Missouri Lawmaker Says Consensual Rape in Debate About New Abortion Laws

When specifically did he say he was “God’s gift to women?”

implication & inference; grow up ............

Said a lib ignoring the implication of the word, "LET".

on the sixth day Lord Trump said, "let there be abundant pussy" and it was good

Have you never made a pass at a woman?

sure i have & it has gotten me into a pickle a few times :19:

Did you get verbal consent before you did so?
Said a lib ignoring the implication of the word, "LET".

on the sixth day Lord Trump said, "let there be abundant pussy" and it was good

Have you never made a pass at a woman?
Oh...is THAT what grabbing a woman by the pussy is to you? :blowpop:

Sometimes. You never had a man make an aggressive pass at you like that?
Yep...and he was my commanding officer's commanding officer...at a party...and NO, I did NOT consent. Not as if the good ole' boys were going to do anything about it back then (80s). Today, with all the witnesses, he's most likely be told to retire quietly.

So, is that the only example? NO man ever made an aggressive pass and you "let" it?
How is he a known liar?
Oh, did I forget to clarify? He
isn't very honest. Like you claiming Trump said he gropes women in public.
And now....it's kind of ironic to see those all ok with men grabbing women by the pussy getting all upset on a message board..........and yet women should just let men grab them in the crotch....
Trump said women let him due to his celebrity. Of course we all know that never happens. :icon_rolleyes:

I've got to hope that these supporters of crotch grabbing haven't any women folk.
I support Trump policy. Not what he may or may not do in private.
And Trump has been called an amazingly prolific liar by the left. Would he lie about women throwing themselves at him?
Only when it suits your purposes to deny.
Yep... plus he is a former law enforcement officer.

"A Missouri state lawmaker was met with hisses when he used the phrase "consensual rape" during a highly charged House debate on a bill that would ban abortions at eight weeks, including in cases of rape and incest.

Republican Rep. Barry Hovis, of Cape Girardeau, said in the chamber Friday that most of the sexual assaults he handled before retiring from law enforcement weren't strangers "jumping out of the bushes" but instead "date rapes or consensual rapes.""

Missouri lawmaker tries to walk back 'consensual rape' remark

These are the idiots making laws for people...

Can someone please define consensual rape?

Consensual rape - waking up the next day and finding out he's ugly. Many if not most college "rapes" is of that sort. "He was cute when I was drunk last night...."
The President did not brag about sexually assaulting women.

That you lied about that, shows that your position is a lie.
He sure did

Married women too. He does not even respect the fact that a woman may be married

The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

The claim was made that Trump admitted to it.

One word from me, and you libs are moving on to the next bullshit claim.

That is you losing liberal.

All you have, is lies and bullshit.

RUn along loser.
He did admit it. That he said they let him is no different than a rapist saying his victim wanted it.
You are absolutely right...not every man is an immoral beast....in fact the vast majority of men are not immoral beasts......I never claimed that....but there certainly are enough for this to be an issue, right? Especially large enough of an issue that 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused before they even reach 18....and that the #1 cause of death of pregnant women is murder. You don't see this as an issue? You don't see a culture of "boys will be boys" as an issue? You don't see calling a presidential candidate bragging about sexually assaulting women as just "locker room talk" as an issue?

The President did not brag about sexually assaulting women.

That you lied about that, shows that your position is a lie.
Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape - Wikipedia

I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it.

I did try and fuck her. She was married.

And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, "I'll show you where they have some nice furniture." I took her out furniture—I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look.[3]

Later, referring to Arianne Zucker (whom they were waiting to meet), Trump says:

I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.[3]

"let" equals consent, as you well know.

Dumb ass.
Who said they "let"? The women? Let's interview them? As we can see in this very thread....many males think "no" means "yes".....how do they define "let"?

YOU claimed he admitted to sexual assault.

ONe word challenge from me, and you drop your claim, that you knew was shit when you made it, and move on to the next shit claim.

Why should we have any more respect for the shit you are posting now, than you did for the shit you posted a few minutes ago?
Grabbing a woman you don't know by the pussy is sexual assault.
He sure did

Married women too. He does not even respect the fact that a woman may be married

The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

The claim was made that Trump admitted to it.

One word from me, and you libs are moving on to the next bullshit claim.

That is you losing liberal.

All you have, is lies and bullshit.

RUn along loser.
He did admit it. That he said they let him is no different than a rapist saying his victim wanted it.

Your position was that he admitted sexual assault. Claiming they gave consent is not admitting to assault.

That you can claim he admitted to assault, while addressing the fact that he claimed consent, shows what an utterly and deeply dishonest person you are.

Nothing you say, should be given any credibility beyond their own internal consistency.

