Missouri Set To Throw 3,000 Parasites OFF Welfare

What I have always known - even when broke - is that I am responsible for cleaning up my own mess (and that you are responsible for yours) and what I am is not the issue but rather what you lefties blithely require of all those lower middle class WORKING FAMILIES whose tax burden is made greater by your need to feel self-righteous. Get the hell off their backs.
You dont know shit because you dont live in a every man for himself country. I know so many conservatives who've benefitted from social programs and they dont even realize it.

How exactly have I benefited from social programs that I've never taken part in?
You sound like my conservative buddy who didn't realize he took advantage when he was a child and his father died.

I dont know you. I just know your greedy ignorant type.

My father died when I was fifteen. Nope,no government help.

Really? You lived in the middle of the Antarctic, then?

If he did get zero help then he was either born into money, lying or maybe he's one of those broke ass Kentucky types who lived so high up in the hill they got no help or the people raising him were too dumb and proud to take advantage for their kids programs designed to help.

More times than not they are lying or dont know mama got help. Mama didn't tell him didn't want him to know how poor he was.
Meanwhile, in Greece:
Greek ministers have launched a concerted effort to persuade European officials to release more bailout money (as the government runs out of cash) while at the same time unilaterally reneging on the austerity measures agreed to during previous concerted efforts to persuade European officials to release more bailout money. Brilliant ... fuckin' brilliant. Socialism kills brain cells.

A new law proposed by the leftwing Syriza-led government and passed Tuesday night opens the way to rehire thousands of workers cut loose from the country’s inefficient public sector in a reform enacted by the previous government.

Ask any greek they'll tell you the rich dont pay taxes. Ask any sane american they'll tell you the same about rich americans.. Even rich americans know it.

Only boot lickers dont.
McDonalds employees collect poverty benefits equal to 25% of the McDonalds corporate profit ($1.2 billion), because over 16% of their employees are below the poverty line. However, McDonalds, in their benevolent wisdom, actually has a "McSource" manual instructing employees on how to file for poverty benefits to supplement their wages. To maintain this corporate welfare system, they pay off $2 million per year in lobbying costs.

Yet, somehow, the RW is more concerned about cutting off Aid to Dependent Children for 3,000 bums....
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Ask any greek they'll tell you the rich dont pay taxes. Ask any sane american they'll tell you the same about rich americans.. Even rich americans know it.
Only boot lickers dont.
Unfortunately, what you know wouldn't fill a thimble.
The top 5% of American earners pay 58.9% of all federal personal income taxes.
It is the bottom 50% who pay nothing.
You live in a fantasy world filled with hate and envy.
McDonalds employees collect poverty benefits equal to 25% of the McDonalds corporate profit ($1.2 billion), because over 16% of their employees are below the poverty line. However, McDonalds, in their benevolent wisdom, actually has a "McSource" manual instructing employees on how to file for poverty benefits to supplement their wages. To maintain this corporate welfare system, they pay of $2 million per year in lobbying costs.

Yet, somehow, the RW is more concerned about cutting off Aid to Dependent Children for 3,000 bums....

No one forces anyone to work at McD's just as no one forces anyone to eat there. Would you be happier if McD's and those 440,000 corporate store jobs did not exist?
More times than not they are lying or dont know mama got help. Mama didn't tell him didn't want him to know how poor he was.

Or maybe - just maybe - he and his family didn't believe it was the responsibility of others to provide for them ... a concept clearly foreign to people like you.
McDonalds employees collect poverty benefits equal to 25% of the McDonalds corporate profit ($1.2 billion), because over 16% of their employees are below the poverty line. However, McDonalds, in their benevolent wisdom, actually has a "McSource" manual instructing employees on how to file for poverty benefits to supplement their wages. To maintain this corporate welfare system, they pay of $2 million per year in lobbying costs.

Yet, somehow, the RW is more concerned about cutting off Aid to Dependent Children for 3,000 bums....

No one forces anyone to work at McD's just as no one forces anyone to eat there. Would you be happier if McD's and those 440,000 corporate store jobs did not exist?

But, you don't mind McDonalds shoring up their bottom line by making it necessary for 16% of their employees to live off of our tax money, while McDonalds laughs all the way to the bank....
But, you don't mind McDonalds shoring up their bottom line by making it necessary for 16% of their employees to live off of our tax money, while McDonalds laughs all the way to the bank....

Perhaps those padding their earnings at the public trough should consider getting a second job. Plenty of Americans work 60+ hr weeks just for that purpose ... not that you would understand.
But, you don't mind McDonalds shoring up their bottom line by making it necessary for 16% of their employees to live off of our tax money, while McDonalds laughs all the way to the bank....

Perhaps those padding their earnings at the public trough should consider getting a second job. Plenty of Americans work 60+ hr weeks just for that purpose ... not that you would understand.

Yep, Sayit, you are one of those "Compassionate conservatives" that Bush used to talk about.

And as far as lack of understanding is concerned, why in the hell would anyone prefer to work 60 hours per week, as long as corporate welfare allows them to collect money while working one job? Somehow, you seem OK with blaming people who work full time in a lousy job, instead of the corporation that make a annual profit of $8.5 billion who are intentionally profiting from welfare tax money spent on their employees.
sounds like incompetent public policies.

Indeed, yet given the opportunity that's exactly what you would have us embrace.
only if i want to get listed on SympathyNet instead of EquityNet. we should be solving simple poverty and correcting for a natural rate of unemployment.

