Missouri Set To Throw 3,000 Parasites OFF Welfare

The top 5% of American earners pay 58.9% of all federal personal income taxes. It is the bottom 50% who pay nothing.
You live in a fantasy world filled with hate and envy.

I'm not going to keep explaining how and why that's not enough, so what and the poor pay way too much in taxes not the rich...

I just told you that the bottom 50% of American earners pay NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX and you are still whining that they pay too much? WTF is wrong with you?

...You cry for millionaires I cry for people who make under $70k.

Evidently you hear only what you want to hear. The only defense I have offered of the rich is to point out that they are already carrying the bulk of the federal income tax load. I have said in numerous posts that the concept of taking from those who are barely getting by ($40,000-$60,000/yr) and giving it to people who fail to make the effort of those in that stipulated economic group is not just wrong, it's immoral. I cry for no one while you whine incessantly.
Do you need me to explain what that means, again?
Taking from the people who make $1-$60 to give it to the rich is immoral but that's what the michigan GOP tried to do this week and we voted it down 80% to 20%. But they'll get it from us one way or the other. I dont care if its federal or state taxes.

Give us our fair share of the nations wealth like before they stole it and we will once again start paying more of the taxes.

Do you get that? If you have 90% of the money of course you gotta pay most of the taxes. Good problem to have dummy.
McDonalds employees collect poverty benefits equal to 25% of the McDonalds corporate profit ($1.2 billion), because over 16% of their employees are below the poverty line. However, McDonalds, in their benevolent wisdom, actually has a "McSource" manual instructing employees on how to file for poverty benefits to supplement their wages. To maintain this corporate welfare system, they pay of $2 million per year in lobbying costs.

Yet, somehow, the RW is more concerned about cutting off Aid to Dependent Children for 3,000 bums....

No one forces anyone to work at McD's just as no one forces anyone to eat there. Would you be happier if McD's and those 440,000 corporate store jobs did not exist?

But, you don't mind McDonalds shoring up their bottom line by making it necessary for 16% of their employees to live off of our tax money, while McDonalds laughs all the way to the bank....

More proof that RWs are in favor of welfare for the 1% but want children to starve.

How dumb is that? They are happy to pay higher taxes so McD's and Walmart can pay lower wages. And then the idiots go buy their products.

The top 5% of American earners pay 58.9% of all federal personal income taxes. It is the bottom 50% who pay nothing.
You live in a fantasy world filled with hate and envy.

I'm not going to keep explaining how and why that's not enough, so what and the poor pay way too much in taxes not the rich...

I just told you that the bottom 50% of American earners pay NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX and you are still whining that they pay too much? WTF is wrong with you?

...You cry for millionaires I cry for people who make under $70k.

Evidently you hear only what you want to hear. The only defense I have offered of the rich is to point out that they are already carrying the bulk of the federal income tax load. I have said in numerous posts that the concept of taking from those who are barely getting by ($40,000-$60,000/yr) and giving it to people who fail to make the effort of those in that stipulated economic group is not just wrong, it's immoral. I cry for no one while you whine incessantly.
Do you need me to explain what that means, again?

"...bottom 50% of American earners pay NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX..."

I can't believe that fools are still spouting this lie although, I must say you do put a slightly different spin on it.

Think it through. Look at your own sentence and THINK about it.

The people who pay "NO" income tax are either those who are wealthy enough to hire accounting firms to scam the system for them


those who have NO income.
This is how ridiculous and stupid Republicans are.

When someone on minimum wage gets fired, Republicans hope they get nothing.

But when a CEO like Carly Fiorina destroys a corporation and fires tens of thousands of hard working Americans, she gets paid $40,000,000.00 to go away.

And Republicans see that as fair and balanced. They might even try to make her president.
...Give us our fair share of the nations wealth like before they stole it and we will once again start paying more of the taxes...

Give you? Give you? What are you 12 years old? Give you?
So who are "we," who stole your fair share of the nation's wealth from you (and how), and what is your "fair share?"

...Do you get that? If you have 90% of the money of course you gotta pay most of the taxes. Good problem to have dummy.

And who has 90% of America's wealth and how did they get it? Please be specific and factual for a change.
McDonalds employees collect poverty benefits equal to 25% of the McDonalds corporate profit ($1.2 billion), because over 16% of their employees are below the poverty line. However, McDonalds, in their benevolent wisdom, actually has a "McSource" manual instructing employees on how to file for poverty benefits to supplement their wages. To maintain this corporate welfare system, they pay of $2 million per year in lobbying costs.

Yet, somehow, the RW is more concerned about cutting off Aid to Dependent Children for 3,000 bums....

No one forces anyone to work at McD's just as no one forces anyone to eat there. Would you be happier if McD's and those 440,000 corporate store jobs did not exist?

But, you don't mind McDonalds shoring up their bottom line by making it necessary for 16% of their employees to live off of our tax money, while McDonalds laughs all the way to the bank....

