Missouri Set To Throw 3,000 Parasites OFF Welfare

I've lived the big city life for over 60 years. I see it all every day. What you know about me (or them) might fill a thimble. What I know about you is you have a bad case of B.H.L. (Bleeding Heart Liberalism) which requires others to pay for what makes you feel good about yourself.

Well, my daddy used to say to me "son, walk a mile on someone's shoes before you decide you are worthy to judge them". How many miles have you walked in the shoes of the poor?

Dayam ... you whiny loony lefties are clueless, pompous idiots (and I mean that with all due respect). So what makes you think I know nothing about financial struggles? What I have always known - even when broke - is that I am responsible for cleaning up my own mess (and you are responsible for yours).

And so you have always been a self-made man? You have never accepted help from anyone? Ever? Wasn't it your savior who said "blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God"? I guess he was a bleeding heart liberal too, eh?
Well, my daddy used to say to me "son, walk a mile on someone's shoes before you decide you are worthy to judge them". How many miles have you walked in the shoes of the poor?

Mine said that just once.

To HIS dad who had lived through The Great Democrat Depression.

Grandpap reminded him that, in his day, if you HAD shoes you were NOT poor.

That doesn't fly these days. In your grandpappy's day, you could see three movies for a dime. You can't buy anything for a dime these days. But I do find it interesting to see Republicans long for the good ole days of the great depression. After all, they ruled when that disaster struck.

Your "concern" for those you deem less fortunate is commendable but your insistence that we should take from those just squeaking by to pay for the mistakes of others isn't just wrong, it's immoral. Where is your concern for those who work 2 jobs and 60+ hours/wk in order to sustain both their financial obligations and their self-respect?

You are absolutely right. Those damned lefty parasitic kids should be told to get a job...or 2 or 3!

Nope, but THEIR PARENTS certainly should and there's nothing genetically lefty about parasites ... most are just voting (if they vote) for the party that provides the most "free" stuff.
INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

Your "concern" for those you deem less fortunate is commendable but your insistence that we should take from those just squeaking by to pay for the mistakes of others isn't just wrong, it's immoral. Where is your concern for those who work 2 jobs and 60+ hours/wk in order to sustain both their financial obligations and their self-respect?

You are absolutely right. Those damned lefty parasitic kids should be told to get a job...or 2 or 3!

Nope, but THEIR PARENTS certainly should and there's nothing genetically lefty about parasites ... most are just voting (if they vote) for the party that provides the most "free" stuff.
INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

Hey, the lowest bidder always gets the contract. Isn't that the capitalist way?
Society is no more responsible for preventing conception than we are for paying for the predictable results of others poor choices. The ability to spread ones legs is not job training.
If you aren't smart enough to realize its cheaper giving them free IUDs then just keep paying for their kids.

I'm smart enough to know if you require people to be responsible for their own mistakes and life style choices, most will (but I'm not sure about you).
How does that work for corporate, means tested welfare that even provides for multimillion dollar bonuses?
And so you have always been a self-made man? You have never accepted help from anyone? Ever? Wasn't it your savior who said "blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God"? I guess he was a bleeding heart liberal too, eh?
What I have always known - even when broke - is that I am responsible for cleaning up my own mess (and that you are responsible for yours) and what I am is not the issue but rather what you lefties blithely require of all those lower middle class WORKING FAMILIES whose tax burden is made greater by your need to feel self-righteous. Get the hell off their backs.
Hey, the lowest bidder always gets the contract. Isn't that the capitalist way?

In this case it's the highest bidder that gets the votes and why not ... those giving away the "freebies" aren't paying for them (but our hard working families certainly are).
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Hey we'll ship you all the lazy bums you can take since you know how to handle the problem so much better than those on the spot.
And so you have always been a self-made man? You have never accepted help from anyone? Ever? Wasn't it your savior who said "blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God"? I guess he was a bleeding heart liberal too, eh?
What I have always known - even when broke - is that I am responsible for cleaning up my own mess (and that you are responsible for yours) and what I am is not the issue but rather what you lefties blithely require of all those lower middle class WORKING FAMILIES whose tax burden is made greater by your need to feel self-righteous. Get the hell off their backs.

Erm, there are no lower middle class "lefties". Since when? And by the way, it isn't "lefties" that are burdening the lower middle class with hefty tax burdens. It is you righttards who insist that the 1% get all the treasure while doling out crumbs to the bottom 47%, and demanding a flat tax rate. Don't believe me? Ask your 2012 presidential candidate.
I'm smart enough to know if you require people to be responsible for their own mistakes and life style choices, most will (but I'm not sure about you).
How does that work for corporate, means tested welfare that even provides for multimillion dollar bonuses?

Lame deflection. If you wish to discuss the business/gov't relationship either find a suitable thread or start another one.
INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

Hey, the lowest bidder always gets the contract. Isn't that the capitalist way?

In this case it's the highest bidder that gets the votes and why not ... those giving away the "freebies" aren't paying for them (but our hard working families certainly are).[/QUOTE]

It's a certainty that the rich aren't.
I believe the Right is disingenuous when claiming poverty is an Individual problem instead of an Instutional problem in our republic.

They have a guilt complex, and instead of owning up to it, they have to blame someone else, and so they blame the poor for their plight. Just like some of them still blame rape on the victim.
And so you have always been a self-made man? You have never accepted help from anyone? Ever? Wasn't it your savior who said "blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God"? I guess he was a bleeding heart liberal too, eh?
What I have always known - even when broke - is that I am responsible for cleaning up my own mess (and that you are responsible for yours) and what I am is not the issue but rather what you lefties blithely require of all those lower middle class WORKING FAMILIES whose tax burden is made greater by your need to feel self-righteous. Get the hell off their backs.

