefs
1. fines for refusing to photograph a wedding
2. fines for refusing to host a gay wedding at a property
3. fines for believing in free market health care choices instead
of federal mandates requiring people to buy insurance

This isn't just opining, it's FINING people financially.

MaryL how would YOU respond if the mandates went the other way?
What if PROLIFE mandates were passed where everyone had to either pay into a prolife system of "their choice" or pay a fine into a prolife system.

Wouldn't the prochoice people yell and say why is our only choice to buy prolife approved options in order to get exempted?

Why can't we fund our prochoice options and still get the same exemption?
Good question. It's part of puzzle we Americans need to solve.

The solution is change the law. Simple!
Mississippi could lose $Billions as a result of this law. For the poorest state, that's a big deal.

Why Mississippi’s New Anti-LGBT Law Is the Most Dangerous One To Be Passed Yet

If you are religiously opposed to other people having non-marital sex, Mississippi's "religious freedom" law could be the law for you.

On Tuesday morning, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed into law HB 1523—the “Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act”—one of the most sweeping of the nation’s “religious liberty” bills that are making the rounds in numerous red-state capitals this year. In the press they are often referred to as “anti-LGBT bills,” because they would give legal cover to those who want to discriminate against LGBT people out of “sincerely held religious belief.” Critics such as Ben Needham, director of Human Rights Campaign’s Project One America, has said the measure is “probably the worst religious freedom bill to date.” But there is an even more radical agenda behind these bills, and the atrocious attempt to deprive LGBT Americans of their rights is only a part of it.

If I own a bakery and some queer couple walks in and wants me to bake a cake with two dudes or two chicks wax figures and it is against my belief system? Why shouldn't I invoke my right to refuse service because after all, it is MY business and I have a much higher power to answer to that trumps the federal "gubermint". Queers make up less than 2 percent of the population but yet the Rockefeller foundation has trumpeted their cause in order to bring about division. Marriage under admiralty law is nothing but the merger of two corporate entities while making the state a third party entity. If I ever decide to get married again, I will not purchase a marriage license because I do not need the permission of the "state" in order to commit my life to someone....get it now?

I can't imagine many women wanting to marry a crazy anyway.

I know more than you....infinitely more. You wouldn't be able to comprehend or grasp the things that I know. You lack the intellect, kiddo......

OK. Tell me what I'm thinking now.
You are wishing you didn't live at home with your mother, and that you might have to call your regular gay prostitute in order to get laid.
Hardly an authoritarian impulse.
So you don't want to punish those that disagree with you?

Do you condemn these sort of government actions:

Baker Faces Prison for Refusing to Bake Same-Sex Wedding Cake - Breitbart

New Mexico Court: Christian Photographer Cannot Refuse Gay-Marriage Ceremony - Breitbart

And if you believe the ACA mandates are unconstitutional
and you cannot comply without violating your Constitutional beliefs,
you get FINED for that. But if you join an approved religious group
you are exempted. Is that not regulating and punishing people by religion?
So you are good with a holocaust survivor being forced to make a cake for a Nazi.
'Critics such as Ben Needham, director of Human Rights Campaign’s Project One America, has said the measure is “probably the worst religious freedom bill to date.” But there is an even more radical agenda behind these bills, and the atrocious attempt to deprive LGBT Americans of their rights is only a part of it.'

There is no need for a ‘religious freedom’ bill, the notion is ignorant, bigoted idiocy.

The First Amendment affords all Americans comprehensive protections of their religious liberties.

The 14th Amendment jurisprudence of which Obergefell is the progeny applies solely to state and local governments, not private persons or organizations – churches are at liberty to refuse to accommodate same-sex weddings.

Consequently, all ‘religious freedom’ bills are equally unnecessary, repugnant, and reprehensible.
It's telling that we debate such petty things as homosexual faux wedding cakes, and who caters to them. Wow, define petty. Jesus.
It's telling that we debate such petty things as homosexual faux wedding cakes, and who caters to them. Wow, define petty. Jesus.
If you think a person's faith is petty, then you are severely under educated.

