Mississippi’s New Anti-LGBT Law Is the Most Dangerous One To Be Passed Yet

If there are any businesses in Mississippi that disagree with its states policy, they should move their business out of the state and any state that takes them in should help them out financially to set up shop.
All the businesses have to do is put a sign in the window saying Everyone Welcome. No sign? Then if you are LGBT, you are not welcome. Period. End of story. Take your money elsewhere. Invest in helping LGBT business owners who would love to have your money. Why force someone to serve you when it is against their beliefs?

That's how I look at it.
People refuse to see how things work in the real world.

I sell comic books, a bunch of comic books, if I have one for sale on the bay, I always have a best offer available. If someone sends me a decent offer i'll think it over, if they send me an offer with terms I don't think to long. If someone sends me an offer and has been a butt wanting to argue over a few dollars, i'll turn them down, then sell the same book for even less to someone who is much nicer about the transaction.

I guess I broke the law, because I refused to do business with a particular person. So, sue me. It happens in every business, damn near every day. Next thing you know is people will be bitching at bartenders for not selling them any more to drink when they are clearly drunk. Oh, wait, that already happens. Let's pass a law so that wont happen any more.
Despite being an LGBT supporter, I was kind of okay with the bill (in so far as I think if a business wants to risk the court of public opinion it's on them), but there's two bits that just don't fly. The first is "maybe" workable - if a clerk doesn't want their name on a SSM marriage license, so long as they have someone in office who will sign off on it, fine.

The second bit I have a major issue with, the LGBT adoption thing. Mostly because a statement like that on the books could become a serious issue for custody situations with say a gay/lesbian couple who adopted in another state where it was legal. If one puts into law that it's "bad" for kids to be placed with LGBT folks, then it could be used to then take the child away from them. The premise is that foster kids go to the best family, but it's extremely damaging to kids to be ripped out of a home - especially over what amounts to a religious state rule. I have serious concerns for any LGBT foster parent couple who get moved there "against their will" by the military or have to move for a job there or something, and risk losing their kids, etc.

Either way, I have a feeling the second it's challenged it'll be dead in court.
omg, how many different ways have they had this law for their smears and fear mongering? dangerous, decimating, people will start dying over it, blaaablaa blaaa

I'm sure a man who thinks they are women will SURVIVE if they don't get to use a women's bathroom. It's always DIVISION with you people in this day and age. If you THE Minority (homosexual mafia) don't get to FORCE yourself on everyone else than we get a hundred threads such as this
People refuse to see how things work in the real world.

I sell comic books, a bunch of comic books, if I have one for sale on the bay, I always have a best offer available. If someone sends me a decent offer i'll think it over, if they send me an offer with terms I don't think to long. If someone sends me an offer and has been a butt wanting to argue over a few dollars, i'll turn them down, then sell the same book for even less to someone who is much nicer about the transaction.

I guess I broke the law, because I refused to do business with a particular person. So, sue me. It happens in every business, damn near every day. Next thing you know is people will be bitching at bartenders for not selling them any more to drink when they are clearly drunk. Oh, wait, that already happens. Let's pass a law so that wont happen any more.
That is a dismal example. You have chosen not to deal with somebody because of their behaviour and not who they are. Anybody can refuse service if people cannot behave themselves.
Mississippi could lose $Billions as a result of this law. For the poorest state, that's a big deal.

Why Mississippi’s New Anti-LGBT Law Is the Most Dangerous One To Be Passed Yet

If you are religiously opposed to other people having non-marital sex, Mississippi's "religious freedom" law could be the law for you.

On Tuesday morning, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed into law HB 1523—the “Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act”—one of the most sweeping of the nation’s “religious liberty” bills that are making the rounds in numerous red-state capitals this year. In the press they are often referred to as “anti-LGBT bills,” because they would give legal cover to those who want to discriminate against LGBT people out of “sincerely held religious belief.” Critics such as Ben Needham, director of Human Rights Campaign’s Project One America, has said the measure is “probably the worst religious freedom bill to date.” But there is an even more radical agenda behind these bills, and the atrocious attempt to deprive LGBT Americans of their rights is only a part of it.

If I own a bakery and some queer couple walks in and wants me to bake a cake with two dudes or two chicks wax figures and it is against my belief system? Why shouldn't I invoke my right to refuse service because after all, it is MY business and I have a much higher power to answer to that trumps the federal "gubermint". Queers make up less than 2 percent of the population but yet the Rockefeller foundation has trumpeted their cause in order to bring about division. Marriage under admiralty law is nothing but the merger of two corporate entities while making the state a third party entity. If I ever decide to get married again, I will not purchase a marriage license because I do not need the permission of the "state" in order to commit my life to someone....get it now?

I can't imagine many women wanting to marry a crazy anyway.

