Missouri Set To Throw 3,000 Parasites OFF Welfare

What I have always known - even when broke - is that I am responsible for cleaning up my own mess (and that you are responsible for yours) and what I am is not the issue but rather what you lefties blithely require of all those lower middle class WORKING FAMILIES whose tax burden is made greater by your need to feel self-righteous. Get the hell off their backs.

Erm, there are no lower middle class "lefties"...

So see if you can quote me having said so ridiculous a thing but I assure you, even most rational lefties who work 60+ hrs/wk resent what our gov't confiscates from them to give away to others.
Then again, perhaps most who work that hard are just not lefties.

I don't, and never have. Unlike you, I am not so greedy that I can't share in my own good fortune. Einstein once said:

"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the ‘Universe’ —a part limited in time and space and personal consciousness. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and feelings, as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. While no one can achieve this completely, the striving for such achievement is a part of the liberation, and a foundation of inner security.”

A worthy goal, in my humble opinion. Now, if that makes me a bleeding heart liberal, so be it. Better that than a self-centered greedy ultra-conservative.

You just don't get it. This isn't about me but rather all those who work lots of overtime to support their responsibilities just to have some of their earnings confiscated by our gov't to support those who refuse to make the same sacrifice. That you enjoy it is your choice. Get the hell off their backs.

You assume that the poor aren't responsible, and that is just not the case for the vast majority. My mother grew up the youngest of 14. They were dirt poor, and all of them had chores to do, and responsibilities handed to them. Many, if not most of the poor today are no less responsible. This isn't about the poor being irresponsible. This is about the rich being too greedy for their own (and everyone else's) good. The fact of the matter is that you prefer to blame the victims rather to try to find the real causes of poverty. It takes much less work, doesn't it? Lazy fucker.

You assume it's OK to tax millions of working families who just squeak by in order to support others and I've already explained that the top 5% of America's earners are carrying 58.9% of the federal personal tax burden. I assume that those who conceive and birth these babies should be responsible enough to care for them.
As for the causes of poverty perhaps you would agree with JFK's Assistant Labor (later NY Senator) Secretary Daniel Moynihan who 50 years ago noted that the biggest threat to economic and political equality would be single (often addiction addled) parent families. Today 67% of America's black kids live in such households. Who is responsible for their plight, their support and their existence? The hard working family down the street? Where is your compassion for them?
Spend your own money, not that of others.

Go ahead. Tell that to these people face to face.

Erm, there are no lower middle class "lefties"...

So see if you can quote me having said so ridiculous a thing but I assure you, even most rational lefties who work 60+ hrs/wk resent what our gov't confiscates from them to give away to others.
Then again, perhaps most who work that hard are just not lefties.

I don't, and never have. Unlike you, I am not so greedy that I can't share in my own good fortune. Einstein once said:

"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the ‘Universe’ —a part limited in time and space and personal consciousness. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and feelings, as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. While no one can achieve this completely, the striving for such achievement is a part of the liberation, and a foundation of inner security.”

A worthy goal, in my humble opinion. Now, if that makes me a bleeding heart liberal, so be it. Better that than a self-centered greedy ultra-conservative.

You just don't get it. This isn't about me but rather all those who work lots of overtime to support their responsibilities just to have some of their earnings confiscated by our gov't to support those who refuse to make the same sacrifice. That you enjoy it is your choice. Get the hell off their backs.

You assume that the poor aren't responsible, and that is just not the case for the vast majority. My mother grew up the youngest of 14. They were dirt poor, and all of them had chores to do, and responsibilities handed to them. Many, if not most of the poor today are no less responsible. This isn't about the poor being irresponsible. This is about the rich being too greedy for their own (and everyone else's) good. The fact of the matter is that you prefer to blame the victims rather to try to find the real causes of poverty. It takes much less work, doesn't it? Lazy fucker.

You assume it's OK to tax millions of working families who just squeak by in order to support others and I've already explained that the top 5% of America's earners are carrying 58.9% of the federal personal tax burden. I assume that those who conceive and birth these babies should be responsible enough to care for them.
As for the causes of poverty perhaps you would agree with JFK's Assistant Labor (later NY Senator) Secretary Daniel Moynihan who 50 years ago noted that the biggest threat to economic and political equality would be single (often addiction addled) parent families. Today 67% of America's black kids live in such households. Who is responsible for their plight, their support and their existence? The hard working family down the street? Where is your compassion for them?