And how would you accomplish those noble goals?
simply and easily, simply because supply side economics should be supplying us with better governance at lower cost; and, on an at-will basis that recognizes natural rights and Individual Liberty.

Telling me what you believe supply side economics should be doing does not explain what you would have us do to achieve your twin goals of "solving simple poverty and correcting for a natural rate of unemployment." Please be specific.
We have a federal Doctrine to bear True Witness to and our own State laws as well regarding the legal concept of employment at will. it is simple to solve for simple poverty when due to a natural rate of unemployment, with a form of minimum wage that clears our poverty guidelines.
Perhaps those padding their earnings at the public trough should consider getting a second job. Plenty of Americans work 60+ hr weeks just for that purpose ... not that you would understand.

Yep, Sayit, you are one of those "Compassionate conservatives" that Bush used to talk about...why in the hell would anyone prefer to work 60 hours per week, as long as corporate welfare allows them to collect money while working one job[/QUOTE]

You are one of those hand-wringing, bleeding-heart loony libs who clearly believes sucking the public teat should be a financial choice. It isn't corporate welfare you people are collecting ... it's a lack of self-respect and a sense of responsibility toward the rest of us. What you lazy asses steal from welfare means there's less for the truly needy ... not that a bleeding-heart such as you gives a flying fuck about anyone else.
Ask any greek they'll tell you the rich dont pay taxes. Ask any sane american they'll tell you the same about rich americans.. Even rich americans know it.
Only boot lickers dont.
Unfortunately, what you know wouldn't fill a thimble.
The top 5% of American earners pay 58.9% of all federal personal income taxes.
It is the bottom 50% who pay nothing.
You live in a fantasy world filled with hate and envy.

I'm not going to keep explaining how and why that's not enough, so what and the poor pay way too much in taxes not the rich.

Want proof? The rich are rich and the poor are poor and the poor get taxes all the time in their every day life when they buy shit.

You cry for millionaires I cry for people who make under $70k.
Indeed, yet given the opportunity that's exactly what you would have us embrace.
only if i want to get listed on SympathyNet instead of EquityNet. we should be solving simple poverty and correcting for a natural rate of unemployment.

And how would you accomplish those noble goals?
simply and easily, simply because supply side economics should be supplying us with better governance at lower cost; and, on an at-will basis that recognizes natural rights and Individual Liberty.

Telling me what you believe supply side economics should be doing does not explain what you would have us do to achieve your twin goals of "solving simple poverty and correcting for a natural rate of unemployment." Please be specific.
We have a federal Doctrine to bear True Witness to and our own State laws as well regarding the legal concept of employment at will. it is simple to solve for simple poverty when due to a natural rate of unemployment, with a form of minimum wage that clears our poverty guidelines.

Soooo ... does all that gibberish mean you want a higher federally mandated MW? And while you are at it, WTF is "the legal concept of employment at will?"
More times than not they are lying or dont know mama got help. Mama didn't tell him didn't want him to know how poor he was.

Or maybe - just maybe - he and his family didn't believe it was the responsibility of others to provide for them ... a concept clearly foreign to people like you.
My parents were broke. We lived with grandmother till dad got great union job at ford. Both me and bro paid cash for college because we worked and saved. My bro is a VP I'm a successful salesperson. We never qualified for any free moneys.

That doesnt mean I dont want my society to have safety nets.

My republican friend is the one who benefitted from these safety nets. Means he lacks empathy. Actually he is worse because he's a hypocrite who wants to eliminate safety nets he got. And you probably did too just dont know or won't admit. I dont even care. You and your vision of america sucks.
It was cheap to be broke in the 70s. My dad doesnt even remember what it cost to have a baby. Bet it costs $20k now.
And so you have always been a self-made man? You have never accepted help from anyone? Ever? Wasn't it your savior who said "blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God"? I guess he was a bleeding heart liberal too, eh?
What I have always known - even when broke - is that I am responsible for cleaning up my own mess (and that you are responsible for yours) and what I am is not the issue but rather what you lefties blithely require of all those lower middle class WORKING FAMILIES whose tax burden is made greater by your need to feel self-righteous. Get the hell off their backs.
You dont know shit because you dont live in a every man for himself country. I know so many conservatives who've benefitted from social programs and they dont even realize it.

How exactly have I benefited from social programs that I've never taken part in?
You sound like my conservative buddy who didn't realize he took advantage when he was a child and his father died.

I dont know you. I just know your greedy ignorant type.

My father died when I was fifteen. Nope,no government help.
What years did you go to college?
More times than not they are lying or dont know mama got help. Mama didn't tell him didn't want him to know how poor he was.

Or maybe - just maybe - he and his family didn't believe it was the responsibility of others to provide for them ... a concept clearly foreign to people like you.
What years did you go to college?
The top 5% of American earners pay 58.9% of all federal personal income taxes. It is the bottom 50% who pay nothing.
You live in a fantasy world filled with hate and envy.

I'm not going to keep explaining how and why that's not enough, so what and the poor pay way too much in taxes not the rich...

I just told you that the bottom 50% of American earners pay NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX and you are still whining that they pay too much? WTF is wrong with you?

...You cry for millionaires I cry for people who make under $70k.

Evidently you hear only what you want to hear. The only defense I have offered of the rich is to point out that they are already carrying the bulk of the federal income tax load. I have said in numerous posts that the concept of taking from those who are barely getting by ($40,000-$60,000/yr) and giving it to people who fail to make the effort of those in that stipulated economic group is not just wrong, it's immoral. I cry for no one while you whine incessantly.
Do you need me to explain what that means, again?

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