Missouri Lawmaker Says Consensual Rape in Debate About New Abortion Laws

Fucktard.... we're talking about him grabbing women by the pussy. No one on the planet, including trump, has said he grabbed that married woman by the pussy. I would say it's baffling that you would drag her into this conversation; but knowing how fucked in the head you are, I can't really say I'm surprised.

He was talking about how women treat rich and famous celebrities differently.

That is not an admission of anything.
He was talking about grabbing women by the pussy which is sexual assault.

He was talking about what women LET rich and famous men do.

Not only did he not claim to have personally engaged in that behavior, but he specifically mentioned consent.

So, once again, everything you spewed from your face anus, turns out to be shit.
Can you take trump's cock any deeper? We know he was talking from personal experience since women came forward and said he groped them.

There is no defense too stupid for you to imagine, is there?

You leftards have proved that you will gin up false accusations of sexual assault when it serves the agenda.

Thus, we do NOT know that he was talking about personal experience, and there was certainly nothing in the tape that suggested that he was.

AND, let us remember, you are the liar that pretends to not know what the word "let" means, so nothing you say, means anything to you, so should not to us either.
How can anyone "gin up false accusations of sexual assault, if the person was not there, or was not a part of the assault? On its face, that question is beyond retarded. You aren't making any sense.
He sure did

Married women too. He does not even respect the fact that a woman may be married

The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

Trump's supporters are glad to be on board with a sexual perv; they voted for it, knowingly

Well...lets look at this in an objective manner....Trump has been accused of being sexually aggressive i.e. he grabbed a pussy bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Is there any man on here who never grabbed a pussy?....if so....you are probably one of those who kept waiting for the woman to say......please grab my pussy.........hehheh time and pussy waits for no man....you either grab it or you forget about it.

On the other hand the democratic president who was impeached......actually raped women. Why do democrats prefer not to talk about that....hmmmmmmmmm
Meet Bill Clinton’s Accusers
If you grabbed without consent, they should cut your balls off. Period! Who the hell are you to just grab somebody? Answer , a misogynist ass hole if you did.
The President did not brag about sexually assaulting women.

That you lied about that, shows that your position is a lie.
Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape - Wikipedia

I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it.

I did try and fuck her. She was married.

And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, "I'll show you where they have some nice furniture." I took her out furniture—I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look.[3]

Later, referring to Arianne Zucker (whom they were waiting to meet), Trump says:

I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.[3]

"let" equals consent, as you well know.

Dumb ass.
Again, trump said that... not the women he groped. Many of the women he groped said they didn't "let" him. i.e., no consent.
I'd really like to see all those CRCs who claim that grabbing some woman in the pussy or just walking up and kissing them try the same thing in public or at work. See how that works out for them.
Women expect the man to make the first move. They are attracted to the male who fits that natural dominant role. Grabbing inappropriately is unacceptable. But a first passionate kiss at a party is nature running it’s course. Lesbian feminists are trying to destroy natural heterosexuality and the beautiful dance that exist between a man and a woman falling in love. There is nothing more thrilling than that first kiss. Liberals are unnatural evil people for wanting to destroy that.

Boys will be boys. Women love it.

One of the first things I learned about women way back there in the good ole days.....when you make a move....make a strong one. You got to let the woman know you really want it and you want it right now....anything less and you will not get what you want.

Sure you might get slapped in the face sometimes...that was expected and laughed about Most women knew how to take care of themselves very well.

I remember in high school we had a teacher....she was very attractive....she took on several football players....word finally got back to the School Principal....they let her and her husband go...he was a teacher also...no muss no fuss....just leave. hehheh
The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

Trump's supporters are glad to be on board with a sexual perv; they voted for it, knowingly

Well...lets look at this in an objective manner....Trump has been accused of being sexually aggressive i.e. he grabbed a pussy bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Is there any man on here who never grabbed a pussy?....if so....you are probably one of those who kept waiting for the woman to say......please grab my pussy.........hehheh time and pussy waits for no man....you either grab it or you forget about it.

