Mitch McConnell... If the Reports Are True, He May Be Tapping Out

He promised universal health care for everybody. Forcing the ACA to implode with nothing to replace it better and cheaper for American consumers will be such an outrageous lie, Trump will be hated much more than he already is.
Libs can't hate anymore than they do. It's not possible. I revel in the knowledge it's screwing up their lives and health. If obie's plan that was rammed down our throats fail, it's his legacy.
Actually, it is Red States that are suffering the most

Blue States spent the effort to set up strong healthcare networks

Except the red states where the Governors were so vindictive that they thought their Conservative position was more important than giving health care to the poor people in their state.
He promised universal health care for everybody. Forcing the ACA to implode with nothing to replace it better and cheaper for American consumers will be such an outrageous lie, Trump will be hated much more than he already is.
Libs can't hate anymore than they do. It's not possible. I revel in the knowledge it's screwing up their lives and health. If obie's plan that was rammed down our throats fail, it's his legacy.
Actually, it is Red States that are suffering the most

Blue States spent the effort to set up strong healthcare networks

Except the red states where the Governors were so vindictive that they thought their Conservative position was more important than giving health care to the poor people in their state.
They actually passed up Medicaid expansion just to stick it to Obama

Then they complain Obamacare is failing
He promised universal health care for everybody. Forcing the ACA to implode with nothing to replace it better and cheaper for American consumers will be such an outrageous lie, Trump will be hated much more than he already is.
Libs can't hate anymore than they do. It's not possible. I revel in the knowledge it's screwing up their lives and health. If obie's plan that was rammed down our throats fail, it's his legacy.
Actually, it is Red States that are suffering the most

Blue States spent the effort to set up strong healthcare networks

Except the red states where the Governors were so vindictive that they thought their Conservative position was more important than giving health care to the poor people in their state.
They actually passed up Medicaid expansion just to stick it to Obama

Then they complain Obamacare is failing

Exactly! Then, they preach that Obamacare is failing - as they sabotage the hell out of it. They have used similar dishonest and unethical tactics against Roe v. Wade.
Mitch McConnell has come to the conclusion that he must give in and start setting aside money for Medicaid expansion and opiate addiction in order to get moderate Republicans on board with his bill, but doing that means Republicans like Rand Paul will not give in, so then he is going to argue if they don't come together and pass the bill that it will be dead in the water and... GASP... they will have to then change gears and simply start working on how to SAVE OBAMACARE!

Mitch McConnell just blew up one of Trump’s biggest lies

Lmfao no one is going to save Obama care on the right.

He promised universal health care for everybody. Forcing the ACA to implode with nothing to replace it better and cheaper for American consumers will be such an outrageous lie, Trump will be hated much more than he already is.
Libs can't hate anymore than they do. It's not possible. I revel in the knowledge it's screwing up their lives and health. If obie's plan that was rammed down our throats fail, it's his legacy.
Actually, it is Red States that are suffering the most

Blue States spent the effort to set up strong healthcare networks

Except the red states where the Governors were so vindictive that they thought their Conservative position was more important than giving health care to the poor people in their state.
They actually passed up Medicaid expansion just to stick it to Obama

Then they complain Obamacare is failing


One they didn't want to pay for it

Two once again we didn't want obozo care

Hope that helps.

Mitch McConnell has come to the conclusion that he must give in and start setting aside money for Medicaid expansion and opiate addiction in order to get moderate Republicans on board with his bill, but doing that means Republicans like Rand Paul will not give in, so then he is going to argue if they don't come together and pass the bill that it will be dead in the water and... GASP... they will have to then change gears and simply start working on how to SAVE OBAMACARE!

Mitch McConnell just blew up one of Trump’s biggest lies

Lmfao no one is going to save Obama care on the right.


McConnell is admitting that Obamacare can be saved if they don't cut taxes for the rich...

And just to show that the Republicans have NO shot at getting everyone to agree, watch this interview with a Senator from West Virginia.