More proof that RWs are in favor of welfare for the 1% but want children to starve.

How dumb is that? They are happy to pay higher taxes so McD's and Walmart can pay lower wages. And then the idiots go buy their products.


I like going to businesses that pay their employees well. The good news is I'm starting to hear more and more companies are paying more. From walmart to all the fast food places around my home to the CEO who lowered his pay and gave every employee a raise. NPR had a CEO of a health insurance call center and he gave them all raises. Everyone told him what it would cost and he's betting happy employees and low turnover will pay off. He said "even if it doesnt its the right thing to do"

So we know we are right. They people arguing would have us live like tiny Tims.
...Give us our fair share of the nations wealth like before they stole it and we will once again start paying more of the taxes...

Give you? Give you? What are you 12 years old? Give you?
So who are "we," who stole your fair share of the nation's wealth from you (and how), and what is your "fair share?"

...Do you get that? If you have 90% of the money of course you gotta pay most of the taxes. Good problem to have dummy.

And who has 90% of America's wealth and how did they get it? Please be specific and factual for a change.
In a libertarian world the rich would rule and monopoles would be legal. Unregulated free market capitalism is good right? Right? Winner take all anything goes? If not explain why not.
I like going to businesses that pay their employees well. The good news is I'm starting to hear more and more companies are paying more. From walmart to all the fast food places around my home ....

See that? Capitalism works for everyone!
Now please, please, please ... STOP YOUR INCESSANT WHINING!
The people who pay "NO" income tax are either those who are wealthy enough to hire accounting firms to scam the system for them OR those who have NO income.

Typically ignorant (or mendacious) loony leftist whining:

According to the National Taxpayers Union, those earning up to $36,055/yr in 2012 paid no federal income tax while the Heritage Foundation says the top 10% of all earners paid 68% of all PERSONAL FEDERAL INCOME TAXES.
...Give us our fair share of the nations wealth like before they stole it and we will once again start paying more of the taxes...

Give you? Give you? What are you 12 years old? Give you?
So who are "we," who stole your fair share of the nation's wealth from you (and how), and what is your "fair share?"

...Do you get that? If you have 90% of the money of course you gotta pay most of the taxes. Good problem to have dummy.

And who has 90% of America's wealth and how did they get it? Please be specific and factual for a change.
In a libertarian world the rich would rule and monopoles would be legal. Unregulated free market capitalism is good right? Right? Winner take all anything goes? If not explain why not.

You answered none of the questions about your previous silly statements. Please try again.
Evidently you hear only what you want to hear. The only defense I have offered of the rich is to point out that they are already carrying the bulk of the federal income tax load. I have said in numerous posts that the concept of taking from those who are barely getting by ($40,000-$60,000/yr) and giving it to people who fail to make the effort of those in that stipulated economic group is not just wrong, it's immoral...

...The people who pay "NO" income tax are either those who are wealthy enough to hire accounting firms to scam the system for them OR those who have NO income.

Typically ignorant (or mendacious) loony leftist whining:

According to the National Taxpayers Union, those earning up to $36,055/yr in 2012 paid no federal income tax while the Heritage Foundation says the top 10% of all earners paid 68% of all PERSONAL FEDERAL INCOME TAXES.
We pay state taxes. Blue states pay more than we get from the feds. Where do you think that money comes from?

So you suggest to fund our government we should tax people who make $35k instead of the rich and coporations who have more of the nations wealth than ever? Are we to be serfs? How do you think this is headed? It won't be just blacks rioting and we got guns. Even white racist christians will start timothy mcveighing your asses.
...Give us our fair share of the nations wealth like before they stole it and we will once again start paying more of the taxes...

Give you? Give you? What are you 12 years old? Give you?
So who are "we," who stole your fair share of the nation's wealth from you (and how), and what is your "fair share?"

...Do you get that? If you have 90% of the money of course you gotta pay most of the taxes. Good problem to have dummy.

And who has 90% of America's wealth and how did they get it? Please be specific and factual for a change.
The GOP run by bush and tom delay set into motion what would be the great recession of 2007. It was all on purpose. The rich got their agenda deregulated bought low sold high.

Did you forget tarp dummy? Biggest bank robbery in world history and you dont even know it happened.
I like going to businesses that pay their employees well. The good news is I'm starting to hear more and more companies are paying more. From walmart to all the fast food places around my home ....

See that? Capitalism works for everyone!
Now please, please, please ... STOP YOUR INCESSANT WHINING!
Thanks Obama.

Hillary 2016!
only if i want to get listed on SympathyNet instead of EquityNet. we should be solving simple poverty and correcting for a natural rate of unemployment.

And how would you accomplish those noble goals?
simply and easily, simply because supply side economics should be supplying us with better governance at lower cost; and, on an at-will basis that recognizes natural rights and Individual Liberty.

