Mitch Mc Connell confirms vote Friday a.m. for SCOTUS

There's a reason why Kavanaugh hasn't taken a polygraph. While Ford has done both.

How many questions was she asked during her polygraph?

Two. Would Kavanaugh be willing to make his denials and then be asked the same two?

All I've seen from conservatives are excuses why Kavanaugh shouldn't take a polygraph. Why there shouldn't be an FBI investigation.

When one side calls for an FBI investigation and has taken and passed a polygraph and the other refuses to do either.....that speaks volumes.

How many questions was she asked during her polygraph?


Only two?​

Ford described the lie-detector test as unpleasant. “Based on the advice of the counsel, I was happy to undergo the polygraph test, although I found it extremely stressful,” she said. “Much longer than I anticipated. I told my whole life story, I felt like. I endured it. It was fine.”

Christine Blasey Ford Says She Took 'Extremely Stressful' Polygraph After Grandmother's Funeral

How long would it take to answer two questions?
Someone is lying. I wonder if they really asked her a lot more questions, and she kept lying? have no idea what you're talking about. Here's the entire report, including the two questions asked.

  1. Is any part of your statement false? A: No.
  2. Did you make up any part of your statement? A: No.
The first analysis shows ‘no indication of deception’ while the second analysis showed that the probability that the results were produced by a deceptive person was 0.002 (note that truthful results occur when the probability is under 0.50). The third and final analysis indicated that the probability of deception was less than 0.02.

BREAKING: Christine Blasey Ford's Polygraph Results Released

Though thank you for demonstrating that you perceive your own ignorance as someone else's dishonesty. It explains your perspective beautifully.


I once took a polygraph for a security clearance. Every one of the numerous questions was analyzed, not just two general ones AFTER questioning.

And the 20 year veteran of the FBI who gave her the polygraph has given hundreds of polygraph tests. And found that the odds of her being deceptive on these two questions:

  1. Is any part of your statement false? A: No.
  2. Did you make up any part of your statement? A: No be a mere 0.05%. With her passing three different analytical methods. Meaning that its 99.95% likely that she was being truthful.

I'm gonna put far more weight with an FBI veteran and expert in polygraphs over you claiming you know better. As would any rational person. Especially after Ford gave such credible and compelling testimony and continues to call for an FBI investigation.

While Kavanaugh responded with rage and conspiracies. Being evasive and dodging questions about his drinking under oath, while giving a different account on Fox News. And refuses to call for an investigation. be a mere 0.05%. With her passing three different analytical methods. Meaning that its 99.95% likely that she was being truthful.

That is awesome!!

That must be why these exams are admissible in court. DERP!
Two. Would Kavanaugh be willing to make his denials and then be asked the same two?

All I've seen from conservatives are excuses why Kavanaugh shouldn't take a polygraph. Why there shouldn't be an FBI investigation.

When one side calls for an FBI investigation and has taken and passed a polygraph and the other refuses to do either.....that speaks volumes.

How many questions was she asked during her polygraph?


Only two?​

Ford described the lie-detector test as unpleasant. “Based on the advice of the counsel, I was happy to undergo the polygraph test, although I found it extremely stressful,” she said. “Much longer than I anticipated. I told my whole life story, I felt like. I endured it. It was fine.”

Christine Blasey Ford Says She Took 'Extremely Stressful' Polygraph After Grandmother's Funeral

How long would it take to answer two questions?
Someone is lying. I wonder if they really asked her a lot more questions, and she kept lying? have no idea what you're talking about. Here's the entire report, including the two questions asked.

  1. Is any part of your statement false? A: No.
  2. Did you make up any part of your statement? A: No.
The first analysis shows ‘no indication of deception’ while the second analysis showed that the probability that the results were produced by a deceptive person was 0.002 (note that truthful results occur when the probability is under 0.50). The third and final analysis indicated that the probability of deception was less than 0.02.

BREAKING: Christine Blasey Ford's Polygraph Results Released

Though thank you for demonstrating that you perceive your own ignorance as someone else's dishonesty. It explains your perspective beautifully.


I once took a polygraph for a security clearance. Every one of the numerous questions was analyzed, not just two general ones AFTER questioning.