Faith is what you have when you don't have anything else.

Muslims, though I don't agree with their religion, have enough faith in their god to kill.

I am willing to be imprisoned or even die for my faith in God.

A homosexual, or anyone, wanting to force someone of faith to do their bidding, while going against their faith, is petty.
Mississippi could lose $Billions as a result of this law. For the poorest state, that's a big deal.

Why Mississippi’s New Anti-LGBT Law Is the Most Dangerous One To Be Passed Yet

If you are religiously opposed to other people having non-marital sex, Mississippi's "religious freedom" law could be the law for you.

On Tuesday morning, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed into law HB 1523—the “Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act”—one of the most sweeping of the nation’s “religious liberty” bills that are making the rounds in numerous red-state capitals this year. In the press they are often referred to as “anti-LGBT bills,” because they would give legal cover to those who want to discriminate against LGBT people out of “sincerely held religious belief.” Critics such as Ben Needham, director of Human Rights Campaign’s Project One America, has said the measure is “probably the worst religious freedom bill to date.” But there is an even more radical agenda behind these bills, and the atrocious attempt to deprive LGBT Americans of their rights is only a part of it.

If I own a bakery and some queer couple walks in and wants me to bake a cake with two dudes or two chicks wax figures and it is against my belief system? Why shouldn't I invoke my right to refuse service because after all, it is MY business and I have a much higher power to answer to that trumps the federal "gubermint". Queers make up less than 2 percent of the population but yet the Rockefeller foundation has trumpeted their cause in order to bring about division. Marriage under admiralty law is nothing but the merger of two corporate entities while making the state a third party entity. If I ever decide to get married again, I will not purchase a marriage license because I do not need the permission of the "state" in order to commit my life to someone....get it now?
Of courseyou don't need the permission of the state to commit your life to anyone. But if you ever have to have the state involved with anything, they will treat you as single people.
Mississippi could lose $Billions as a result of this law. For the poorest state, that's a big deal.

Why Mississippi’s New Anti-LGBT Law Is the Most Dangerous One To Be Passed Yet

If you are religiously opposed to other people having non-marital sex, Mississippi's "religious freedom" law could be the law for you.

On Tuesday morning, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed into law HB 1523—the “Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act”—one of the most sweeping of the nation’s “religious liberty” bills that are making the rounds in numerous red-state capitals this year. In the press they are often referred to as “anti-LGBT bills,” because they would give legal cover to those who want to discriminate against LGBT people out of “sincerely held religious belief.” Critics such as Ben Needham, director of Human Rights Campaign’s Project One America, has said the measure is “probably the worst religious freedom bill to date.” But there is an even more radical agenda behind these bills, and the atrocious attempt to deprive LGBT Americans of their rights is only a part of it.

If I own a bakery and some queer couple walks in and wants me to bake a cake with two dudes or two chicks wax figures and it is against my belief system? Why shouldn't I invoke my right to refuse service because after all, it is MY business and I have a much higher power to answer to that trumps the federal "gubermint". Queers make up less than 2 percent of the population but yet the Rockefeller foundation has trumpeted their cause in order to bring about division. Marriage under admiralty law is nothing but the merger of two corporate entities while making the state a third party entity. If I ever decide to get married again, I will not purchase a marriage license because I do not need the permission of the "state" in order to commit my life to someone....get it now?
Of courseyou don't need the permission of the state to commit your life to anyone. But if you ever have to have the state involved with anything, they will treat you as single people.

I don't need the "gubermint" to rule or control me under their admiralty law constraints which is why I became a pre 14th amendment "man of the land" and forfeited the privileges that come with being under their umbrella...it cost me a lot of money this late in my life but it comes with some serious freedoms I did not have....like the right to travel and the right to collect my entire paycheck........I will forgo the safety net in exchange for freedom and the right to decide my worth.

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