Erm, there are no lower middle class "lefties"...

So see if you can quote me having said so ridiculous a thing but I assure you, even most rational lefties who work 60+ hrs/wk resent what our gov't confiscates from them to give away to others.
Then again, perhaps most who work that hard are just not lefties.
In this case it's the highest bidder that gets the votes and why not ... those giving away the "freebies" aren't paying for them (but our hard working families certainly are).
It's a certainty that the rich aren't.
Our wealthy don't pay their fair share? Really? Do you ever think about what you say before hitting "POST REPLY?" As recently as 2012 the top 5% of American earners - those earning more than $175,817/yr paid 58.9% of all personal federal income taxes. The bottom 50% - those earning less than $36,055/yr paid NOTHING.
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And so you have always been a self-made man? You have never accepted help from anyone? Ever? Wasn't it your savior who said "blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God"? I guess he was a bleeding heart liberal too, eh?
What I have always known - even when broke - is that I am responsible for cleaning up my own mess (and that you are responsible for yours) and what I am is not the issue but rather what you lefties blithely require of all those lower middle class WORKING FAMILIES whose tax burden is made greater by your need to feel self-righteous. Get the hell off their backs.

Erm, there are no lower middle class "lefties"...

So see if you can quote me having said so ridiculous a thing but I assure you, even most rational lefties who work 60+ hrs/wk resent what our gov't confiscates from them to give away to others.
Then again, perhaps most who work that hard are just not lefties.

I don't, and never have. Unlike you, I am not so greedy that I can't share in my own good fortune. After all, I don't believe this world owes me anything. It was here first. Einstein once said:

"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the ‘Universe’ —a part limited in time and space and personal consciousness. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and feelings, as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. While no one can achieve this completely, the striving for such achievement is a part of the liberation, and a foundation of inner security.”

A worthy goal, in my humble opinion. Now, if that makes me a bleeding heart liberal, so be it. Better that than a self-centered greedy ultra-conservative.
I'm smart enough to know if you require people to be responsible for their own mistakes and life style choices, most will (but I'm not sure about you).
How does that work for corporate, means tested welfare that even provides for multimillion dollar bonuses?

Lame deflection. If you wish to discuss the business/gov't relationship either find a suitable thread or start another one.
no, it isn't. it is relevant to the extent, "poor lifestyle choices" are perpetuated by rights in private property for the wealthiest even on means tested corporate forms of welfare.
And so you have always been a self-made man? You have never accepted help from anyone? Ever? Wasn't it your savior who said "blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God"? I guess he was a bleeding heart liberal too, eh?
What I have always known - even when broke - is that I am responsible for cleaning up my own mess (and that you are responsible for yours) and what I am is not the issue but rather what you lefties blithely require of all those lower middle class WORKING FAMILIES whose tax burden is made greater by your need to feel self-righteous. Get the hell off their backs.

Erm, there are no lower middle class "lefties"...

So see if you can quote me having said so ridiculous a thing but I assure you, even most rational lefties who work 60+ hrs/wk resent what our gov't confiscates from them to give away to others.
Then again, perhaps most who work that hard are just not lefties.

I don't, and never have. Unlike you, I am not so greedy that I can't share in my own good fortune. Einstein once said:

"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the ‘Universe’ —a part limited in time and space and personal consciousness. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and feelings, as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. While no one can achieve this completely, the striving for such achievement is a part of the liberation, and a foundation of inner security.”

A worthy goal, in my humble opinion. Now, if that makes me a bleeding heart liberal, so be it. Better that than a self-centered greedy ultra-conservative.

You will note I stipulated "rational lefties" (yeah, I know) and you just don't get it. This isn't about me but rather all those who work lots of overtime to support their responsibilities just to have some of their earnings confiscated by our gov't to support those who refuse to make the same sacrifice. That you enjoy it is your choice. Get the hell off their backs.
And so you have always been a self-made man? You have never accepted help from anyone? Ever? Wasn't it your savior who said "blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God"? I guess he was a bleeding heart liberal too, eh?
What I have always known - even when broke - is that I am responsible for cleaning up my own mess (and that you are responsible for yours) and what I am is not the issue but rather what you lefties blithely require of all those lower middle class WORKING FAMILIES whose tax burden is made greater by your need to feel self-righteous. Get the hell off their backs.

Erm, there are no lower middle class "lefties"...

So see if you can quote me having said so ridiculous a thing but I assure you, even most rational lefties who work 60+ hrs/wk resent what our gov't confiscates from them to give away to others.
Then again, perhaps most who work that hard are just not lefties.

I don't, and never have. Unlike you, I am not so greedy that I can't share in my own good fortune. Einstein once said:

"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the ‘Universe’ —a part limited in time and space and personal consciousness. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and feelings, as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. While no one can achieve this completely, the striving for such achievement is a part of the liberation, and a foundation of inner security.”

A worthy goal, in my humble opinion. Now, if that makes me a bleeding heart liberal, so be it. Better that than a self-centered greedy ultra-conservative.

You just don't get it. This isn't about me but rather all those who work lots of overtime to support their responsibilities just to have some of their earnings confiscated by our gov't to support those who refuse to make the same sacrifice. That you enjoy it is your choice. Get the hell off their backs.

You assume that the poor aren't responsible, and that is just not the case for the vast majority. My mother grew up the youngest of 14. They were dirt poor, and all of them had chores to do, and responsibilities handed to them. Many, if not most of the poor today are no less responsible. This isn't about the poor being irresponsible. This is about the rich being too greedy for their own (and everyone else's) good. The fact of the matter is that you prefer to blame the victims rather to try to find the real causes of poverty. It takes much less work, doesn't it? Lazy fucker.

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