MIT Scientist Debunks Global Warming Hysteria

We dealt with the ozone layer successfully. Besides, getting warmer alone is NOT THE specific PROBLEM. It’s getting warmer at a rate that’s faster then our species can adapt. “ All” we need do is SLOW THE RATE OF CHANGE DOWN

Besides, getting warmer alone is NOT THE specific PROBLEM. It’s getting warmer at a rate that’s faster then our species can adapt.

Humans have adapted from the equator all the way up to the Arctic Circle with little or no tech.
Why would a few degrees over the next 100 years be more than we can handle?
Especially with modern technology and materials.
We dealt with the ozone layer successfully. Besides, getting warmer alone is NOT THE specific PROBLEM. It’s getting warmer at a rate that’s faster then our species can adapt. “ All” we need do is SLOW THE RATE OF CHANGE DOWN
I adapted to two 50F changes over a 5 day period. I think we are good. How much faster do you think we need to adapt than that?
Humans have adapted from the equator all the way up to the Arctic Circle with little or no tech.
Really ? No species adapts to anything without severe hardship if it occurs faster then their ability to adapt.

We have a migration problem DIRECTLY INDICATED to be exacerbated by climate change.

BTW, rate of change of any change that occurs is singularly the most important factors.
Really ? No species adapts to anything without severe hardship if it occurs faster then their ability to adapt.

We have a migration problem DIRECTLY INDICATED to be exacerbated by climate change.

BTW, rate of change of any change that occurs is singularly the most important factors.

Really ? No species adapts to anything without severe hardship if it occurs faster then their ability to adapt.

You know we're not like any other species, right?

We have a migration problem DIRECTLY INDICATED to be exacerbated by climate change.

I don't think Biden's policy failures can be blamed on climate change.
Why would a few degrees over the next 100 years be more than we can handle?
That’s a total misunderstanding if AGW. The FEW degrees is average and more importantly, water temps where energy for storms is stored

The felt effects are the increase in energy by that few degrees into a weather system that results in drought, more and more severe weather events and increased expense dealing with all the hardships that occur. Just a few percent more in energy in a storm is the difference between flooding over a breech and not. Ask anyone who lives in Florida.
You know we're not like any other species, right?
That is stooopid. We are like others species. Because of faster climate change , Lyme disease is now severe to thousands as it moved north faster then the ticks that spread it developed species that keep it under control in the south.

Tell your fake news to the drought ridden third world countries whose immigrants are moving northward.
All you had to do was name one and you couldn’t do that. You claimed every university! Nice back up

Gee, it should be easier for you to name ONE if you can, then me to name 3400.
So yours is an infantile request. Mine makes you obviously on the wrong side. Simply, if you could, you would.
But here goes, just a start.

Now your turn. Name one.
That’s a total misunderstanding if AGW. The FEW degrees is average and more importantly, water temps where energy for storms is stored

The felt effects are the increase in energy by that few degrees into a weather system that results in drought, more and more severe weather events and increased expense dealing with all the hardships that occur. Just a few percent more in energy in a storm is the difference between flooding over a breech and not. Ask anyone who lives in Florida.

That’s a total misunderstanding if AGW. The FEW degrees is average

Some areas will see no increase? How hard will it be for us to adapt to that?

and more importantly, water temps where energy for storms is stored
We can't adapt to storms?

The felt effects are the increase in energy by that few degrees into a weather system that results in drought, more and more severe weather events and increased expense dealing with all the hardships that occur.

We can't adapt to droughts or floods or expense?
That is stooopid. We are like others species. Because of faster climate change , Lyme disease is now severe to thousands as it moved north faster then the ticks that spread it developed species that keep it under control in the south.

Tell your fake news to the drought ridden third world countries whose immigrants are moving northward.

That is stooopid. We are like others species.

Which other species can heat in the winter and cool in the summer?
Which ones can bring in water from hundreds of miles away?

Lyme disease is now severe to thousands as it moved north

A few thousand cases of lyme disease a year are a threat to the species?
Really ? No species adapts to anything without severe hardship if it occurs faster then their ability to adapt.

We have a migration problem DIRECTLY INDICATED to be exacerbated by climate change.

BTW, rate of change of any change that occurs is singularly the most important factors.

Got a single study not based on opinion or computer models, to support this idiotic claim?

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