I know more than you....infinitely more. You wouldn't be able to comprehend or grasp the things that I know. You lack the intellect, kiddo......

OK. Tell me what I'm thinking now.[/QUOT

WTF does that have to do with what I posted? Are you brain damaged?

Obviously one of us is.
People refuse to see how things work in the real world.

I sell comic books, a bunch of comic books, if I have one for sale on the bay, I always have a best offer available. If someone sends me a decent offer i'll think it over, if they send me an offer with terms I don't think to long. If someone sends me an offer and has been a butt wanting to argue over a few dollars, i'll turn them down, then sell the same book for even less to someone who is much nicer about the transaction.

I guess I broke the law, because I refused to do business with a particular person. So, sue me. It happens in every business, damn near every day. Next thing you know is people will be bitching at bartenders for not selling them any more to drink when they are clearly drunk. Oh, wait, that already happens. Let's pass a law so that wont happen any more.
That is a dismal example. You have chosen not to deal with somebody because of their behaviour and not who they are. Anybody can refuse service if people cannot behave themselves.
well guess what, I'm a Christian conservative, and I don't bother to ask anyone what their sexual orientation is, cause its not a sin to buy or sell to anyone.
Mississippi could lose $Billions as a result of this law. For the poorest state, that's a big deal.

Why Mississippi’s New Anti-LGBT Law Is the Most Dangerous One To Be Passed Yet

If you are religiously opposed to other people having non-marital sex, Mississippi's "religious freedom" law could be the law for you.

On Tuesday morning, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed into law HB 1523—the “Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act”—one of the most sweeping of the nation’s “religious liberty” bills that are making the rounds in numerous red-state capitals this year. In the press they are often referred to as “anti-LGBT bills,” because they would give legal cover to those who want to discriminate against LGBT people out of “sincerely held religious belief.” Critics such as Ben Needham, director of Human Rights Campaign’s Project One America, has said the measure is “probably the worst religious freedom bill to date.” But there is an even more radical agenda behind these bills, and the atrocious attempt to deprive LGBT Americans of their rights is only a part of it.

If I own a bakery and some queer couple walks in and wants me to bake a cake with two dudes or two chicks wax figures and it is against my belief system? Why shouldn't I invoke my right to refuse service because after all, it is MY business and I have a much higher power to answer to that trumps the federal "gubermint". Queers make up less than 2 percent of the population but yet the Rockefeller foundation has trumpeted their cause in order to bring about division. Marriage under admiralty law is nothing but the merger of two corporate entities while making the state a third party entity. If I ever decide to get married again, I will not purchase a marriage license because I do not need the permission of the "state" in order to commit my life to someone....get it now?

I can't imagine many women wanting to marry a crazy anyway.

I know more than you....infinitely more. You wouldn't be able to comprehend or grasp the things that I know. You lack the intellect, kiddo......

OK. Tell me what I'm thinking now.
You are wishing you didn't live at home with your mother, and that you might have to call your regular gay prostitute in order to get laid.

Funny---------Dumb, but funny
If there are any businesses in Mississippi that disagree with its states policy, they should move their business out of the state and any state that takes them in should help them out financially to set up shop.
oh brother. over some stupid law on bathrooms. whoa
NOW, who is more dangerous. some law or someone working for putting these LAW us who has been convicted of a sex crime. this is exactly why the majority of the people need to stand up these bullies in the homosexual mafia

Charlotte's LGBT Chamber president resigns after sex-offender status surfaces

Posted: Friday, April 8, 2016 5:36 pm

Charlotte's LGBT Chamber president resigns after sex-offender status surfaces McClatchy Regional News Service Winston-Salem Journal

The former president of Charlotte’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce has resigned after he came under fire from a conservative group, which noted that he is on a sex offender list and questioned his role in supporting the city’s expanded nondiscrimination ordinance.

Chad Sevearance-Turner had been the president of the chamber, which supported the newly expanded ordinance that gives legal protection for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals.

At a City Council meeting Feb. 8, Mayor Jennifer Roberts cited a survey that showed discrimination was a real problem for the LGBT community. During the meeting, she said the survey was conducted by the LGBT Chamber.

That prompted questions from the N.C. Values Coalition, which opposes the new LGBT protections in the ordinance.

Tami Fitzgerald, who leads the Raleigh-based coalition, first mentioned Sevearance-Turner’s record at a Feb. 8 news conference outside the Government Center, which Sevearance-Turner attended. On Feb. 18, the coalition issued a news release further questioning the chamber’s role in the survey.

Because of his record, “any supposed evidence provided by the group is discredited,” she wrote.

Scott Bishop, the head of MeckPAC, a lobbying group for the LGBT community, said last month the chamber wasn’t involved in the survey. He said a social worker distributed the surveys, which were then forwarded to MeckPAC.

In an interview with the Observer, Sevearance-Turner said his group didn’t conduct the survey.

