Missouri Set To Throw 3,000 Parasites OFF Welfare

I am assuming that "welfare" includes Aid to Dependent Children. Those rug rats should have had better sense that to be fathered by rioters....

This isn't a matter of taking food from the mouths of babes (as hand-wringing bleeding hearts insist) but rather holding those who conceive and birth these kids responsible for their care and upbringing and relieving those who had nothing to do with the conception or birth of the responsibility of caring for and maintaining the result.
I am assuming that "welfare" includes Aid to Dependent Children. Those rug rats should have had better sense that to be fathered by rioters....
Why republicans should favor abortion or at least free contraception for poor women.

Society is no more responsible for preventing conception than we are for paying for the predictable results of others poor choices. The ability to spread ones legs is not job training.
Well if your grand dad was in a w/c I see no problem with helping. But those 20 something lazy ass bums? Let em starve.
Ah yes, compassionate conservatism at its best.
Ah, hand-wringing, bleeding-heart loony leftism at its worst.
Let them starve, and Jesus will no doubt love you for it.

Plenty of people of all races, creeds and sexual orientations - some of whom put in 60+ hr work weeks - scrape by. Living off the generosity of strangers or sucking the gov't teat should not be a career or lifestyle choice and whining about their often self-imposed "plight" doesn't make you a candidate for Sainthood. You want to help them? Be my guest. Just don't require everyone else to pitch in to your favorite charitable cause.
Well if your grand dad was in a w/c I see no problem with helping. But those 20 something lazy ass bums? Let em starve.
Ah yes, compassionate conservatism at its best.
Ah, hand-wringing, bleeding-heart loony leftism at its worst.
Let them starve, and Jesus will no doubt love you for it.

Plenty of people of all races, creeds and sexual orientations - some of whom put in 60+ hr work weeks - scrape by. Living off the generosity of strangers or sucking the gov't teat should not be a career or lifestyle choice and whining about their often self-imposed "plight" doesn't make you a candidate for Sainthood.

Neither does leaving to the dogs people who you know nothing about.
Despite the screaming of democratic dictator Jay Nixon the state senate AND house are preparing to throw a little over 3000 welfare sucking parasites off welfare roles.

This NEEDS to start happening in EVERY state. Surely EVERY state has at LEAST 3000 welfare frauds and cheats that NEED to be tossed. One can only hope that out of the 3000 plus to be booted that some ARE from Ferguson where looters and rioters burned POSSIBLE places of employment to the ground.

Missouri Senate votes to override veto of welfare limits - Yahoo News

this type of spew is why the rightwingnut scum can't win the presidency.

want to cut foodstamps. tell walmart to pay their workers a living wage and benefits so they can stop using foodstamps.
Well if your grand dad was in a w/c I see no problem with helping. But those 20 something lazy ass bums? Let em starve.
Ah yes, compassionate conservatism at its best.
Ah, hand-wringing, bleeding-heart loony leftism at its worst.
Let them starve, and Jesus will no doubt love you for it.

Plenty of people of all races, creeds and sexual orientations - some of whom put in 60+ hr work weeks - scrape by. Living off the generosity of strangers or sucking the gov't teat should not be a career or lifestyle choice and whining about their often self-imposed "plight" doesn't make you a candidate for Sainthood.

Neither does leaving to the dogs people who you know nothing about.

I've lived the big city life for over 60 years. I see it all every day. What you know about me (or them) might fill a thimble. What I know about you is you have a bad case of B.H.L. (Bleeding Heart Liberalism) which requires others to pay for what makes you feel good about yourself.
I am assuming that "welfare" includes Aid to Dependent Children. Those rug rats should have had better sense that to be fathered by rioters....
Why republicans should favor abortion or at least free contraception for poor women.

Society is no more responsible for preventing conception than we are for paying for the predictable results of others poor choices. The ability to spread ones legs is not job training.
If you aren't smart enough to realize its cheaper giving them free IUDs then just keep paying for their kids.
Ah yes, compassionate conservatism at its best.
Ah, hand-wringing, bleeding-heart loony leftism at its worst.
Let them starve, and Jesus will no doubt love you for it.

Plenty of people of all races, creeds and sexual orientations - some of whom put in 60+ hr work weeks - scrape by. Living off the generosity of strangers or sucking the gov't teat should not be a career or lifestyle choice and whining about their often self-imposed "plight" doesn't make you a candidate for Sainthood.

Neither does leaving to the dogs people who you know nothing about.

I've lived the big city life for over 60 years. I see it all every day. What you know about me (or them) might fill a thimble. What I know about you is you have a bad case of B.H.L. (Bleeding Heart Liberalism) which requires others to pay for what makes you feel good about yourself.

