Missouri Set To Throw 3,000 Parasites OFF Welfare

Sayit has revealed enough about his persuasions that we all know that 1. His grasp of economics never got past the 9th grade, 2. He doesn't give a rats ass about those that CAN not feed, cloth, or house themselves (including children too young to work), and 3. Corporate welfare is a GOOD thing. Accordingly, he is so far beyond the pale that there is no point in even trying to explain that the huge black spot in front of his face is a black hole, in which all of logic has disappeared. Even the simple fact that if McDonalds would raise their pay enough to bring 16% of their employees above the poverty level (leaving them with a mere $3.6 in profit), it would immediately cut welfare expense by $1.2 billion per year, totally escapes him.
Typical libertarian tea baggin republican conservative.
Sayit has revealed enough about his persuasions that we all know that 1. His grasp of economics never got past the 9th grade, 2. He doesn't give a rats ass about those that CAN not feed, cloth, or house themselves (including children too young to work), and 3. Corporate welfare is a GOOD thing...

Vandal has exposed enough about himself that we all know:
1. He's a whiny, sniveling, sanctimonious bleeding heart hypocrite
2. He's a piss-poor judge of others, and
3. He doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.
Sayit has revealed enough about his persuasions that we all know that 1. His grasp of economics never got past the 9th grade, 2. He doesn't give a rats ass about those that CAN not feed, cloth, or house themselves (including children too young to work), and 3. Corporate welfare is a GOOD thing. Accordingly, he is so far beyond the pale that there is no point in even trying to explain that the huge black spot in front of his face is a black hole, in which all of logic has disappeared. Even the simple fact that if McDonalds would raise their pay enough to bring 16% of their employees above the poverty level (leaving them with a mere $3.6 in profit), it would immediately cut welfare expense by $1.2 billion per year, totally escapes him.
Typical libertarian tea baggin republican conservative.

You're just an idiot, BooBoo, and everyone (even your fellow loony libs) knows it.
Business's fear of the Obama Regime and uncertainty of what to expect from his regulations is the cause of the 0.2% growth, not the GOP Congress who has only 4 months control of things. Thank Obama and your Harry Reid Senate blocking any Bills that would fire up the economy.

What are you, 12?
What SS needs to do is put the disability roles on the internet with addresses and even their house tagged on google maps so the public can inquire on anyone getting SSD like they have for sexual perverts. Let the public be on the lookout for cheaters. This is a win-win. The government saves by eliminating cheaters and the taxpayers taxes aren't wasted.

What do you think?



Are you going to the dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214 School of Spelling?

What SS needs to do is put the disability roles on the internet with addresses and even their house tagged on google maps so the public can inquire on anyone getting SSD like they have for sexual perverts. Let the public be on the lookout for cheaters. This is a win-win. The government saves by eliminating cheaters and the taxpayers taxes aren't wasted.

What do you think?
That seems like it would be a serious invasion of medical privacy.

It would be, but then again, when have Conservatives every really, truly cared about privacy?
Despite the screaming of democratic dictator Jay Nixon the state senate AND house are preparing to throw a little over 3000 welfare sucking parasites off welfare roles.

This NEEDS to start happening in EVERY state. Surely EVERY state has at LEAST 3000 welfare frauds and cheats that NEED to be tossed. One can only hope that out of the 3000 plus to be booted that some ARE from Ferguson where looters and rioters burned POSSIBLE places of employment to the ground.

Missouri Senate votes to override veto of welfare limits - Yahoo News


You collossal retard.

It's his IQ of 214, you know. We should be in awe of it.

Despite the screaming of democratic dictator Jay Nixon the state senate AND house are preparing to throw a little over 3000 welfare sucking parasites off welfare roles.

This NEEDS to start happening in EVERY state. Surely EVERY state has at LEAST 3000 welfare frauds and cheats that NEED to be tossed. One can only hope that out of the 3000 plus to be booted that some ARE from Ferguson where looters and rioters burned POSSIBLE places of employment to the ground.

Missouri Senate votes to override veto of welfare limits - Yahoo News





Dear Dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214, these are depictions of "roles":






Any questions, dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214?
Sayit has revealed enough about his persuasions that we all know that 1. His grasp of economics never got past the 9th grade, 2. He doesn't give a rats ass about those that CAN not feed, cloth, or house themselves (including children too young to work), and 3. Corporate welfare is a GOOD thing. Accordingly, he is so far beyond the pale that there is no point in even trying to explain that the huge black spot in front of his face is a black hole, in which all of logic has disappeared. Even the simple fact that if McDonalds would raise their pay enough to bring 16% of their employees above the poverty level (leaving them with a mere $3.6 in profit), it would immediately cut welfare expense by $1.2 billion per year, totally escapes him.
Typical libertarian tea baggin republican conservative.

What's funny about these people is they also oppose jobs in the public sector like infrastructure, science, and r&d! So you pretty much have to go to the shitty private sector which is mostly tech or fast food! LOL. What a bunch of idiots.
Sayit has revealed enough about his persuasions that we all know that 1. His grasp of economics never got past the 9th grade, 2. He doesn't give a rats ass about those that CAN not feed, cloth, or house themselves (including children too young to work), and 3. Corporate welfare is a GOOD thing. Accordingly, he is so far beyond the pale that there is no point in even trying to explain that the huge black spot in front of his face is a black hole, in which all of logic has disappeared. Even the simple fact that if McDonalds would raise their pay enough to bring 16% of their employees above the poverty level (leaving them with a mere $3.6 in profit), it would immediately cut welfare expense by $1.2 billion per year, totally escapes him.
Typical libertarian tea baggin republican conservative.

