Mitt Romney Condemns Tulsi Gabbard’s ‘Treasonous Lies’ on Ukraine, Tulsi demands Romney resign in stinging rejoinder

A lot of DemoKKKrats are running from their votes now. I can't blame you. You'll probably lie and say you didn't vote for Biden, either.
How...ironic. You make shit up and then I am the one lying. You are sick in the head.

Check this out, fuckwit:

I know you don't have the integrity or decency to apologize for being a total asshole.
How...ironic. You make shit up and then I am the one lying. You are sick in the head.

Check this out, fuckwit:

I know you don't have the integrity or decency to apologize for being a total asshole.

There's another Biden supporter here who lies about his vote. Are you two related, or something?
How...ironic. You make shit up and then I am the one lying. You are sick in the head.

Check this out, fuckwit:

I know you don't have the integrity or decency to apologize for being a total asshole.
I don't know why you threw your support for the libertarian candidate. That is the FARTHEST from your beliefs.
I don't know why you threw your support for the libertarian candidate. That is the FARTHEST from your beliefs.
Actually, I have quite a wide libertarian streak. Ever since I joined Bill Buckley's Young Americans for Freedom when I was a teenager.

I do not agree with some of the Libertarian Party's beliefs, but I find I am more and more closely aligned with the LP than I am with the organization formerly known as the Republican Party.

What I especially admire about Libertarians is their unyielding commitment to their principles. The GOP threw theirs out the window a long, long time ago, thus opening the door wide for a mountebank like Trump.

I do not admire Rand Paul, but I do admire his father.
^^^Trump hater, Biden supporter, Obama voter. You're just wrong about everything, aren't you?

Now tell me how you believe Biden's lie that vaccinated people can't get Covid.

I said you would not have the integrity or decency to admit you are an asshole.

Actually, I have quite a wide libertarian streak. Ever since I joined Bill Buckley's Young Americans for Freedom when I was a teenager.

I do not agree with some of the Libertarian Party's beliefs, but I find I am more and more closely aligned with the LP than I am with the organization formerly known as the Republican Party.

What I especially admire about Libertarians is their unyielding commitment to their principles. The GOP threw theirs out the window a long, long time ago, thus opening the door wide for a mountebank like Trump.

I do not admire Rand Paul, but I do admire his father.
The problem is that too many people believe that Trump is the movement. BULLSHIT. In fact, I do not want him anywhere near politics again. I want someone else to take the reigns and break up the duopoly stranglehold on power and actually STOP spending our great great great grandchildren's money.
Liars calling out the lies of others have no standing.
I tried and tried and tried to warn the rube herd Trump was against everything the GOP stood for way back in 2016. Over and over and over.

And here is one of my posts from that period:

Trump 2007:

"Well, I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States, and I just don't understand how they could have lost that election."

"The rest of the world hates us."

And for all of you who vilify Obama for demobilizing in Iraq and causing the creation of ISIS:

BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave. Because I'll tell you, this county is just going to get further bogged down. They're in a civil war over there, Wolf. There's nothing that we're going to be able to do with a civil war. They are in a major civil war. And it's gonna go to Iran, and its gonna go to other countries. They are in the midst of a major civil war. By the way, we're keeping the lid on a little bit, but the day we leave anyway, its all gonna blow up. And Saddam Hussein will be a nice person compared to the man (and it will be man, it will not be a woman. That we understand. People will say, "Oh gee, you didn't give the women a chance. It will be a man.) compared to the person who takes over for Saddam Hussein. He will be considered a nice person. This guy will be the meanest, the worst guy. And he will have one thing, one thing. He will hate America, and he will use it to flame.

So Trump's foreign policy in 2007 was WORSE than Obama's, using the right wing yardstick.

For those of you who insist there were WMDs in Iraq:

BLITZER: What do you think of some of these scandals that are unfolding in Washington right now as we speak? The Attorney General is under fire, Alberto Gonzalez. What do you make of this as an executive trying to watch an Administration?

TRUMP: Look. Everything in Washington has been a lie. Weapons of mass destruction, was a total lie! It was a way of attacking Iraq, which he thought was going to be easy, and it turned out to be the exact opposite of easy. "He reads 60 books a year. He reads a book a week." Do you think the President reads a book a week? I don't think so. "He doesn't watch television." Now one thing I know, when I'm on television, I watch. Or I try. Because you do! Your own ego says you know, let's watch. Whether its good or bad, you watch, right? "He doesn't watch television". Does anybody really believe that? Now they're doing this whole scandal with US Attorneys. Now they're finding emails. It's proven to be a lie. Everything's a lie. It's all a big lie.

BLITZER: So what's gonna happen?

TRUMP: Well, it depends if the Democrats get their act together, they're going to have a big victory in a couple years.

So...yeah. You just called Trump a traitor.
The problem is that too many people believe that Trump is the movement. BULLSHIT. In fact, I do not want him anywhere near politics again. I want someone else to take the reigns and break up the duopoly stranglehold on power and actually STOP spending our great great great grandchildren's money.
Me, too.

Surely you have noticed by now that the federal debt is my biggest issue. Surely you must have noticed.

I consider the debt to be the greatest threat to the future of our country.

Independents now make up 46 percent of the registered voters in the US. We are more than ready for a new major party.
I'm probably totally wrong, but it's really quite entertaining watching a guy like Romney( changes sides more than a teenage girl changes her outfit on a first date) vs Gabbard of WEF resume fame! This Ukraine story is as convoluted as any I've ever followed!

It’s a sad day when Russia media is using clips of a presidential candidate on Americas top cable news show to promote false justifications for a war and invasion that is taking thousands of lives
Go piss up a rope, warmongering scum.
Here's your warmongering scum, since you appear not to have noticed:

It’s a sad day when Russia media is using clips of a presidential candidate on Americas top cable news show to promote false justifications for a war and invasion that is taking thousands of lives
They are also using clips of Tuckyo Rose.

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