MIT Scientist Debunks Global Warming Hysteria

name all of those universities you think exist with your silly claim.
After you name just one university that agrees with you. No denier has yet been able to and neither can you. Name a country. Name a research facility. Name a major corporation…..any climate related institution, anywhere. You can’t . Just one, uno. Nope, can’t do it can you.
After you name just one university that agrees with you. No denier has yet been able to and neither can you. Name a country. Name a research facility. Name a major corporation…..any climate related institution, anywhere. You can’t . Just one, uno. Nope, can’t do it can you.
I never stated one thing about any university!! Still back pedaling huh?
To ignore the radically increased warming of the last century is behavior worthy of an ostrich with its head in the sand. Here is the latest reconstruction of global temperatures over the Holocene. 1) The world has not consistently been warming over that period and 2) If you think that uptick at the end falls in with the trend of the rest of the Holocene, you're delusional

View attachment 645047

I'm afraid that simply isn't so.

View attachment 645048

If Mars and Earth were both undergoing the same temperature variation, the obvious cause would have to be the sun. Data on total solar irradiance does NOT support the sun being a cause for warming. The origin of the idea you present is a 2005 paper by Fenton. He compared photographs of the surface from 1977 and 1999. Interpolating between these two rather distant endpoints led him to mistake weather for climate. A broader study of conditions on the planet since human observations began show NO EVIDENCE of warming. See Global warming on Mars, ice caps melting
I love cherry picked graphs... The CAGW LIE.... How about we put this lie to bed..


When we look at the whole of earths climate we have glaciated with CO2 levels greater than 7,000ppm.

CO2 and Ice Ages.JPG

Just the last three glacial cycles prove cricks bull shit a lie.

Tell me crick why do you cherry pick the time span of exiting a glacial time to prove CAGW? The other drivers discredit your lie.

Water vapor is THE dominant greenhouse gas, qualitatively and quantitatively.
Why is it omitted from Keeling Curve (Scary Graph)? To mislead you.

Thousands of scientists around the world could no possibly be making up
things just to lie. They are discrediting the Marxists who want the United States
to fund all the third world crapholes with billions of dollars of foreign aid.

The Marxists do not want to be blacklisted and fired for not towing the
global warming cult line. They're cowards.
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View attachment 742528

Water vapor is THE dominant greenhouse gas, qualitatively and quantitatively.
Why is it omitted from Keeling Curve (Scary Graph)? To mislead you.

Thousands of scientists around the world could no possibly be making up
things just to lie. They are discrediting the Marxists who want the United States
to fund all the third world crapholes with billions of dollars of foreign aid.

The Marxists do not want to be blacklisted and fired for not towing the
global warming cult line. They're cowards.
ChemEngineer the periodic table denier can’t help but rear his head to remind us how ignorant he is. Of course, he appeals to all the munchkins who know less then he does…..which is quite a feat considering how little CE knows, as he just keeps making up shit.
I never stated one thing about any university!! Still back pedaling huh?
Exactly. You’re afraid to. You only pimp individuals with degrees who wrote an article before they died that seemed to diss AGW. It’s Hilarious because NONE of these degreed individuals got their degree from an institution that agrees with them. .

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