You're just an idiot, BooBoo, and everyone (even your fellow loony libs) knows it.

I believe in jobs. Private or Public. You seem to oppose a entire sector! That is pretty idiotic.
how funny how much is corporate welfare? but dont worry about that...you would prefer to starve kids over ceo's
Sayit has revealed enough about his persuasions that we all know that 1. His grasp of economics never got past the 9th grade, 2. He doesn't give a rats ass about those that CAN not feed, cloth, or house themselves (including children too young to work), and 3. Corporate welfare is a GOOD thing. Accordingly, he is so far beyond the pale that there is no point in even trying to explain that the huge black spot in front of his face is a black hole, in which all of logic has disappeared. Even the simple fact that if McDonalds would raise their pay enough to bring 16% of their employees above the poverty level (leaving them with a mere $3.6 in profit), it would immediately cut welfare expense by $1.2 billion per year, totally escapes him.
Typical libertarian tea baggin republican conservative.

You're just an idiot, BooBoo, and everyone (even your fellow loony libs) knows it.

I believe in jobs. Private or Public. You seem to oppose a entire sector! That is pretty idiotic.
And sayit refused to tell me what years he went to college. He saulid the government never helped him. That means he isnt college educated because if not for the government his college would have cost $200k and tough shit if he couldn't afford it.

Con's dont understand the value or importance of government.

Con's dont just say government sucks they prove it.
You dont know shit because you dont live in a every man for himself country. I know so many conservatives who've benefitted from social programs and they dont even realize it.

How exactly have I benefited from social programs that I've never taken part in?
You sound like my conservative buddy who didn't realize he took advantage when he was a child and his father died.

I dont know you. I just know your greedy ignorant type.

My father died when I was fifteen. Nope,no government help.

Really? You lived in the middle of the Antarctic, then?

If he did get zero help then he was either born into money, lying or maybe he's one of those broke ass Kentucky types who lived so high up in the hill they got no help or the people raising him were too dumb and proud to take advantage for their kids programs designed to help.

More times than not they are lying or dont know mama got help. Mama didn't tell him didn't want him to know how poor he was.

Nah...we were a regular family..for those days anyway.
My parents actually had jobs and a life insurance policy.
Weird I know....
What I have always known - even when broke - is that I am responsible for cleaning up my own mess (and that you are responsible for yours) and what I am is not the issue but rather what you lefties blithely require of all those lower middle class WORKING FAMILIES whose tax burden is made greater by your need to feel self-righteous. Get the hell off their backs.
You dont know shit because you dont live in a every man for himself country. I know so many conservatives who've benefitted from social programs and they dont even realize it.

How exactly have I benefited from social programs that I've never taken part in?
You sound like my conservative buddy who didn't realize he took advantage when he was a child and his father died.

I dont know you. I just know your greedy ignorant type.

My father died when I was fifteen. Nope,no government help.
What years did you go to college?

Didnt,went to work and retired at 46.
I dont understand why liberals have this idea that people can't make it on their own without gov help.
Really glad to hear that officials started to do something!
We should throw more than 3000 we should throw at least couple of millions parasites off welfare!
Sad that Obama will never do that...
You dont know shit because you dont live in a every man for himself country. I know so many conservatives who've benefitted from social programs and they dont even realize it.

How exactly have I benefited from social programs that I've never taken part in?
You sound like my conservative buddy who didn't realize he took advantage when he was a child and his father died.

I dont know you. I just know your greedy ignorant type.

My father died when I was fifteen. Nope,no government help.
What years did you go to college?

Didnt,went to work and retired at 46.
I dont understand why liberals have this idea that people can't make it on their own without gov help.
have you seen the rules for means tested welfare?
How exactly have I benefited from social programs that I've never taken part in?
You sound like my conservative buddy who didn't realize he took advantage when he was a child and his father died.

I dont know you. I just know your greedy ignorant type.

My father died when I was fifteen. Nope,no government help.
What years did you go to college?

Didnt,went to work and retired at 46.
I dont understand why liberals have this idea that people can't make it on their own without gov help.
have you seen the rules for means tested welfare?

Nope. Since I've never had to use any kind of gov assistance I havent felt the need to know the rules.
Give me a run down if you think it'll help your case.
You dont know shit because you dont live in a every man for himself country. I know so many conservatives who've benefitted from social programs and they dont even realize it.

How exactly have I benefited from social programs that I've never taken part in?
You sound like my conservative buddy who didn't realize he took advantage when he was a child and his father died.

I dont know you. I just know your greedy ignorant type.

My father died when I was fifteen. Nope,no government help.
What years did you go to college?

Didnt,went to work and retired at 46.
I dont understand why liberals have this idea that people can't make it on their own without gov help.
It started with the GOP reign after the Civil War...
The GOP had the Freedmen Bureau..Then Harrison enacted pensions for Civil War veterans...Then you had Teddy Roosevelt..and other progressive repubs...
You sound like my conservative buddy who didn't realize he took advantage when he was a child and his father died.

I dont know you. I just know your greedy ignorant type.

My father died when I was fifteen. Nope,no government help.
What years did you go to college?

Didnt,went to work and retired at 46.
I dont understand why liberals have this idea that people can't make it on their own without gov help.
have you seen the rules for means tested welfare?

Nope. Since I've never had to use any kind of gov assistance I havent felt the need to know the rules.
Give me a run down if you think it'll help your case.
you can't have any wealth to apply for means tested welfare; unless it is corporate, means tested welfare, then, you can keep your multimillion dollar bonuses.

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