'I Didn't Come Here to Hurt People': Republican Senator
Nothing is going to save obamacare. If all else fails, obamacare will just be allowed to naturally die on its own.
The Kentucky senators will do what Trump decides to do or they will be replaced with someone who does. Just like most of the dimshitscum that are in states that are borderline will lose their seats. The deep blues may be safe, but the states that have Gone to Republican Governors will also go to ALL Republican Senators. When we get 60 there will be a wave of Republican legislation that will be impossible for the liberal shit to undo for a hundred years, And hopefully a few Amendments that will make it impossible for a place like crazifornia to ever have undue influence on a Federal election again. Oshitcare is not dying because of Trump, it was dying before he ever announced for office another lie from the puke factory. The damn BLUE states are the ones under water from their ill designed grift schemes. Funny how the factual ledgers don't come close to the lie sheets they put out isn't it.
The Kentucky senators will do what Trump decides to do or they will be replaced with someone who does. Just like most of the dimshitscum that are in states that are borderline will lose their seats. The deep blues may be safe, but the states that have Gone to Republican Governors will also go to ALL Republican Senators. When we get 60 there will be a wave of Republican legislation that will be impossible for the liberal shit to undo for a hundred years, And hopefully a few Amendments that will make it impossible for a place like crazifornia to ever have undue influence on a Federal election again. Oshitcare is not dying because of Trump, it was dying before he ever announced for office another lie from the puke factory. The damn BLUE states are the ones under water from their ill designed grift schemes. Funny how the factual ledgers don't come close to the lie sheets they put out isn't it.

Don't be so sure of that. There are a lot of Trump supporters who are receiving subsidies from Obamacare to pay for their health insurance. The fact is that many GOP Governors oppose the Senate Healthcare bill. That includes governors in states such as Ohio, Nevada and even Arizona. Apparently you want to take away the voting rights of people in California because you don't like the way they vote. That is un-American. The fact is that Trump has done everything he can to undermine Obamacare and the companies leaving since January are due to Trump and Republicans.
Mitch McConnell has come to the conclusion that he must give in and start setting aside money for Medicaid expansion and opiate addiction in order to get moderate Republicans on board with his bill
Maybe some smart conservative (oxymoron?) can tell me how this is different from the "Cornhusker Kickback" that had conservatives and FoxNews mouthbreathers outraged in 2010?

Senate Republicans lined up Saturday to decry the latest deal targeted toward Nebraska, which was decried as the "cornhusker kickback."

"Votes have been bought," Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., said.
and at the same time, Republicans could show that they can do health care better than Democrats...
This is inaccurate. Republicans have held the House since 2011. No bill is perfect in it's first version, and that's what Obamacare is: version 1.0.

Democrats never got a chance to see how the law was working, then fix what wasn't.
Mitch doesn't care

He just wants to put out a loser bill and then claim he tried to repeal Obamacare and blame the Democrats and the Media
I think he cares very much about getting those huge tax breaks for the ultra rich.

McConnell, Grassley, Hatch, McCain - you gotta remember that these guys are in their last term. It's time for them to pay back their longtime donors, with no electoral consequences. Mitch has gotten half a million just from healthcare companies. Hatch more than that.
Mitch McConnell has come to the conclusion that he must give in and start setting aside money for Medicaid expansion and opiate addiction in order to get moderate Republicans on board with his bill, but doing that means Republicans like Rand Paul will not give in, so then he is going to argue if they don't come together and pass the bill that it will be dead in the water and... GASP... they will have to then change gears and simply start working on how to SAVE OBAMACARE!

Mitch McConnell just blew up one of Trump’s biggest lies
Obamacare cannot be fixed, because it only benefits progressesives.
Well to be honest, it might be a smart move to fix Obamacare. If they did that, it could kill 2 birds with one stone. They could keep a lot of voters happy, and at the same time, Republicans could show that they can do health care better than Democrats... all while being able to say they took the high road in the situation by working bipartisan with the Democrats.
It cannot be fixed, because it only benefits progressesives
Iceweasel, post: 17622683
Obiecare can't be saved. If it continues as is, it's on Obama.

Nope. Not True. It became Trumpcare on Inauguration Day. He cut off funding the government advertising program to encourage and assist new ACA sign-ups. He has used his executive powers to harm the ACA.

You should be asking Trump why he lied about having a plan to provide healthcare insurance for everybody better and cheaper.

What he has endorsed since becoming President does not match his promises to his idiot Trump voters and all the uninsured Americans or with pre-existing and potential pre-existing conditions 50+ year olds that are being dumped for a tax break for rich people like him.

You gotta learn that Obama is not in office to be slammed and lied about anymore.

Really? Libs are still blaming bush.
Mitch McConnell has come to the conclusion that he must give in and start setting aside money for Medicaid expansion and opiate addiction in order to get moderate Republicans on board with his bill, but doing that means Republicans like Rand Paul will not give in, so then he is going to argue if they don't come together and pass the bill that it will be dead in the water and... GASP... they will have to then change gears and simply start working on how to SAVE OBAMACARE!

Mitch McConnell just blew up one of Trump’s biggest lies
If it's from a liberal rag.. . Go fuck yourself

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