Sevearance-Turner was arrested in 1998, when he was 20, and charged in Cherokee County, S.C., with a “lewd act, committing or attempting a lewd act upon a child under 16.”

A 2000 story in the Spartanburg Herald-Journal said Sevearance-Turner had been a youth minister at a church in Gaffney. A jury there found him guilty of fondling a 15-year-old teenage church member while the boy slept.

all of it here:
Charlotte's LGBT Chamber president resigns after sex-offender status surfaces
NOW, who is more dangerous. some law or someone working for putting these LAW us who has been convicted of a sex crime. this is exactly why the majority of the people need to stand up these bullies in the homosexual mafia

Charlotte's LGBT Chamber president resigns after sex-offender status surfaces

Posted: Friday, April 8, 2016 5:36 pm

Charlotte's LGBT Chamber president resigns after sex-offender status surfaces McClatchy Regional News Service Winston-Salem Journal

The former president of Charlotte’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce has resigned after he came under fire from a conservative group, which noted that he is on a sex offender list and questioned his role in supporting the city’s expanded nondiscrimination ordinance.

Chad Sevearance-Turner had been the president of the chamber, which supported the newly expanded ordinance that gives legal protection for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals.

At a City Council meeting Feb. 8, Mayor Jennifer Roberts cited a survey that showed discrimination was a real problem for the LGBT community. During the meeting, she said the survey was conducted by the LGBT Chamber.

That prompted questions from the N.C. Values Coalition, which opposes the new LGBT protections in the ordinance.

Tami Fitzgerald, who leads the Raleigh-based coalition, first mentioned Sevearance-Turner’s record at a Feb. 8 news conference outside the Government Center, which Sevearance-Turner attended. On Feb. 18, the coalition issued a news release further questioning the chamber’s role in the survey.

Because of his record, “any supposed evidence provided by the group is discredited,” she wrote.

Scott Bishop, the head of MeckPAC, a lobbying group for the LGBT community, said last month the chamber wasn’t involved in the survey. He said a social worker distributed the surveys, which were then forwarded to MeckPAC.

In an interview with the Observer, Sevearance-Turner said his group didn’t conduct the survey.

Sevearance-Turner was arrested in 1998, when he was 20, and charged in Cherokee County, S.C., with a “lewd act, committing or attempting a lewd act upon a child under 16.”

A 2000 story in the Spartanburg Herald-Journal said Sevearance-Turner had been a youth minister at a church in Gaffney. A jury there found him guilty of fondling a 15-year-old teenage church member while the boy slept.

all of it here:
Charlotte's LGBT Chamber president resigns after sex-offender status surfaces
Oh Shit !!
This must mean that ALL LGBT people must be on a sex offenders list. This totally discredits all of them as people and will hopefully lead to them having any notional "rights" removed.

With this information we might still be able to save humanity.
You see folks, the 99.9 % of the majority should give up their rights so this 1/2 to 1%. so they don't be made to fweel uncomfortable . go build them their own bathrooms as long as it's out of all of you in favor of this .......out of your own pocketbooks...


Appeasing less than 1% of the population.


Conversation is starting around the state following a proposed bill by Upstate Republican Sen. Lee Bright, which would dictate what bathroom people use, no matter the gender they identify as.

If made into law, the bathroom a person uses would be based on their biological sex, not the gender they identify as. The bill defines ‘biological sex’ as “the physical condition of being male or female.”

“I’ve had about enough of this,” Bright said. “I mean, years ago, we kept talking about tolerance, tolerance, and tolerance, and now they want men who claim to be women to be able to go into bathrooms with children.”

On Thursday, those caught in the middle spoke up.

“This law is unnecessary discrimination, and it’s not who we are in South Carolina,” said Veronica Walters.

Walters is part of the Myrtle Beach Human Rights Commission and helped revise Myrtle Beach’s anti-discrimination resolution a few years ago to make it include sexual and gender identity. She is also transgender.

For years, she said, transgender people have been using public bathrooms without problems. This bill, she believed, could do serious damage.

“This bill would actually open transgender people up to harassment, by placing them in the bathroom where they’re not comfortable,” Walter said.

Keep reading…
NOW, who is more dangerous. some law or someone working for putting these LAW us who has been convicted of a sex crime. this is exactly why the majority of the people need to stand up these bullies in the homosexual mafia

Charlotte's LGBT Chamber president resigns after sex-offender status surfaces

Posted: Friday, April 8, 2016 5:36 pm

Charlotte's LGBT Chamber president resigns after sex-offender status surfaces McClatchy Regional News Service Winston-Salem Journal

The former president of Charlotte’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce has resigned after he came under fire from a conservative group, which noted that he is on a sex offender list and questioned his role in supporting the city’s expanded nondiscrimination ordinance.

