Mitch McConnell... If the Reports Are True, He May Be Tapping Out

Nothing is going to save obamacare. If all else fails, obamacare will just be allowed to naturally die on its own.

Because it is set up on a state by state basis, Obamacare will not die

Those states that spent the effort to set up strong exchanges and accepted Medicaid expansion are doing quite well. Obamacare is failing in those states (lets call them "red states") that refused to set up exchanges or accept Medicaid expansion.

So ...what are Republican Congressmen going to do when public healthcare fails in their state? Blame Obama?
Iceweasel, post: 17622974
Libs can't hate anymore than they do. If obie's plan that was rammed down our throats fail, it's his legacy.

Republicans and independents beyond the 15% of deplorables are the pool of Americans to join the Trump haters if Trump and his Republican controlled Congress devastate the ACA on purpose.
Only hate filled idiots think that way. Thanks for sharing.
Sorry dude, I'm not paying to read WAPO

Canceled my sub in November following the election. They keep calling. I tell them they will have to pay me to renew the subscription.
Yes, you should stick to infowars and newsmax to get your spoonfed pablum.

Oh, I didn't say I don't read it. I simply don't pay for it. It's become one of the top crapsheets out there, incorrigible in its half-truths and fantasies, but I prefer to read more of the enemy nonsense rather than seek reinforcement of facts I already know.

It's good to know what the enemy is thinking.
He promised universal health care for everybody. Forcing the ACA to implode with nothing to replace it better and cheaper for American consumers will be such an outrageous lie, Trump will be hated much more than he already is.
Libs can't hate anymore than they do. It's not possible. I revel in the knowledge it's screwing up their lives and health. If obie's plan that was rammed down our throats fail, it's his legacy.
Silly little cocksucks like you don't seem to realize that the fat senile old orange clown made some very explicit promises, and now has gone back on all of them. So the clown and the GOP carry the full weight of whatever happens with health care in our nation.
It is really something when the Kentucky Fried Chicken is considered an honest player.

You realize that both Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell are both from Kentucky? So... the two Senators from the same state basically hold the future of the repeal and replace of Obamacare in their hands.

In a state that has been an Affordable Care Act success.
He promised universal health care for everybody. Forcing the ACA to implode with nothing to replace it better and cheaper for American consumers will be such an outrageous lie, Trump will be hated much more than he already is.
Libs can't hate anymore than they do. It's not possible. I revel in the knowledge it's screwing up their lives and health. If obie's plan that was rammed down our throats fail, it's his legacy.
Silly little cocksucks like you don't seem to realize that the fat senile old orange clown made some very explicit promises, and now has gone back on all of them. So the clown and the GOP carry the full weight of whatever happens with health care in our nation.
You can't make a post anymore without thinking about slobbering all over a throbbing dick.
It is really something when the Kentucky Fried Chicken is considered an honest player.

You realize that both Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell are both from Kentucky? So... the two Senators from the same state basically hold the future of the repeal and replace of Obamacare in their hands.

In a state that has been an Affordable Care Act success.

Not completely. Things have changed since Matt Bevin became Governor. Kentucky had their own exchange, but Bevin has worked to get rid of it, and there are some counties that are now getting down to only one insurer. But that isn't the fault of the state, it is the fault of Marco Rubio and the Republicans that worked to pass legislation to limit the guaranteed money the government pays to the insurance companies.
LordBrownTrout post: 17624168,
Really? Libs are still blaming bush.

Lately blaming Bush for lying us into the Iraq war is your beloved Donald J Trump as Bush should be blamed. No other President started that war. Bush was the Decider. Remember?

Trump promised health care coverage for all Americans, better and cheaper. Now if he does not fulfill that promise Trump shall properly be blamed. He promised that Medicare and Medicaid would not be touched. Now he's supporting legislation that touches Medicaid harshly to give a huge tax cut to rich people like himself.
Mitch McConnell has come to the conclusion that he must give in and start setting aside money for Medicaid expansion and opiate addiction in order to get moderate Republicans on board with his bill, but doing that means Republicans like Rand Paul will not give in, so then he is going to argue if they don't come together and pass the bill that it will be dead in the water and... GASP... they will have to then change gears and simply start working on how to SAVE OBAMACARE!

Mitch McConnell just blew up one of Trump’s biggest lies
Obamacare is already dead, as there are no insurers willing to back the plan. Note that this has nothing to do with the Congress or Senate

Obamacare is already dead, as there are no insurers willing to back the plan.