On the other hand the democratic president who was impeached......actually raped women. Why do democrats prefer not to talk about that....hmmmmmmmmm
Meet Bill Clinton’s Accusers
If you grabbed without consent, they should cut your balls off. Period! Who the hell are you to just grab somebody? Answer , a misogynist ass hole if you did.

Don't be silly....nothing wrong with grabbing some pussy...and most women do not mind...they might be a little shocked or suprised sometimes but most of them find it exciting....women are passive...men are aggressive been that way for thousands of years all over the world.

Rape was part of the Native American culture...that was the way they got married...first rape the one you wanted and then she became your wife.

Not saying that is good or whatever...just the way it worked in their culture.

Men in every society have been dominant since the beginning.

Now of course there is a big push going on to make women equal in every respect. Still...very few dominant women around...just a biological thing. That cannot be changed.
So, instead of talking about the actual woman mentioned, you want to move on to his general statement about how women act with stars who are rich and famous.

Obvious point there is, that him talking about the way woman are with stars, is not an "admission" of anything.

So, consider that some more of your shit dismissed.
Fucktard.... we're talking about him grabbing women by the pussy. No one on the planet, including trump, has said he grabbed that married woman by the pussy. I would say it's baffling that you would drag her into this conversation; but knowing how fucked in the head you are, I can't really say I'm surprised.

He was talking about how women treat rich and famous celebrities differently.

That is not an admission of anything.
He was talking about grabbing women by the pussy which is sexual assault.

He was talking about what women LET rich and famous men do.

Not only did he not claim to have personally engaged in that behavior, but he specifically mentioned consent.

So, once again, everything you spewed from your face anus, turns out to be shit.
Can you take trump's cock any deeper? We know he was talking from personal experience since women came forward and said he groped them in that fashion.

There is no defense too stupid for you to imagine, is there?

So...why did they not complain about it back when it happened? Oh wait by bad....they had to wait for someone to tell them that it was wrong and they should complain about it. hehheh What they forgot to tell was how big a kick they got out of it.

Would you complain if some woman came up and grabbed your dick...or in your case if some man grabbed your dick? hehheh
I think its when a women really wants it but doesnt want to seem like a slut and pushes the guy into taking it,,,

its happened to me several times and all of them ended in long relationships,,,,

No means no. End of story.

hate to break it to you, but with some women no means yes,,,

I hate to break it to you, but you are wrong in the eye of the law. If a woman says no, then you better stop, if not risk a rape case.

There is no argument here.

sorry but when the women wants it she wants it,,,she only says no while she undress's

and also the law says she has to file a complaint,,,
And you're a woman so you would know right? Lol! What an idiot.

I do no think most women even today would agree with all these lesbo-fanatics running around trying to keep men from the women...they think they should get all the women for themselves....the incidence of lesbian rape has gone way up.
Your position was that he admitted sexual assault. Claiming they gave consent is not admitting to assault.

That you can claim he admitted to assault, while addressing the fact that he claimed consent, shows what an utterly and deeply dishonest person you are.

Nothing you say, should be given any credibility beyond their own internal consistency.

ANYTHING you claim, needs to be supported, or dismissed as complete garbage.
He said he grabbed women by the pussy. And while he tried to paint a picture of consent, many women came forward after hearing him say that to claim it was consensual.

You claimed he ADMITTED it, and now you are attacking his claim of consent.

If he claimed consent, he did not admit assault, you freaking moron.

Give us one reason why we should not dismiss everything that comes out of your face anus?
If he grabbed a woman by the pussy and she did not consent even if he thought she did, that's sexual assault.

And he admitted to that.

If some one admits to something, they admit to it. There are no if thens, in an admission.

You were just spewing some shit from your face anus, and I called you on it.

Normal day in the neighborhood.
It was assault and he admitted to it. Your sycophantic denials can't alter that.


Don't be silly ....nothing in the law books say grabbing some pussy is assault....especially when the woman allows it...aka...does not complain at the time. Does not even slap the perp in the face.