ANYTHING you claim, needs to be supported, or dismissed as complete garbage.
The President did not brag about sexually assaulting women.

That you lied about that, shows that your position is a lie.
Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape - Wikipedia

I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it.

I did try and fuck her. She was married.

And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, "I'll show you where they have some nice furniture." I took her out furniture—I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look.[3]

Later, referring to Arianne Zucker (whom they were waiting to meet), Trump says:

I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.[3]

"let" equals consent, as you well know.

Dumb ass.
Who said they "let"? The women? Let's interview them? As we can see in this very thread....many males think "no" means "yes".....how do they define "let"?

YOU claimed he admitted to sexual assault.

ONe word challenge from me, and you drop your claim, that you knew was shit when you made it, and move on to the next shit claim.

Why should we have any more respect for the shit you are posting now, than you did for the shit you posted a few minutes ago?
Grabbing a woman you don't know by the pussy is sexual assault.

Geez, he knew she was married, and knew that she did not have large breast before, but now did have large breasts.

And you want to pretend that he did not know her, for some reason.

Like I said, anything you say, that is not supported by something, can be dismissed as meaningless garbage.
You are here: Home / Men's Rights / False Rape Culture / Study Reveals Female Rape Victims Enjoyed the Experience

Study Reveals Female Rape Victims Enjoyed the Experience
June 19, 2011 By Paul Elam 1107 Comments

Editorial note: among the thousands of articles published over the years of AVfM’s existence, a tiny handful are cited over and over again by dishonest critics of the Men’s Human Rights Movement as ‘typical” content for this publication. With about a thousand articles a year published on this site, it should be telling that only a small handful are cited over and over again as if they are typical, rather than unusual. This is one of those few articles.

This particular article, penned in mid-2011, was written to illustrate the still-common phenomena among gender ideologue “researchers” of incompetently or intentionally misusing scientific evidence: twisting statistics in an invalid manner, or worse, simply repeating statistics that have been disproven or were entirely fabricated, known as the woozle effect. The entire below article is nothing but an illustrative example of what Murray Straus identified as “Evidence by Citation” and other forms of academic fraud in widespread and unchallenged use by pseudoscientific ideologues with PhDs, and it quite clearly says so if you just read it to the end: this entire article is a bunch of fraudulent lies, meant to teach a lesson about just how gullible people can be and how easily they will accept horrible lies about male sexuality but get angry about lies regarding female sexuality.

What should also be instantly noticeable to you is that the odds are good if you found this link recently from a site that angrily linked it as “typical” of AVfM content, it is actually quite old; if it were “typical,” why this same old article over and over and over again? And, right at the bottom, it has always stated quite clearly that the whole article is a satirical lie–and still, on a regular basis, people angrily refer to it as if it’s a serious article that reflects our everyday views. What this says about our attitudes about male vs. female sexuality, and just how gullible people can be when presented with information that looks scientific, and just how shallow and/or dishonest our critics seem to be, should give thoughtful readers pause.

The original article–which again, is nothing but a pack of lies, and which the very last paragraph explains to be nothing but lies–appears unaltered below this point. –Eds.

A university study, Romeo, Felicia F. “Acquaintance Rape on College and University Campuses,” AAETS. Web. 22 Nov. 2010.” The study of female rape victims concluded that the majority – 57% – of women who were raped on college campuses, reported feelings that were described as “positive” and “satisfied,” about the experience.

Study Reveals Female Rape Victims Enjoyed the Experience
The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

The claim was made that Trump admitted to it.

One word from me, and you libs are moving on to the next bullshit claim.

That is you losing liberal.

All you have, is lies and bullshit.

RUn along loser.
He did admit it. That he said they let him is no different than a rapist saying his victim wanted it.

Your position was that he admitted sexual assault. Claiming they gave consent is not admitting to assault.

That you can claim he admitted to assault, while addressing the fact that he claimed consent, shows what an utterly and deeply dishonest person you are.

Nothing you say, should be given any credibility beyond their own internal consistency.

ANYTHING you claim, needs to be supported, or dismissed as complete garbage.
He said he grabbed women by the pussy. And while he tried to paint a picture of consent, many women came forward after hearing him say that to claim it was consensual.
Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

The claim was made that Trump admitted to it.

One word from me, and you libs are moving on to the next bullshit claim.

That is you losing liberal.

All you have, is lies and bullshit.

RUn along loser.
He did admit it. That he said they let him is no different than a rapist saying his victim wanted it.

Your position was that he admitted sexual assault. Claiming they gave consent is not admitting to assault.

That you can claim he admitted to assault, while addressing the fact that he claimed consent, shows what an utterly and deeply dishonest person you are.