And the 20 year veteran of the FBI who gave her the polygraph has given hundreds of polygraph tests. And found that the odds of her being deceptive on these two questions:

  1. Is any part of your statement false? A: No.
  2. Did you make up any part of your statement? A: No be a mere 0.05%. With her passing three different analytical methods. Meaning that its 99.95% likely that she was being truthful.

I'm gonna put far more weight with an FBI veteran and expert in polygraphs over you claiming you know better. As would any rational person. Especially after Ford gave such credible and compelling testimony and continues to call for an FBI investigation.

While Kavanaugh responded with rage and conspiracies. Being evasive and dodging questions about his drinking under oath, while giving a different account on Fox News. And refuses to call for an investigation. be a mere 0.05%. With her passing three different analytical methods. Meaning that its 99.95% likely that she was being truthful.

That is awesome!!

That must be why these exams are admissible in court. DERP!

They're used by the FBI in security clearances routinely. With Ford calling for a thorough FBI investigation.

While Kavanaugh hasn't passed a polygraph on this issue. And refusing to call for a more thorough FBI investigation. This after inventing conspiracies for why Ford testified and telling one story about his drinking in a Fox News interview.......but changing his answers and being evasive and defensive under oath.
Flake just called for a week's delay in the confirmation vote.

GOP's Flake says it would be 'proper' to delay a Senate floor vote on Kavanaugh for a week

Sounds like someone else found Ford's testimony compelling and credible.

No, shit stain...what it means is the democrats gave Flake a heads up, they have a new fake accuser in the pipeline and are giving him the courtesy of allowing him to call for another week....

This is a scam and vile people like you are destroying the country.
I was looking at the news. The talking heads from the alphabet channels we’re calling him angry and unhinged. All mouth pieces for the Demoncratic Party.

Yeah, Kavanaugh trying to hell his way out of the hearing might be why folks called him angry. That and the batshit conspiracy theories and hyper partisanship that Kavanaugh showed us. What we saw in hearing was the real Kavanaugh. Angry, bitter, partisan, conspiratorial.

Not the facade of calm and impartial that he was trying to foward in previous hearings.

You have passed from irritating to really are funny..... My Leftist Tears Tumbler is filling from your silly post as we speak...

Laughing.....enjoy. Just don't be surprised that more people saw what I did than you'd like to admit. With the demonstration being the midterms.

There's a reason Kavanaugh refused to back a FBI investigation. There's a reason why Kavanaugh hasn't taken a polygraph. While Ford has done both.

There's a reason why Kavanaugh hasn't taken a polygraph. While Ford has done both.

How many questions was she asked during her polygraph?

Two. Would Kavanaugh be willing to make his denials and then be asked the same two?

All I've seen from conservatives are excuses why Kavanaugh shouldn't take a polygraph. Why there shouldn't be an FBI investigation.

When one side calls for an FBI investigation and has taken and passed a polygraph and the other refuses to do either.....that speaks volumes.

Anyone can pass a polygraph. Remember what Hillary said about polygraphs? She laughed about them after her guilty pedophile client passed one. We also don’t know what questions were asked. Plus she is clearly mentally unstable, she was so spaced out during the hearing.

You also seem to be omitting the fact none of the other witnesses corroborate her story. When she was asked about that she gave the excuse that the lady was having medical issues and texted her ‘thank you’ or some bullshit. Total nut job Ford is, and blatantly in denial that no one else is backing her story.
And.......the FBI is investigating. Something Kavanaugh neither wanted nor called for. Something Ford has called for from the beginning.

Translation: Ford's testimony was compelling and credible. And Republicans don't have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh. So they're stalling for time.
You D's clearly didn't listen to Kavanaugh at /any/ point during this entire shit show. You condemned him from the moment he was put up for consideration and could give two shits if he's innocent or not. You want him hung regardless.

Kavanaugh said he would submit to /any/ investigation; FBI, police, PI, /any/ investigation the day these accusations came forward.

NOW you fuckers lie about that saying he /refused/ one. You folks, and your beliefs in mob rule and unAmerican justice system, are uninformed and wholly unacceptable to me, nor should it be to any American.

Congratulations, you just red pilled this sometimes ally over a SCOTUS nominee that /I/ didn't even support from the beginning and I don't even particularly care if he got in.

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