Do the math. The average tax payer doles out pennies for assistance to the poor in this country. If that bothers you, then you are a very selfish person. If you want to complain about taxes, complain about the multi-billion dollar corporations who don't pay ANY taxes. My father died when I was 5 years old, leaving my mother with 7 kids to raise all alone. We turned out fine. But we also had help, from family and from the government.

As I see it, you have two choices. You can either help the poor get back on their feet, or you can leave them squatting on your sidewalk (in the easement, which is not your property) in front of your house. It's your choice. Why should I feel sorry for hard working families that have jobs, go to school, and have food on the table and a roof over their heads? That's just silly. I truly believe that you pubiccunts are the pettiest, most selfish breed of political sycophants I've ever seen. It's pathetic, really.
Spend your own money, not that of others.

Go ahead. Tell that to these people face to face.

that you told them you wouldn't help but would try to get someone else's money so you keep your own in your pocket? Cause that's what you just said you self-righteous thief.

WTF? I was homeless myself once. And I spend at least one day a week helping out at the local homeless shelter. I pay it forward. So I really don't know what you think I said, but it wasn't that. Maybe you people ought to spend some time there before you mouth off about "3,000 parasites".
Do the math. The average tax payer doles out pennies for assistance to the poor in this country...

Woo. Talking to a loony lefty is like talking to a head of lettuce. This isn't about what aid to the truly needy costs us (and it's way more than "pennies") but rather about the growing segment of our society that produces single parent babies whose future is bleak at best. They seem to believe they have no responsibility for the care and nurturing of those kids because society will pick up their slack. I'm saying many of those who we require to do so are already working 60+ hrs/wk and are themselves living at the margin (and you clearly have no compassion for them ... how typical).
As I see it, you have two choices. You can either help the poor get back on their feet, or you can leave them squatting on your sidewalk (in the easement, which is not your property) in front of your house. It's your choice. Why should I feel sorry for hard working families that have jobs, go to school, and have food on the table and a roof over their heads? That's just silly. I truly believe that you pubiccunts are the pettiest, most selfish breed of political sycophants I've ever seen. It's pathetic, really.

Get back on their feet? Are you kidding? 50 years of the "War on Poverty" has made the situation worse! Instead of rewarding those who make poor choices perhaps we should try rewarding those who make good ones. I don't expect one such as you to "feel sorry" for those who make sacrifices and good choices, get an education and job skills and parley them into a living (even if they must work 60+ hrs/wk). How can you ... you are too busy playing wet nurse (using other people's cash) for those who don't (or won't) make the sacrifices and make poor choices.

Your "concern" for those you deem less fortunate is commendable but your insistence that we should take from those just squeaking by to pay for the mistakes of others isn't just wrong, it's immoral. Where is your concern for those who work 2 jobs and 60+ hours/wk in order to sustain both their financial obligations and their self-respect?

You are absolutely right. Those damned lefty parasitic kids should be told to get a job...or 2 or 3!

Nope, but THEIR PARENTS certainly should and there's nothing genetically lefty about parasites ... most are just voting (if they vote) for the party that provides the most "free" stuff.
INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

Oh! I understand now! Your solution is to cancel Aid for Dependent Children, which will immediately incentivize the parents who were rioting (and possibly in jail) to suddenly take responsibility for their children, and start feeding them! DAMN! why didn't I think of that?

Of course, if they don't, they will die of malnutritian, just like they did 200 years ago....

The RW! Proudly marching backward for over 200 years!
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Do the math. The average tax payer doles out pennies for assistance to the poor in this country...

