Missouri Lawmaker Says Consensual Rape in Debate About New Abortion Laws

Donnie deplorables: able to suspend belief to the point that they think it's totally normal for men to go around and grab women by the pussy...and women "let" them.
Trump's supporters are glad to be on board with a sexual perv; they voted for it, knowingly
You must have been a child when Bill Clinton was in office.

I was 37 when slick willie lied on live TV in august 1998 about, "that woman"
No excuse for your stupidity. You supported Clinton’s after his lying. OK.

I never voted for Clinton; not in 1992, nor in 1996.

Besides never voting for Clinton how could I have supported him?

Your stupidity is showing; you better zip it up. :9:
The President did not brag about sexually assaulting women.

That you lied about that, shows that your position is a lie.
He sure did

Married women too. He does not even respect the fact that a woman may be married

The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

Trump's supporters are glad to be on board with a sexual perv; they voted for it, knowingly

You libs lie, it is all you have.
He sure did

Married women too. He does not even respect the fact that a woman may be married

The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

The claim was made that Trump admitted to it.

One word from me, and you libs are moving on to the next bullshit claim.

That is you losing liberal.

All you have, is lies and bullshit.

RUn along loser.
More rudeness.....

Have you tried to grab women by the pussy at work or in public? Did they let you? How would that work out for you? For anyone?
I’ve had women reach under the conference table and grab my cock through my pants. I never complained.
He sure did

Married women too. He does not even respect the fact that a woman may be married

The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

Trump's supporters are glad to be on board with a sexual perv; they voted for it, knowingly
And by reading threads like this, it's becoming more and more clear as to why they had no conflict doing so.

Said the coward that dropped her claim the moment it was challenged.
The President did not brag about sexually assaulting women.

That you lied about that, shows that your position is a lie.
He sure did

Married women too. He does not even respect the fact that a woman may be married

The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".
How many women do you think "let" someone come up to them in public and grab their pussy? How many women like that do you know? Try doing what he brags of doing in public or better yet at work and see what happens.

That was the point Trump was making. When you are rich and famous, women treat you differently.

THat vile liars took what he said, and twisted it, into a stupid gotcha lie, is on them, not on him.

Trump's own words are just that; Trump's own words.

Trump was bragging that he is God's gift to women & he was bragging how he gets to grab & bang WTF he wants.

That is the sign of a pure ass hole.
He sure did

Married women too. He does not even respect the fact that a woman may be married

The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

The claim was made that Trump admitted to it.

One word from me, and you libs are moving on to the next bullshit claim.

That is you losing liberal.

All you have, is lies and bullshit.

RUn along loser.
More rudeness.....

Have you tried to grab women by the pussy at work or in public? Did they let you? How would that work out for you? For anyone?

He was arrested by LE for being a rapist
You are absolutely right...not every man is an immoral beast....in fact the vast majority of men are not immoral beasts......I never claimed that....but there certainly are enough for this to be an issue, right? Especially large enough of an issue that 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused before they even reach 18....and that the #1 cause of death of pregnant women is murder. You don't see this as an issue? You don't see a culture of "boys will be boys" as an issue? You don't see calling a presidential candidate bragging about sexually assaulting women as just "locker room talk" as an issue?

The President did not brag about sexually assaulting women.

That you lied about that, shows that your position is a lie.
Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape - Wikipedia

I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it.

I did try and fuck her. She was married.

And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, "I'll show you where they have some nice furniture." I took her out furniture—I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look.[3]

Later, referring to Arianne Zucker (whom they were waiting to meet), Trump says:

I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.[3]

"let" equals consent, as you well know.

Dumb ass.
Who said they "let"? The women? Let's interview them? As we can see in this very thread....many males think "no" means "yes".....how do they define "let"?

YOU claimed he admitted to sexual assault.

ONe word challenge from me, and you drop your claim, that you knew was shit when you made it, and move on to the next shit claim.

Why should we have any more respect for the shit you are posting now, than you did for the shit you posted a few minutes ago?
Yep...he claims to have grabbed women by the pussy....you try that sometime in public or at work.....see how that works out for you. Go ahead and go "But...but...but....that's not sexual assault!"
I never voted for Clinton; not in 1992, nor in 1996.

Besides never voting for Clinton how could I have supported him?

Your stupidity is showing; you better zip it up.
You're a leftist and a known liar. You could say you voted for
Kaiser Wilhelm for president, as far as anyone knows.
You want to try and convince people Mr. Leftist Troll never supported Clinton? Fuck off!
The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

The claim was made that Trump admitted to it.

One word from me, and you libs are moving on to the next bullshit claim.

That is you losing liberal.

All you have, is lies and bullshit.

RUn along loser.
More rudeness.....

Have you tried to grab women by the pussy at work or in public? Did they let you? How would that work out for you? For anyone?

He was arrested by LE for being a rapist
Well, I know for a fact that if someone tried that in public around here or at work.......they'd not have a job anymore and would most likely be dealing with law enforcement. But...in donnie deplorable land, this seems to be an everyday thing.
He sure did

Married women too. He does not even respect the fact that a woman may be married

The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".
How many women do you think "let" someone come up to them in public and grab their pussy? How many women like that do you know? Try doing what he brags of doing in public or better yet at work and see what happens.

That was the point Trump was making. When you are rich and famous, women treat you differently.

THat vile liars took what he said, and twisted it, into a stupid gotcha lie, is on them, not on him.

Trump's own words are just that; Trump's own words.