Anyhow The Donald may very well have been just trying to entertain the fellow he was talking to ...ya know like in the locker room where men are always braggin about their sexual conquests...sometimes even truthfully. But as explained before...The Donald was just talking about how easy it is for a 'star' to get in a woman's panties. No big deal. A woman loves it when a lot of attention is devoted to her most prized possession. hehheh No real woman wants her pussy to be neglected. Most guys know this.

We have enough real problems in our society without all this silly talk about grabbing pussy.
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I think its when a women really wants it but doesnt want to seem like a slut and pushes the guy into taking it,,,

its happened to me several times and all of them ended in long relationships,,,,

No means no. End of story.

hate to break it to you, but with some women no means yes,,,

I hate to break it to you, but you are wrong in the eye of the law. If a woman says no, then you better stop, if not risk a rape case.

There is no argument here.

sorry but when the women wants it she wants it,,,she only says no while she undress's

and also the law says she has to file a complaint,,,
And you're a woman so you would know right? Lol! What an idiot.

and you are not a woman...so what makes you think you know? Not even to mention you obviously have had very little experience with women.
He sure did

Married women too. He does not even respect the fact that a woman may be married

The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".
How many women do you think "let" someone come up to them in public and grab their pussy? How many women like that do you know? Try doing what he brags of doing in public or better yet at work and see what happens.

That was the point Trump was making. When you are rich and famous, women treat you differently.

THat vile liars took what he said, and twisted it, into a stupid gotcha lie, is on them, not on him.

Trump's own words are just that; Trump's own words.

Trump was bragging that he is God's gift to women & he was bragging how he gets to grab & bang WTF he wants.

That is the sign of a pure ass hole.

Why does another man's success with women make you so angry and jealous?
It's like people actually believe that donnie goes around and asked women "pardon me...may I grab you in the pussy?" And then they go..."Why yes....by all means. I will let you grab me in the pussy."


Now that is funni bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you do make a good point....he who ax a woman for a sexual favor will never get one.

Women would laugh in the face of any fool who was stupid enough to ax something like that....on the other hand they respect a strong and bold move...it excites them...most men know this ....now those of you who lack experience...should seek guidance from those who truly understand women and what they want.
Nature has developed a very intense desire for males and females to have sex. To insure the propagation of the species.

Society has set up rules governing the sexual behavior of men because of their frequent display they cannot or are unwilling to control their aggressive sexual nature in many cases.

Otherwise there would be much more rape than occurs now...that cannot be denied.

Look at scenarios where there is no law and order ...i.e. when Russian troops overran Germany...there was hardly a woman that was not raped in areas controlled by Russia...no matter the age of the female.

So men must accept a lot if not most of the blame for rape of women. Not to forget that in prison...that stronger men rape weaker men. You hear little about that...no one seems too concerned about that....not even liberals. The reasoning on that usually goes well they are criminals so no need to get concerned about that.

Also overlooked is the rape of men by other men in the Armed Forces.....something that did not occur very often in the past....but since the integration of the services it has gradually increased to a crisis point and has generated some concern in recent years....thous the main cause of it is overlooked...the desire of negroes to have sex with white women or white men....and that combined with rhip...rank has its privelege where black men often are in positions of power over white men and white women aka outrank them...gives them the opportunity to exploit that advantage whilst also making it difficult for someone to report anyone who outranks them.
You need to get help you sick fuck.

Deny it all you want boyo....i am jus telling it like it is. Maybe you are so virginal because you have isolated yourself to such an extent you cannot believe this stuff.

Male Rape in the Military Being Confronted
Yep... plus he is a former law enforcement officer.

"A Missouri state lawmaker was met with hisses when he used the phrase "consensual rape" during a highly charged House debate on a bill that would ban abortions at eight weeks, including in cases of rape and incest.

Republican Rep. Barry Hovis, of Cape Girardeau, said in the chamber Friday that most of the sexual assaults he handled before retiring from law enforcement weren't strangers "jumping out of the bushes" but instead "date rapes or consensual rapes.""

Missouri lawmaker tries to walk back 'consensual rape' remark

These are the idiots making laws for people...

Can someone please define consensual rape?

Yep... plus he is a former law enforcement officer.

