MIT/Harvard "Debunking the Stereotype of the Lazy Welfare Recipient: Evidence from Cash Transfer Programs: People Who Get UBI Sometimes Even Work More

What world do these children who are performing this study live in? Welfare programs have ruined generations of families.

The number of Americans who die each year because we don't have Medicare for All is the equivalent of two 9/11's a month.

The number of Americans who die each year because we don't have Medicare for All is the equivalent of two 9/11's a month.
Hospitals dont turn people away in the US. Any person, no matter how broke they are, can go to a hospital and they will be treated by a doctor. Dont want to pay the medical bill? Thats fine too. Medical bills dont effect your credit score in the US.
Hospitals dont turn people away in the US. Any person, no matter how broke they are, can go to a hospital and they will be treated by a doctor. Dont want to pay the medical bill? Thats fine too. Medical bills dont effect your credit score in the US.
In the richest country in the history of the world, no one should die or go into debt just because they don’t have access to health care. We need Medicare for All now
In the richest country in the history of the world, no one should die or go into debt just because they don’t have access to health care. We need Medicare for All now
Medical is a business industry now over health care. Massive government subsidies have helped it to become that. Whole wings or floors of hospitals are nothing but huge offices processing bills and massive inlays from government is included. The quandary is that government may be helping but the costs rise in huge ways for it.
Oh so all those 20-something young black men I see hanging out on porches around 1400 either got off early or work the night shift....Got it. :laughing0301:

The number of Americans who die each year because we don't have Medicare for All is the equivalent of two 9/11's a month.
Medical care is the third leading cause of death in America.


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