Missouri Set To Throw 3,000 Parasites OFF Welfare

Despite the screaming of democratic dictator Jay Nixon the state senate AND house are preparing to throw a little over 3000 welfare sucking parasites off welfare roles.

This NEEDS to start happening in EVERY state. Surely EVERY state has at LEAST 3000 welfare frauds and cheats that NEED to be tossed. One can only hope that out of the 3000 plus to be booted that some ARE from Ferguson where looters and rioters burned POSSIBLE places of employment to the ground.

Missouri Senate votes to override veto of welfare limits - Yahoo News

When is the State of Missouri going to bear True Witness to a recognized federal Doctrine and their own State laws concerning the legal concept of employment at will?

Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto
(Latin: "Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law.")
A good start at 20,000 people but every red or purple state should try this to bankrupt the blue states.
some on the left believe the Right is being disingenuous when ending a social safety net but not a natural rate of unemployment.
some on the left believe the Right is being disingenuous when ending a social safety net but not a natural rate of unemployment.
It's not so much ending a social safety net as fixing the social safety net. There are simply those folks who do not belong.
Republicans since 2000 stopped investing in america. How long ago did Scott walker have a bridge collapse in Minnesota? And if we werent investing in us neither was corporations or the rest of the world. China is investing in itself. High speed rails.

Anyways, the economy is getting better. People are even starting to get raises.

Scott Walker is the Governor of Wisconsin, Sealy.
SS needs to clean house too with disability payments given to losers who have nothing wrong with them.
How do you prove that they have nothing wrong with them?
Sometimes SS hires people to check out possible fakers and they are filmed doing those things by private investigators. But it is not done nearly enough.
A film of somebody spinning a wheel on The Price is Right or jacking up a car in no way shows that they are not disabled. For all you know they spent the next 3 days on their back in agonizing pain because of those few minutes of activity.
"Missouri Set To Throw 3,000 Parasites OFF Welfare"

Typical of most on the ignorant, short-sighted right, who incorrectly believe that those who time-out of TANF will simply find a $25 per hour job.

This also exposes the conservative myth that public assistance acts as a 'disincentive' to finding work, where the issue is a lack of education and training, not a lack of jobs or an 'unwillingness' to work; indeed, most on the right advocate eliminating both public assistance and funding for education and training programs, denying those receiving benefits the means to receive training that will result in meaningful employment.

How can that be in a place like Baltimore? The liberal left/democrats run that city. Take your issues up with your party, they manifest the life those oppressed live in Baltimore. In other words, tell the libs who run the show there to fix the issues. Apply the funding you seek. Why not? They control the purse you cite is insufficient

Anyone want to be incensed at the SS Disability need only go to thisamericanlife.org and listen to the landmark broadcast on the subject from 2013.
Maybe they could spend the money they save on infrastructure jobs??? ;) You know JOBS!!!!!
Maybe, but you got to find the money first. Investment beats welfare every time!
Republicans since 2000 stopped investing in america. How long ago did Scott walker have a bridge collapse in Minnesota? And if we werent investing in us neither was corporations or the rest of the world. China is investing in itself. High speed rails.

Anyways, the economy is getting better. People are even starting to get raises.

The economy is not "getting better" by any of the normal measurements.

It's suffering at the lowest post recession rate of growth in US history. The 1st qtr GDP growth was a paltry 0.2% - that's not "getting better". Not by a stretch.

The labor participation rate is the lowest in a generation and we have chronic unemployment.

Scott walker is the governor of Wisconsin, not Minnestota.

You kinda don't know what the fuck your talking about eh?
No you dont. When bush and bush 2 are good and clinton Obama are bad you're the dummy
Republicans since 2000 stopped investing in america. How long ago did Scott walker have a bridge collapse in Minnesota? And if we werent investing in us neither was corporations or the rest of the world. China is investing in itself. High speed rails.

Anyways, the economy is getting better. People are even starting to get raises.

Scott Walker is the Governor of Wisconsin, Sealy.
I always confuse Wisconsin and Minnesota. Doesnt change the point I made which I notice no right wingers addressed.
Republicans since 2000 stopped investing in america. How long ago did Scott walker have a bridge collapse in Minnesota? And if we werent investing in us neither was corporations or the rest of the world. China is investing in itself. High speed rails.

Anyways, the economy is getting better. People are even starting to get raises.

Scott Walker is the Governor of Wisconsin, Sealy.
And that's all he will ever be.
Republicans since 2000 stopped investing in america. How long ago did Scott walker have a bridge collapse in Minnesota? And if we werent investing in us neither was corporations or the rest of the world. China is investing in itself. High speed rails.

Anyways, the economy is getting better. People are even starting to get raises.
Uh... Never. So... You're not a flaming lib, huh?
Despite the screaming of democratic dictator Jay Nixon the state senate AND house are preparing to throw a little over 3000 welfare sucking parasites off welfare roles.

This NEEDS to start happening in EVERY state. Surely EVERY state has at LEAST 3000 welfare frauds and cheats that NEED to be tossed. One can only hope that out of the 3000 plus to be booted that some ARE from Ferguson where looters and rioters burned POSSIBLE places of employment to the ground.

Missouri Senate votes to override veto of welfare limits - Yahoo News
Republicans since 2000 stopped investing in america. How long ago did Scott walker have a bridge collapse in Minnesota? And if we werent investing in us neither was corporations or the rest of the world. China is investing in itself. High speed rails.

Anyways, the economy is getting better. People are even starting to get raises.

Scott Walker is the Governor of Wisconsin, Sealy.

He's fuzzy on that, and lots of other facts....like the "economy is getting better".....:lol:

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