Mitt Romney against the debt deal

1) Then the far right wing Christian haters will limit the opportunity for victory to Perry.

Only hater I see here is you, man. What do you have against Christians? If Jerehimiah "God Damn America" Wright couldn't bring down "The One", no one on the right is going to really hurt the GOP nominee.

2) Kennedy beat Romney because it was Catholic Democratic Massachusetts not because of business tactics.

Horsepucky. Polls showed Romney (remember you worship the polls) within striking distance of Kennedy until Teddy unveiled the "Bain" ads with the shuttered factories and the weepy workers.

3) You have no stats that show that the middle class great majority hate Obama care. The poor like it, of course; and the middle class is coming around to it. Go check the polls. That "repeal" means "reform". But I am glad you are learning how to play in the land of reality.

Guy, people HATE ObamaCare. 59% want to see it REPEALED. And that's before all the really shitty parts of it kick in, which the Bamster put beyond 2013.

4) Eisenhower won. Nixon won as a conservative, governed as a liberal, and won. Reagan won as a conservative who could pull centrists, as did Bush the Elder (one time), and Bush the Younger (twice). The far right has fractured and will be of no significance after South Carolina next year, at which time Romney and Perry will fight out.

Ike was 60 years ago, when current definitions are sort of meaningless. JFK would be a Tea Partier by today's standards. Nixon moved to the hard right in the 1972 campaign, essentially running against the hippies.

Reagan ran as a strong, unapologetic conservative both times. Bush-41 ran as a conservative, governed as a moderate, and that's why he got bounced. (Raised taxes, created more government, signed idiotic laws like ADA and the Civil Rights Act of 1991.)

It will be a fight between Perry and Romney, which Perry will win.

5) One will pick the other as his veep candidate.

Unlikely. Perry doesn't like Romney on a personal level. This is a consistant thing, actually. The 2008 contenders were pretty cordial to each other, but none of them liked Romney, either.

Moderates and conservatives win when the pull the center. That's what has you impaled like a pin on a fly.

No, Conservatives win when they stick to their guns, not when they try to out liberal the other guy.

Moderates and conservatives win when the pull the center. That's what has you impaled like a pin on a fly.

No, Conservatives win when they stick to their guns, not when they try to out liberal the other guy.

This is the unvarnished truth. You cannot beat liberals by being a pale copy of a liberal. You beat them by enunciating clear conservative principles and pointing out how liberalism has failed in every endeavor for the past 120 years.
I call Visa because I have maxed out my credit cards and instead of investing money and paying for my health insurance, puting money in savings and cutting expenses like a new car, needing a shiny new flat screen TV, an Ipad, my cable bill, eating out at expensive resturaunts, etc, I ask Visa to up my credit line so I can continue to live beyond my means while making the minimum payments on my DEBT.
Sounds about right to me!
personally, I am disappointed that not a single GOP potential candidate stepped up with an idea regarding the debt ceiling debate.
They all sat in the wings and waited for a deal and now the likes of Mitt Romney come out and criticize the deal.
The only one that was vocal was Bachmann...and of course the left jumped all over her...
But at least she had the guts to offer her opinion.
I like that in a leader.

Why would any person who has not announced their intention to run for office, have any place in stepping up to offer any ideas?
That's like me proposing a budget and budget cuts.
Where would it go?
The only purpose it would serve is fodder for those who might run for office and who would get ridiculed for not being in any current office to begin with.
Joe, I am glad you are settling down, but you are still very disturbed. JFK would not be a member of the Tea Party, my friend. That is the looniest comment of the week.

The far right evangelicals are not even faintly representative of American Christianity, which does not hate. The far right does hate. Why do you hate, Joe? If you are agnostic, you have no reasonable comment about this.

You clearly don't understand Massachusetts politics at all.

You are mistaking repeal for reform. Check your facts.

The right cannot win without the center. That means Romney over Perry, more than Perry over Romney.