Nothing you say, should be given any credibility beyond their own internal consistency.

ANYTHING you claim, needs to be supported, or dismissed as complete garbage.
He said he grabbed women by the pussy. And while he tried to paint a picture of consent, many women came forward after hearing him say that to claim it was consensual.

You claimed he ADMITTED it, and now you are attacking his claim of consent.

If he claimed consent, he did not admit assault, you freaking moron.

Give us one reason why we should not dismiss everything that comes out of your face anus?
Who said they "let"? The women? Let's interview them? As we can see in this very thread....many males think "no" means "yes".....how do they define "let"?

YOU claimed he admitted to sexual assault.

ONe word challenge from me, and you drop your claim, that you knew was shit when you made it, and move on to the next shit claim.

Why should we have any more respect for the shit you are posting now, than you did for the shit you posted a few minutes ago?
Grabbing a woman you don't know by the pussy is sexual assault.

Geez, he knew she was married, and knew that she did not have large breast before, but now did have large breasts.

And you want to pretend that he did not know her, for some reason.

Like I said, anything you say, that is not supported by something, can be dismissed as meaningless garbage.

Fucking wackadoo... I never said he grabbed the pussy of the married woman he moved in on like a bitch. That's just you showing everyone here again just how fucked in the head you are.

I have pointed out the hero on the right tried to commit adultery and would have with her had she let him.
"let" equals consent, as you well know.

Dumb ass.
Who said they "let"? The women? Let's interview them? As we can see in this very thread....many males think "no" means "yes".....how do they define "let"?

YOU claimed he admitted to sexual assault.

ONe word challenge from me, and you drop your claim, that you knew was shit when you made it, and move on to the next shit claim.

Why should we have any more respect for the shit you are posting now, than you did for the shit you posted a few minutes ago?
Grabbing a woman you don't know by the pussy is sexual assault.

Geez, he knew she was married, and knew that she did not have large breast before, but now did have large breasts.

And you want to pretend that he did not know her, for some reason.

Like I said, anything you say, that is not supported by something, can be dismissed as meaningless garbage.

Fucking wackadoo... I never said he grabbed the pussy of the married woman he moved in on like a bitch. That's just you showing everyone here again just how fucked in the head you are.

I have pointed out the hero on the right tried to commit adultery and would have with her had she let him.

Ah, so now you drop the shit about assault and move on to adultery.

Dude. Consider your shit dismissed.

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

The claim was made that Trump admitted to it.

One word from me, and you libs are moving on to the next bullshit claim.

That is you losing liberal.

All you have, is lies and bullshit.

RUn along loser.
He did admit it. That he said they let him is no different than a rapist saying his victim wanted it.

Your position was that he admitted sexual assault. Claiming they gave consent is not admitting to assault.

That you can claim he admitted to assault, while addressing the fact that he claimed consent, shows what an utterly and deeply dishonest person you are.

Nothing you say, should be given any credibility beyond their own internal consistency.

ANYTHING you claim, needs to be supported, or dismissed as complete garbage.
He said he grabbed women by the pussy. And while he tried to paint a picture of consent, many women came forward after hearing him say that to claim it was consensual.

You claimed he ADMITTED it, and now you are attacking his claim of consent.

If he claimed consent, he did not admit assault, you freaking moron.

Give us one reason why we should not dismiss everything that comes out of your face anus?
If he grabbed a woman by the pussy and she did not consent even if he thought she did, that's sexual assault.

And he admitted to that.
Who said they "let"? The women? Let's interview them? As we can see in this very thread....many males think "no" means "yes".....how do they define "let"?

YOU claimed he admitted to sexual assault.

ONe word challenge from me, and you drop your claim, that you knew was shit when you made it, and move on to the next shit claim.

Why should we have any more respect for the shit you are posting now, than you did for the shit you posted a few minutes ago?
Grabbing a woman you don't know by the pussy is sexual assault.

Geez, he knew she was married, and knew that she did not have large breast before, but now did have large breasts.

And you want to pretend that he did not know her, for some reason.

Like I said, anything you say, that is not supported by something, can be dismissed as meaningless garbage.

Fucking wackadoo... I never said he grabbed the pussy of the married woman he moved in on like a bitch. That's just you showing everyone here again just how fucked in the head you are.

I have pointed out the hero on the right tried to commit adultery and would have with her had she let him.

Ah, so now you drop the shit about assault and move on to adultery.

Dude. Consider your shit dismissed.

No one ever accused him of grabbing that women's pussy. YOU brought her up on this argument not me.

And no, I didn't drop the "shit about assault."

Jeez, you're fucking crazy. :cuckoo:

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