"A Missouri state lawmaker was met with hisses when he used the phrase "consensual rape" during a highly charged House debate on a bill that would ban abortions at eight weeks, including in cases of rape and incest.

Republican Rep. Barry Hovis, of Cape Girardeau, said in the chamber Friday that most of the sexual assaults he handled before retiring from law enforcement weren't strangers "jumping out of the bushes" but instead "date rapes or consensual rapes.""

Missouri lawmaker tries to walk back 'consensual rape' remark

These are the idiots making laws for people...

Can someone please define consensual rape?

View attachment 261469

Well first of all you must understand what sexual assault can mean...even a un-wanted kiss can be considered sexual assault now.

Anyhow...not sure what he meant by 'consensual rape'...he could have just mispoken as in I have never heard the term used before and I doubt anyone else has either

As pointed out before it could mean a underage girl giving consent but by law she cannot give consent...so by law even though she is consenting it is still rape.

Anyhow....farrrr tooooo much has been made of it or attempted to make something of it.

Did he get fired yet?

Just another example of leftwing haters looking for something to use in their hate driven agenda.

After reading your article I see where he says he just mis-spoke.....Hovis, of Missouri's southeastern Bootheel region, told the Associated Press he had meant to say "date rapes or consensual or rape

Which is about as incoherent as his first statement...maybe the guy had a couple of drinks or sumptin.

But again..........too much has been made of this by those obsessed with hatred. A shame really.
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You can start to correct yourself by not treating every single man as an amoral beast. Not every man is a rapist.
I don't know if someone has told you this, and you stupidly assumed it was true or if that's your view of every single man you've ever come across because there is something wrong with your thought processes.

You are a flaming mess in any event.
You are absolutely right...not every man is an immoral beast....in fact the vast majority of men are not immoral beasts......I never claimed that....but there certainly are enough for this to be an issue, right? Especially large enough of an issue that 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused before they even reach 18....and that the #1 cause of death of pregnant women is murder. You don't see this as an issue? You don't see a culture of "boys will be boys" as an issue? You don't see calling a presidential candidate bragging about sexually assaulting women as just "locker room talk" as an issue?

The President did not brag about sexually assaulting women.

That you lied about that, shows that your position is a lie.
He sure did

Married women too. He does not even respect the fact that a woman may be married

LInk, or apologize to every reader for lying to them.

No need

Millions have already seen it Klan Boy

Typical liberal. Spouts shit, and can't back it up.

Another lib tried to back it up. Then I pointed out the word "let" and he started talking stupid shit about "well, if this, then that".

You lose, fool.
He was talking about how women treat rich and famous celebrities differently.

That is not an admission of anything.
He was talking about grabbing women by the pussy which is sexual assault.

He was talking about what women LET rich and famous men do.

Not only did he not claim to have personally engaged in that behavior, but he specifically mentioned consent.

So, once again, everything you spewed from your face anus, turns out to be shit.
Can you take trump's cock any deeper? We know he was talking from personal experience since women came forward and said he groped them.

There is no defense too stupid for you to imagine, is there?

You leftards have proved that you will gin up false accusations of sexual assault when it serves the agenda.

Thus, we do NOT know that he was talking about personal experience, and there was certainly nothing in the tape that suggested that he was.

AND, let us remember, you are the liar that pretends to not know what the word "let" means, so nothing you say, means anything to you, so should not to us either.
How can anyone "gin up false accusations of sexual assault, if the person was not there, or was not a part of the assault? On its face, that question is beyond retarded. You aren't making any sense.

Convince some dishonest woman to lie.

That you pretended that was not an option shows that you are either insanely stupid, or insanely dishonest.

Which are you? Stupid or dishonest?
The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

Trump's supporters are glad to be on board with a sexual perv; they voted for it, knowingly

Well...lets look at this in an objective manner....Trump has been accused of being sexually aggressive i.e. he grabbed a pussy bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Is there any man on here who never grabbed a pussy?....if so....you are probably one of those who kept waiting for the woman to say......please grab my pussy.........hehheh time and pussy waits for no man....you either grab it or you forget about it.