Trump was bragging that he is God's gift to women & he was bragging how he gets to grab & bang WTF he wants.

That is the sign of a pure ass hole.
When specifically did he say he was “God’s gift to women?”
He sure did

Married women too. He does not even respect the fact that a woman may be married

The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

The claim was made that Trump admitted to it.

One word from me, and you libs are moving on to the next bullshit claim.

That is you losing liberal.

All you have, is lies and bullshit.

RUn along loser.
More rudeness.....

Have you tried to grab women by the pussy at work or in public? Did they let you? How would that work out for you? For anyone?

Your lying is rudeness.

You lied when you claimed that Trump admitted sexual assault and when called on it, you moved on to your next line of bullshit.

And yes, I have initiated sexual contact in public, several times. It worked out fine, even the few times that I was rebuffed.
Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

The claim was made that Trump admitted to it.

One word from me, and you libs are moving on to the next bullshit claim.

That is you losing liberal.

All you have, is lies and bullshit.

RUn along loser.
More rudeness.....

Have you tried to grab women by the pussy at work or in public? Did they let you? How would that work out for you? For anyone?

He was arrested by LE for being a rapist
Well, I know for a fact that if someone tried that in public around here or at work.......they'd not have a job anymore and would most likely be dealing with law enforcement. But...in donnie deplorable land, this seems to be an everyday thing.
Underneath the conference table I was dealing with a hard on.
The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

The claim was made that Trump admitted to it.

One word from me, and you libs are moving on to the next bullshit claim.

That is you losing liberal.

All you have, is lies and bullshit.

RUn along loser.
More rudeness.....

Have you tried to grab women by the pussy at work or in public? Did they let you? How would that work out for you? For anyone?
I’ve had women reach under the conference table and grab my cock through my pants. I never complained.

Without express verbal consent?

In the lib world, you could, today, change your mind and accuse them of sexual assault. No matter how long ago that was.

Except that you are a man. Mmmm,

Identify as a woman, and then you have the power to destroy those women, for no reason, if that type of shit appeals to you.
He sure did

Married women too. He does not even respect the fact that a woman may be married

The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".
How many women do you think "let" someone come up to them in public and grab their pussy? How many women like that do you know? Try doing what he brags of doing in public or better yet at work and see what happens.

That was the point Trump was making. When you are rich and famous, women treat you differently.

THat vile liars took what he said, and twisted it, into a stupid gotcha lie, is on them, not on him.

Trump's own words are just that; Trump's own words.

Trump was bragging that he is God's gift to women & he was bragging how he gets to grab & bang WTF he wants.

That is the sign of a pure ass hole.

He was actually fairly vague about how much he personally took advantage of that.

AND it is worth noting, an older man, bragging to younger men about sexual conquests?

If ever there is a time to suspect a man of exaggeration, that is it.
I was 37 when slick willie lied on live TV in august 1998 about, "that woman"
Then you know about how all the left knowingly gave a pass to Bill Clinton and decided to support a perv.
So why are you bleating about Trump now? It just makes you look like a super hypocrite.

How could people that supported Clinton with a vote in 1992, or in 1996 support a perv, since the whole ML thing was after the 1996 election?

Why are you so fucking stupid?
The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

The claim was made that Trump admitted to it.

One word from me, and you libs are moving on to the next bullshit claim.

That is you losing liberal.

All you have, is lies and bullshit.

RUn along loser.
More rudeness.....

Have you tried to grab women by the pussy at work or in public? Did they let you? How would that work out for you? For anyone?

Your lying is rudeness.

You lied when you claimed that Trump admitted sexual assault and when called on it, you moved on to your next line of bullshit.

And yes, I have initiated sexual contact in public, several times. It worked out fine, even the few times that I was rebuffed.
Never know unless you “Bust a Move”
This hatred of women runs deep in conservative circles doesnt it ?

I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked at this boards resident loons but really................
The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

The claim was made that Trump admitted to it.

One word from me, and you libs are moving on to the next bullshit claim.

That is you losing liberal.

All you have, is lies and bullshit.

RUn along loser.
More rudeness.....

Have you tried to grab women by the pussy at work or in public? Did they let you? How would that work out for you? For anyone?
I’ve had women reach under the conference table and grab my cock through my pants. I never complained.

The next time you make a run for POTUS you should make a video with that claim & info.

Will make you look like ............................... uh ................
The President did not brag about sexually assaulting women.

That you lied about that, shows that your position is a lie.
Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape - Wikipedia

I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it.

I did try and fuck her. She was married.

And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, "I'll show you where they have some nice furniture." I took her out furniture—I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look.[3]

Later, referring to Arianne Zucker (whom they were waiting to meet), Trump says:

I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.[3]

"let" equals consent, as you well know.

Dumb ass.
Who said they "let"? The women? Let's interview them? As we can see in this very thread....many males think "no" means "yes".....how do they define "let"?

YOU claimed he admitted to sexual assault.

ONe word challenge from me, and you drop your claim, that you knew was shit when you made it, and move on to the next shit claim.

Why should we have any more respect for the shit you are posting now, than you did for the shit you posted a few minutes ago?
Yep...he claims to have grabbed women by the pussy....you try that sometime in public or at work.....see how that works out for you. Go ahead and go "But...but...but....that's not sexual assault!"

Dude, you already dropped that line of argument, when I challenged you on it.

Is there no depth to your vile dishonesty?

You don't get to drop a claim, and then act like you didn't do that.

We are past that line of shit. YOu lost and accepted you loss by moving on to your next line of shit.

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