Its Trumpcare now. Requesting cite of no insururers. If that is true it is Trump's fault for all the confusion and lack of a Republican plan.
I'm disappointed. I thought this would be a thread announcing McConnells retirement
Mitch McConnell has come to the conclusion that he must give in and start setting aside money for Medicaid expansion and opiate addiction in order to get moderate Republicans on board with his bill, but doing that means Republicans like Rand Paul will not give in, so then he is going to argue if they don't come together and pass the bill that it will be dead in the water and... GASP... they will have to then change gears and simply start working on how to SAVE OBAMACARE!

Mitch McConnell just blew up one of Trump’s biggest lies

Damn you. I thought you were going to say he was considering not running for reelection
Mitch McConnell has come to the conclusion that he must give in and start setting aside money for Medicaid expansion and opiate addiction in order to get moderate Republicans on board with his bill, but doing that means Republicans like Rand Paul will not give in, so then he is going to argue if they don't come together and pass the bill that it will be dead in the water and... GASP... they will have to then change gears and simply start working on how to SAVE OBAMACARE!

Mitch McConnell just blew up one of Trump’s biggest lies

Damn you. I thought you were going to say he was considering not running for reelection

His old ass has gotten so rich from being a Senator he will run for reelection until the day he dies.
Mitch McConnell has come to the conclusion that he must give in and start setting aside money for Medicaid expansion and opiate addiction in order to get moderate Republicans on board with his bill, but doing that means Republicans like Rand Paul will not give in, so then he is going to argue if they don't come together and pass the bill that it will be dead in the water and... GASP... they will have to then change gears and simply start working on how to SAVE OBAMACARE!

Mitch McConnell just blew up one of Trump’s biggest lies

John Boehner stated a few months ago that all the repeal/replace rhetoric was nothing more than wildly optimistic happy talk for the campaign season, citing that Republicans never agree on health care.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

If they want to write their own obituaries all they need to do is pass it.

They still aren't addressing the real issue--prescription drug costs which is the problem and the solution. We're paying 3 to 4 times as much as Canadians are. An Epipen for people severe allergy's to bee stings once $20.00 now $600.00. Celibrix--an arthritis drug is 3 times more expensive here. Canada has restrictions on what pharmactuicals can charge, we don't. We're basically subsidizing Canada & Europe's prescription drug costs.

The Cost Of A Life-Saving EpiPen Has Increased 400% Since 2007
Opinion | U.S. Consumers Foot the Bill for Cheap Drugs in Europe and Canada

This drives up the premiums on health care, it creates enormous deficits in Medicare//Medicade and instead of addressing this issue (since big Pharma) are yuugge donors to the Republican party they just cut benefits to everyone and call it good. In fact, the only one that was campaiging on doing something with Big Pharma was Hillary Clinton, no one else even brought it up.
Mitch McConnell has come to the conclusion that he must give in and start setting aside money for Medicaid expansion and opiate addiction in order to get moderate Republicans on board with his bill, but doing that means Republicans like Rand Paul will not give in, so then he is going to argue if they don't come together and pass the bill that it will be dead in the water and... GASP... they will have to then change gears and simply start working on how to SAVE OBAMACARE!

Mitch McConnell just blew up one of Trump’s biggest lies

John Boehner stated a few months ago that all the repeal/replace rhetoric was nothing more than wildly optimistic happy talk for the campaign season, citing that Republicans never agree on health care.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

If they want to write their own obituaries all they need to do is pass it.

They still aren't addressing the real issue--prescription drug costs which is the problem and the solution. We're paying 3 to 4 times as much as Canadians are. An Epipen for people severe allergy's to bee stings once $20.00 now $600.00. Celibrix--an arthritis drug is 3 times more expensive here. Canada has restrictions on what pharmactuicals can charge, we don't. We're basically subsidizing Canada & Europe's prescription drug costs.

The Cost Of A Life-Saving EpiPen Has Increased 400% Since 2007
Opinion | U.S. Consumers Foot the Bill for Cheap Drugs in Europe and Canada

This drives up the premiums on health care, it creates enormous deficits in Medicare//Medicade and instead of addressing this issue (since big Pharma) are yuugge donors to the Republican party they just cut benefits to everyone and call it good. In fact, the only one that was campaiging on doing something with Big Pharma was Hillary Clinton, no one else even brought it up.

Sanders tried to pass a law that would allow Americans to buy drugs from Canada because it is so much cheaper, and Republicans shot it down. Sounds to me like some big Pharma companies have been paying them off.

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