You are very, very naive, Joe, but I am glad we are fighting for a GOP win. We just have to make sure the loonies on the far right are marginalized once we take their votes.
Joe, I am glad you are settling down, but you are still very disturbed. JFK would not be a member of the Tea Party, my friend. That is the looniest comment of the week.
No, actually, it wouldn't be. Loony is embracinging the nanny-state, big-government bullshit that Obama and Romney Love, and still pretending to be a Republican.

‪Romney on Reagan‬‏ - YouTube

"I was an independent during the time of Reagan/Bush. I'm not trying to return to Reagan Bush" - Mitt Romney, 1994.

The far right evangelicals are not even faintly representative of American Christianity, which does not hate. The far right does hate. Why do you hate, Joe? If you are agnostic, you have no reasonable comment about this.

Actually, they are. And frankly, if people voted their religion, the GOP would win by huge landslides. Have a nice gal I work with, African American, Bible thumpin' Jehovah's Witness type. Probably voted for Obama, but she more on their side than mine.

You clearly don't understand Massachusetts politics at all.

Uh, actually, I do. 1994 was the only time Teddy looked over his shoulder.

You are mistaking repeal for reform. Check your facts.

The polls say what they say. People HATE ObamaCare with a passion.

The right cannot win without the center. That means Romney over Perry, more than Perry over Romney.

No, Romney can't win. Where's the "romney support". Your whole reasoning behind supporting Romney is circular. He's the only one who can win. Not because he supports positions you like or distinguish him from Obama.

You are very, very naive, Joe, but I am glad we are fighting for a GOP win. We just have to make sure the loonies on the far right are marginalized once we take their votes.

Well, the first thing we need to do is get rid of RINOs like you.
Don't deflect, JoeB. That is an emotional defense for weakness. No, JFK would never join the Tea Party.

Evangelicals and fundamentalists make up about 15% of the American population. That is their share of mainstream (or lack of it) values.

You are wrong about Massachusetts, Kennedy, Romney, and national health insurance reform.

You, JoeB, are the RINO. The Tea Party who call themselves Republicans are RINOs. And, yes, we are going to remove you folks from influence.

The fun thing is that the great majority of you will still vote GOP.
Guy, frankly, I'm not seeing ANYONE HERE besides you and Toro who are pro-Romney, and your only real argument for the Android from Kolob is that he's "electable".

Even though the guy only won ONE ELECTION in his entire life.

I know you RINO's are upset that the TEA Party has dominated the party, to the point where even Romney needs to suck up to them. (hint, they won't buy it!) But end of the day, conservatives will win the nomination and the election, and change this country.

And not just this country. All over the world, people are rejecting liberalism, socialism, big government parties. The day of the Nanny State are done, and good riddance. Let freedom reign!
The Tea Party dominated one wing of the party, made a mess of the debt ceiling mess, and Americans' approval of it is nearing single digits.

You RINOs on the far right have nothing.
Okay, guy, if you want to keep telling yourself that, go ahead.

From my viewpoint, they did exactly what they set out to do. They emasculated Obama. He's done.

No New Taxes.

Changed the tone of the debate. There are no more sacred cows and getting the debt under control is now a priority.

You and RINO Romney can just get lost...
The RINOs of the far wacky right are in for a rude awakening. Even in redstate Utah, the Usheeple are giving up on the Tea Party.

They overreached.
Uh, guy, why is you Boy Romney sucking up to the TEA Party if they overreached.

Now, mind you, he's a day late and a dollar short, but he knows which way the wind is blowing. His image makers and pollsters and focus groups have told the Android from Kolob that he'd better get right with the TEA if he wants to survive past New Hampshire.

I always love FAKE republicans, they hate where the rest of us are going.
Uh, guy, why is you Boy Romney sucking up to the TEA Party if they overreached.

Now, mind you, he's a day late and a dollar short, but he knows which way the wind is blowing. His image makers and pollsters and focus groups have told the Android from Kolob that he'd better get right with the TEA if he wants to survive past New Hampshire.

I always love FAKE republicans, they hate where the rest of us are going.

essentially, you can choose between "fake republicans" and Barack Obama.

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