Woo. Talking to a loony lefty is like talking to a head of lettuce. This isn't about what aid to the truly needy costs us (and it's way more than "pennies") but rather about the growing segment of our society that produces single parent babies whose future is bleak at best. They seem to believe they have no responsibility for the care and nurturing of those kids because society will pick up their slack. I'm saying many of those who we require to do so are already working 60+ hrs/wk and are themselves living at the margin (and you clearly have no compassion for them ... how typical).
As I see it, you have two choices. You can either help the poor get back on their feet, or you can leave them squatting on your sidewalk (in the easement, which is not your property) in front of your house. It's your choice. Why should I feel sorry for hard working families that have jobs, go to school, and have food on the table and a roof over their heads? That's just silly. I truly believe that you pubiccunts are the pettiest, most selfish breed of political sycophants I've ever seen. It's pathetic, really.

Get back on their feet? Are you kidding? 50 years of the "War on Poverty" has made the situation worse! Instead of rewarding those who make poor choices perhaps we should try rewarding those who make good ones. I don't expect one such as you to "feel sorry" for those who make sacrifices and good choices, get an education and job skills and parley them into a living (even if they must work 60+ hrs/wk). How can you ... you are too busy playing wet nurse (using other people's cash) for those who don't (or won't) make the sacrifices and make poor choices.

The war on poverty hasn't made things worse. The widening income gap has made it worse. Trickle down economics has made it worse, much worse. 30 years of flat wages while shipping the best jobs overseas has made it worse. The Republicans fighting every attempt to create jobs for the last 7 years has made it worse. The fight against increasing the minimum wage has made it worse. There are a ton of reasons why poverty in the U.S. has grown, and the war on poverty isn't one of them.
And so you have always been a self-made man? You have never accepted help from anyone? Ever? Wasn't it your savior who said "blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God"? I guess he was a bleeding heart liberal too, eh?
What I have always known - even when broke - is that I am responsible for cleaning up my own mess (and that you are responsible for yours) and what I am is not the issue but rather what you lefties blithely require of all those lower middle class WORKING FAMILIES whose tax burden is made greater by your need to feel self-righteous. Get the hell off their backs.
You dont know shit because you dont live in a every man for himself country. I know so many conservatives who've benefitted from social programs and they dont even realize it.
Maybe they could spend the money they save on infrastructure jobs??? ;) You know JOBS!!!!!
Maybe, but you got to find the money first. Investment beats welfare every time!
Republicans since 2000 stopped investing in america. How long ago did Scott walker have a bridge collapse in Minnesota? And if we werent investing in us neither was corporations or the rest of the world. China is investing in itself. High speed rails.

Anyways, the economy is getting better. People are even starting to get raises.

Steve Wynn Economic recovery pure fiction
And so you have always been a self-made man? You have never accepted help from anyone? Ever? Wasn't it your savior who said "blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God"? I guess he was a bleeding heart liberal too, eh?
What I have always known - even when broke - is that I am responsible for cleaning up my own mess (and that you are responsible for yours) and what I am is not the issue but rather what you lefties blithely require of all those lower middle class WORKING FAMILIES whose tax burden is made greater by your need to feel self-righteous. Get the hell off their backs.
You dont know shit because you dont live in a every man for himself country. I know so many conservatives who've benefitted from social programs and they dont even realize it.

How exactly have I benefited from social programs that I've never taken part in?
bottom line- this will either be the best thing that ever happened to the leechers; or the worst- their choice.
seems arbitrary and capricious, to some on the left.

Those who consume more than they produce - be it an individual, a family, or a country (see: Greece) - they will not only fail themselves but eventually - given enough time - kill the goose that lays the golden eggs ... and eat it.
INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
bottom line- this will either be the best thing that ever happened to the leechers; or the worst- their choice.
seems arbitrary and capricious, to some on the left.

Those who consume more than they produce - be it an individual, a family, or a country (see: Greece) - they will not only fail themselves but eventually - given enough time - kill the goose that lays the golden eggs ... and eat it.
INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

You need to explain how that applies to the United States given the following:

bottom line- this will either be the best thing that ever happened to the leechers; or the worst- their choice.
seems arbitrary and capricious, to some on the left.

Those who consume more than they produce - be it an individual, a family, or a country (see: Greece) - they will not only fail themselves but eventually - given enough time - kill the goose that lays the golden eggs ... and eat it.
INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
sounds like incompetent public policies.

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