Well, my daddy used to say to me "son, walk a mile on someone's shoes before you decide you are worthy to judge them". How many miles have you walked in the shoes of the poor?
Society is no more responsible for preventing conception than we are for paying for the predictable results of others poor choices. The ability to spread ones legs is not job training.
If you aren't smart enough to realize its cheaper giving them free IUDs then just keep paying for their kids.

I'm smart enough to know if you require people to be responsible for their own mistakes and life style choices, most will (but I'm not sure about you).
I've lived the big city life for over 60 years. I see it all every day. What you know about me (or them) might fill a thimble. What I know about you is you have a bad case of B.H.L. (Bleeding Heart Liberalism) which requires others to pay for what makes you feel good about yourself.

Well, my daddy used to say to me "son, walk a mile on someone's shoes before you decide you are worthy to judge them". How many miles have you walked in the shoes of the poor?

Dayam ... you whiny loony lefties are clueless, pompous idiots (and I mean that with all due respect). So what makes you think I know nothing about financial struggles? What I have always known - even when broke - is that I am responsible for cleaning up my own mess (and you are responsible for yours).
Well, my daddy used to say to me "son, walk a mile on someone's shoes before you decide you are worthy to judge them". How many miles have you walked in the shoes of the poor?

Mine said that just once.

To HIS dad who had lived through The Great Democrat Depression.

Grandpap reminded him that, in his day, if you HAD shoes you were NOT poor.
Ah, hand-wringing, bleeding-heart loony leftism at its worst.
Let them starve, and Jesus will no doubt love you for it.

Plenty of people of all races, creeds and sexual orientations - some of whom put in 60+ hr work weeks - scrape by. Living off the generosity of strangers or sucking the gov't teat should not be a career or lifestyle choice and whining about their often self-imposed "plight" doesn't make you a candidate for Sainthood.

Neither does leaving to the dogs people who you know nothing about.

I've lived the big city life for over 60 years. I see it all every day. What you know about me (or them) might fill a thimble. What I know about you is you have a bad case of B.H.L. (Bleeding Heart Liberalism) which requires others to pay for what makes you feel good about yourself.

Well, my daddy used to say to me "son, walk a mile on someone's shoes before you decide you are worthy to judge them". How many miles have you walked in the shoes of the poor?
And doesnt even matter if he's one of the rare lucky ones. We know the statistics. It'd be like my VP brother telling all of us its easy climbing the corporate ladder.
Let them starve, and Jesus will no doubt love you for it.

Plenty of people of all races, creeds and sexual orientations - some of whom put in 60+ hr work weeks - scrape by. Living off the generosity of strangers or sucking the gov't teat should not be a career or lifestyle choice and whining about their often self-imposed "plight" doesn't make you a candidate for Sainthood.

Neither does leaving to the dogs people who you know nothing about.

I've lived the big city life for over 60 years. I see it all every day. What you know about me (or them) might fill a thimble. What I know about you is you have a bad case of B.H.L. (Bleeding Heart Liberalism) which requires others to pay for what makes you feel good about yourself.

Well, my daddy used to say to me "son, walk a mile on someone's shoes before you decide you are worthy to judge them". How many miles have you walked in the shoes of the poor?
And doesnt even matter if he's one of the rare lucky ones. We know the statistics. It'd be like my VP brother telling all of us its easy climbing the corporate ladder.

More loony left whining. Listen up, Princess: if you make it to adulthood be sure to acquire some job skills along your way and do what so many have done before you ... apply them to your work and perhaps you too may get to taste the good life but in any event, PLEASE STOP WHINING!
I am assuming that "welfare" includes Aid to Dependent Children. Those rug rats should have had better sense that to be fathered by rioters....
Why republicans should favor abortion or at least free contraception for poor women.

Society is no more responsible for preventing conception than we are for paying for the predictable results of others poor choices. The ability to spread ones legs is not job training.

I am assuming that "welfare" includes Aid to Dependent Children. Those rug rats should have had better sense that to be fathered by rioters....
Why republicans should favor abortion or at least free contraception for poor women.

Society is no more responsible for preventing conception than we are for paying for the predictable results of others poor choices. The ability to spread ones legs is not job training.
If you aren't smart enough to realize its cheaper giving them free IUDs then just keep paying for their kids.


Your "concern" for those you deem less fortunate is commendable but your insistence that we should take from those just squeaking by to pay for the mistakes of others isn't just wrong, it's immoral. Where is your concern for those who work 2 jobs and 60+ hours/wk in order to sustain both their financial obligations and their self-respect?

Your "concern" for those you deem less fortunate is commendable but your insistence that we should take from those just squeaking by to pay for the mistakes of others isn't just wrong, it's immoral. Where is your concern for those who work 2 jobs and 60+ hours/wk in order to sustain both their financial obligations and their self-respect?

You are absolutely right. Those damned lefty parasitic kids should be told to get a job...or 2 or 3!

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