Chad Sevearance-Turner had been the president of the chamber, which supported the newly expanded ordinance that gives legal protection for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals.

At a City Council meeting Feb. 8, Mayor Jennifer Roberts cited a survey that showed discrimination was a real problem for the LGBT community. During the meeting, she said the survey was conducted by the LGBT Chamber.

That prompted questions from the N.C. Values Coalition, which opposes the new LGBT protections in the ordinance.

Tami Fitzgerald, who leads the Raleigh-based coalition, first mentioned Sevearance-Turner’s record at a Feb. 8 news conference outside the Government Center, which Sevearance-Turner attended. On Feb. 18, the coalition issued a news release further questioning the chamber’s role in the survey.

Because of his record, “any supposed evidence provided by the group is discredited,” she wrote.

Scott Bishop, the head of MeckPAC, a lobbying group for the LGBT community, said last month the chamber wasn’t involved in the survey. He said a social worker distributed the surveys, which were then forwarded to MeckPAC.

In an interview with the Observer, Sevearance-Turner said his group didn’t conduct the survey.

Sevearance-Turner was arrested in 1998, when he was 20, and charged in Cherokee County, S.C., with a “lewd act, committing or attempting a lewd act upon a child under 16.”

A 2000 story in the Spartanburg Herald-Journal said Sevearance-Turner had been a youth minister at a church in Gaffney. A jury there found him guilty of fondling a 15-year-old teenage church member while the boy slept.

all of it here:
Charlotte's LGBT Chamber president resigns after sex-offender status surfaces

There is no ‘homosexual media,’ the notion is true idiocy.
Prove otherwise. The law affirms and protect religious freedom. It's not anti-Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transvestite. (LGBT)

If a couple walks into a bakery (a black man and a white woman) asking for a wedding cake, can the baker refused based on their religious belief against interracial marriage?

If a couple walks into a bakery (a Catholic man and a Jewish woman) asking for a wedding cake, can the baker refused based on their religious belief against inter-faith marriage?

The answer is "No", they cannot becuase only same-sex marriage is listed as an exception.

Therefore the law targets just LBGT persons and the idea that it is about "religoius freedom" is a smoke screen. If it was truly about "religious freedom" then the baker could refuse anyone based on that claim, not just homosexuals.

How could a law insuring 1st Amendment rights to citizens be deemed freaking dangerous? Only when an outlaw segment of society vows to obstruct it or corporations bow to left wing generated pressure. If you don't like the freaking law, work within the system to change or appeal it.
Mississippi could lose $Billions as a result of this law. For the poorest state, that's a big deal.

Why Mississippi’s New Anti-LGBT Law Is the Most Dangerous One To Be Passed Yet

If you are religiously opposed to other people having non-marital sex, Mississippi's "religious freedom" law could be the law for you.

On Tuesday morning, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed into law HB 1523—the “Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act”—one of the most sweeping of the nation’s “religious liberty” bills that are making the rounds in numerous red-state capitals this year. In the press they are often referred to as “anti-LGBT bills,” because they would give legal cover to those who want to discriminate against LGBT people out of “sincerely held religious belief.” Critics such as Ben Needham, director of Human Rights Campaign’s Project One America, has said the measure is “probably the worst religious freedom bill to date.” But there is an even more radical agenda behind these bills, and the atrocious attempt to deprive LGBT Americans of their rights is only a part of it.
That's great! Libtards think discrimination is a bad thing but without it you have no moral compass. You're just a mass of nerve endings responding to external stimuli.

Every state needs to protect freedoms from the Gaystapo, they've gone too far. They don't just want acceptance, they want their deviant proclivities normalized and would use the force of government to get their way.
Prove otherwise. The law affirms and protect religious freedom. It's not anti-Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transvestite. (LGBT)

If a couple walks into a bakery (a black man and a white woman) asking for a wedding cake, can the baker refused based on their religious belief against interracial marriage?

If a couple walks into a bakery (a Catholic man and a Jewish woman) asking for a wedding cake, can the baker refused based on their religious belief against inter-faith marriage?

The answer is "No", they cannot becuase only same-sex marriage is listed as an exception.

Therefore the law targets just LBGT persons and the idea that it is about "religoius freedom" is a smoke screen. If it was truly about "religious freedom" then the baker could refuse anyone based on that claim, not just homosexuals.

He should be able to and without any religious belief. That's what we call freedom. It should also be legal for a white guy to not be served in a black bar. Each to their own.
He should be able to and without any religious belief. That's what we call freedom. It should also be legal for a white guy to not be served in a black bar. Each to their own.

I agree.

Public Accommodation law in general as applied to private business should be repealed.

I disagree with special rights based on a professed religious belief from generally applicable laws. If someone can be exempt from the law for religious reasons, then those with beliefs not based on religion should have the same option. (Which means the "law" doesn't apply to any business owner.)


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