misuse a homophone in a sentence

Archibald and his wife were visiting Moscow in the old Intourist-travel-only days. They could go only where their communist party guide, Rudolph, took them.

Whist walking on a cold day it started to precipitate.

Archie said "Damn snow!"

Wife corrected: "No, it's rain.






So they agreed they'd have to ask the Intourist guide because, after all, as wifey said:

"Rudolph, the red, knows rain, dear."
He was a firm believer that everything bad in the world—terror, death, destruction, to name a few—were rot by money; that the end results of the pursuits of it did not lead to happiness.
And this love of money, he said, was something not indigenous to grown-ups: even sum of the youngest among us—the smallest little taught screaming in the nursery—were guilty of pursuing it and its woes.
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