On the other hand the democratic president who was impeached......actually raped women. Why do democrats prefer not to talk about that....hmmmmmmmmm
Meet Bill Clinton’s Accusers
If you grabbed without consent, they should cut your balls off. Period! Who the hell are you to just grab somebody? Answer , a misogynist ass hole if you did.

Are you really this unaware of the way people actually communicate and that sexual attraction and relationships work?

Or are you just playing asshole sophists games?
Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

Trump's supporters are glad to be on board with a sexual perv; they voted for it, knowingly

Well...lets look at this in an objective manner....Trump has been accused of being sexually aggressive i.e. he grabbed a pussy bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Is there any man on here who never grabbed a pussy?....if so....you are probably one of those who kept waiting for the woman to say......please grab my pussy.........hehheh time and pussy waits for no man....you either grab it or you forget about it.

On the other hand the democratic president who was impeached......actually raped women. Why do democrats prefer not to talk about that....hmmmmmmmmm
Meet Bill Clinton’s Accusers
If you grabbed without consent, they should cut your balls off. Period! Who the hell are you to just grab somebody? Answer , a misogynist ass hole if you did.

Don't be silly....nothing wrong with grabbing some pussy...and most women do not mind...they might be a little shocked or suprised sometimes but most of them find it exciting....women are passive...men are aggressive been that way for thousands of years all over the world.

Rape was part of the Native American culture...that was the way they got married...first rape the one you wanted and then she became your wife.

Not saying that is good or whatever...just the way it worked in their culture.

Men in every society have been dominant since the beginning.

Now of course there is a big push going on to make women equal in every respect. Still...very few dominant women around...just a biological thing. That cannot be changed.
"Most women do not mind?" Have you been with most women? Lol! What a misogynist pig.

If what you said were true, we wouldn't have so many sexual harassment cases. Get a clue.
Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.

Trump's supporters are glad to be on board with a sexual perv; they voted for it, knowingly

Well...lets look at this in an objective manner....Trump has been accused of being sexually aggressive i.e. he grabbed a pussy bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Is there any man on here who never grabbed a pussy?....if so....you are probably one of those who kept waiting for the woman to say......please grab my pussy.........hehheh time and pussy waits for no man....you either grab it or you forget about it.

On the other hand the democratic president who was impeached......actually raped women. Why do democrats prefer not to talk about that....hmmmmmmmmm
Meet Bill Clinton’s Accusers
If you grabbed without consent, they should cut your balls off. Period! Who the hell are you to just grab somebody? Answer , a misogynist ass hole if you did.

Are you really this unaware of the way people actually communicate and that sexual attraction and relationships work?

Or are you just playing asshole sophists games?
I know how sexual harassment cases are communicated in the courts. Is that your idea of sexual attraction?
Yep... plus he is a former law enforcement officer.

"A Missouri state lawmaker was met with hisses when he used the phrase "consensual rape" during a highly charged House debate on a bill that would ban abortions at eight weeks, including in cases of rape and incest.

Republican Rep. Barry Hovis, of Cape Girardeau, said in the chamber Friday that most of the sexual assaults he handled before retiring from law enforcement weren't strangers "jumping out of the bushes" but instead "date rapes or consensual rapes.""

Missouri lawmaker tries to walk back 'consensual rape' remark

These are the idiots making laws for people...

Can someone please define consensual rape?

View attachment 261469

Evidently not
No means no. End of story.

hate to break it to you, but with some women no means yes,,,

I hate to break it to you, but you are wrong in the eye of the law. If a woman says no, then you better stop, if not risk a rape case.

There is no argument here.

sorry but when the women wants it she wants it,,,she only says no while she undress's

and also the law says she has to file a complaint,,,
And you're a woman so you would know right? Lol! What an idiot.

and you are not a woman...so what makes you think you know? Not even to mention you obviously have had very little experience with women.
We'll, if I don't know and I am a man, and you are a man, then how do you know? Exactly, you don't. You're just an everyday misogynist who thinks he gets to decide what a woman wants or doesn't want.

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