Missouri voters approve legalization of marijuana for recreational use

“Missouri will join a growing number of states to allow recreational marijuana.

More than 53% of voters approved Amendment 3 on Election Day. With the amendment receiving approval from voters, Missouri is now one of 21 states to legalize marijuana for recreational use.”

Clearly it’s time to decriminalize marijuana at the Federal level.
Reefer Madness (1934 film in case you did not know)
Missouri will join a growing number of states to allow recreational marijuana.

Clearly it’s time to decriminalize marijuana at the Federal level.
Look at how much of the state (in red) voted against it.

Yep. I bet the repugs would really expand their base if they ditched the stick up their ass holy rollers who are always trying to legislate morality. Maybe they will learn from the successes the pot legalization and abortion rights ballot initiatives are having even in conservative states.
Not going to happen – conservatives have gone too far down the Christo-fascist rabbit hole.

Conservatives will always be oppressive authoritarians, compelling conformity and punishing any dissent, any expression of individual liberty, everyone subject to the power of the state.
Really? For food? Including foxglove and peach pit tea. Did you believe this when you wrote it or just forgot about poisonous plants?
Poison has it's uses for us humans. The world is our oyster! Okay bad example....lol. Statist and teetotalers just want power.
Yep. I bet the repugs would really expand their base if they ditched the stick up their ass holy rollers who are always trying to legislate morality. Maybe they will learn from the successes the pot legalization and abortion rights ballot initiatives are having even in conservative states.

I'd love to see a candidate that wanted to balance the budget. Address our debt. Protect our rights but otherwise just leave people alone.
I'd love to see a candidate that wanted to balance the budget. Address our debt. Protect our rights but otherwise just leave people alone.
your words on this forum say your lying again,,

cant balance a budget or deal with the debt when we have people flooding over the border using up resources and taking jobs that should go to welfare recipients that are increasing the debt,
one of our rights is to be safe from invasion with secure borders,,
your words on this forum say your lying again,,

My words have never contradicted a word I said above.

cant balance a budget or deal with the debt when we have people flooding over the border using up resources and taking jobs that should go to welfare recipients that are increasing the debt,
one of our rights is to be safe from invasion with secure borders,,

I've said over and over we should address the businesses attracting illegals here. It's the right that fights that and the left that ignores it.

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