Telling me what you believe supply side economics should be doing does not explain what you would have us do to achieve your twin goals of "solving simple poverty and correcting for a natural rate of unemployment." Please be specific.
We have a federal Doctrine to bear True Witness to and our own State laws as well regarding the legal concept of employment at will. it is simple to solve for simple poverty when due to a natural rate of unemployment, with a form of minimum wage that clears our poverty guidelines.

Soooo ... does all that gibberish mean you want a higher federally mandated MW? And while you are at it, WTF is "the legal concept of employment at will?"
it means you don't have a clue or a Cause in any legal venue.
...Give us our fair share of the nations wealth like before they stole it and we will once again start paying more of the taxes...

Give you? Give you? What are you 12 years old? Give you?
So who are "we," who stole your fair share of the nation's wealth from you (and how), and what is your "fair share?"

...Do you get that? If you have 90% of the money of course you gotta pay most of the taxes. Good problem to have dummy.

And who has 90% of America's wealth and how did they get it? Please be specific and factual for a change.

Do a little reading up on lobbyists sent to D.C. to influence politicians.
...Give us our fair share of the nations wealth like before they stole it and we will once again start paying more of the taxes...

Give you? Give you? What are you 12 years old? Give you?
So who are "we," who stole your fair share of the nation's wealth from you (and how), and what is your "fair share?"

...Do you get that? If you have 90% of the money of course you gotta pay most of the taxes. Good problem to have dummy.

And who has 90% of America's wealth and how did they get it? Please be specific and factual for a change.
The GOP run by bush and tom delay set into motion what would be the great recession of 2007. It was all on purpose. The rich got their agenda deregulated bought low sold high.

Did you forget tarp dummy? Biggest bank robbery in world history and you dont even know it happened.
You stupid fuck. What the hell is wrong with you? When people rob, they keep the money, duh, they don't pay it back. This is why Republicans shouldn't be anywhere near anything concerning economics.


Percent Recovered: 99.2%
The people who pay "NO" income tax are either those who are wealthy enough to hire accounting firms to scam the system for them OR those who have NO income.

Typically ignorant (or mendacious) loony leftist whining:

According to the National Taxpayers Union, those earning up to $36,055/yr in 2012 paid no federal income tax while the Heritage Foundation says the top 10% of all earners paid 68% of all PERSONAL FEDERAL INCOME TAXES.

Send me the crying towel. I might have to cry for them with you.
According to the National Taxpayers Union, those earning up to $36,055/yr in 2012 paid no federal income tax while the Heritage Foundation says the top 10% of all earners paid 68% of all PERSONAL FEDERAL INCOME TAXES.
We pay state taxes. Blue states pay more than we get from the feds. Where do you think that money comes from?

You can move to a more tax friendly state but you if you live in America, you can't escape the FEDERAL INCOME TAXES. This discussion has been about FEDERAL SPENDING and its effect on FEDERAL INCOME TAXES.
Please don't change the subject.

So you suggest to fund our government we should tax people who make $35k instead of the rich and coporations who have more of the nations wealth than ever? Are we to be serfs? How do you think this is headed? It won't be just blacks rioting and we got guns. Even white racist christians will start timothy mcveighing your asses.

What about my posts suggests to you that I support FEDERAL INCOME TAX on those earning $35,000/yr or less? I reject the idea of taxing any FEDERAL INCOME TAX on the first $60,000/yr. What we have here is one so weak (you), so ignorant (you) so filled with hate and envy (you) that nothing anyone says can penetrate you self-imposed density.
The people who pay "NO" income tax are either those who are wealthy enough to hire accounting firms to scam the system for them OR those who have NO income.

Typically ignorant (or mendacious) loony leftist whining:

According to the National Taxpayers Union, those earning up to $36,055/yr in 2012 paid no federal income tax while the Heritage Foundation says the top 10% of all earners paid 68% of all PERSONAL FEDERAL INCOME TAXES.

Send me the crying towel. I might have cry for them with you.

Dayam. Not a one of you whiny loony libs can deal. Luddy claims the wealthy "game the system" to pay no FEDERAL INCOME TAX while the truth (not that any of you weasels care) is that the top 10% of American earners pay 68% of the FEDERAL INCOME TAX load while the bottom 50% of American earners pay NOTHING ... NADA ... ZILCH.
Sayit has revealed enough about his persuasions that we all know that 1. His grasp of economics never got past the 9th grade, 2. He doesn't give a rats ass about those that CAN not feed, cloth, or house themselves (including children too young to work), and 3. Corporate welfare is a GOOD thing. Accordingly, he is so far beyond the pale that there is no point in even trying to explain that the huge black spot in front of his face is a black hole, in which all of logic has disappeared. Even the simple fact that if McDonalds would raise their pay enough to bring 16% of their employees above the poverty level (leaving them with a mere $3.6 in profit), it would immediately cut welfare expense by $1.2 billion per year, totally escapes him.

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