Mitt Romney, Exporter of American jobs.

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Mitt Romney, Exporter of American jobs. Mitt Romney, outsourcing pioneer.

President Obama fought Republicans and conservatives to save the American auto industry from collapse, and he is fighting now to end tax breaks for companies that shift jobs overseas...unlike Romney who most likely fought for tax breaks for companies that outsourced American jobs.

Obama campaign's portrayal of Mitt Romney seems to be working -

In Gallup's daily tracking poll, for example, Obama has taken a 48%-44% lead over Romney, the first significant lead that either candidate has held since late April in Gallup's survey.
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GM offshore outsourcing U.S. jobs | The Economic Populist

General Motors Corp. will shift more production of vehicles bound for the U.S. market to China, Mexico, South Korea and Japan, but will keep total imports at roughly one-third of all sales here.GM's plan to import more vehicles from low-wage countries raises questions about whether it should beef up its foreign operations as it is relying on federal money to stay afloat. It also puts the automaker at odds with the United Auto Workers, which is trying to protect U.S. jobs amid a dramatic restructuring of the domestic auto industry.
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Mitt Romney, Exporter of American jobs. Mitt Romney, outsourcing pioneer.

President Obama fought Republicans and conservatives to save the American auto industry from collapse, and he is fighting now to end tax breaks for companies that shift jobs overseas...unlike Romney who most likely fought for tax breaks for companies that outsourced American jobs.

Obama campaign's portrayal of Mitt Romney seems to be working -

In Gallup's daily tracking poll, for example, Obama has taken a 48%-44% lead over Romney, the first significant lead that either candidate has held since late April in Gallup's survey.

great message and it seems to be working. :eusa_whistle:
Outsourcing is here to stay.

We can complete with education and a modern infrastructure.

Republicans said we already spent our money on Iraq and education is for snobs.

And Romney?

Less Police, Less Firefighters and LESS TEACHERS.

That's the Republican "plan". Good luck on that.
Outsourcing is here to stay.

We can complete with education and a modern infrastructure.

Republicans said we already spent our money on Iraq and education is for snobs.

And Romney?

Less Police, Less Firefighters and LESS TEACHERS.

That's the Republican "plan". Good luck on that.

outsourcing doesn't have to be the answer for most of the companies Mitt Romney helped raid, rape, and pillage.

some formerly American companies are moving stuff back...
Explain how Obama is not also an exporter of jobs? 79% of the green jobs, using STIMULUS TAXPAYER MONEY, were sent overseas and the big benefactor being China? seems hypocritical to call one out and not the other.
Evil Bain and Romney, you guys are to funny, even Obama and his election campaign doesn't really believe their own BS rhetoric.
Mitt and the republicans, fighting for everyone but america.

Is that why Obama sent 79% of the green jobs created by OUR stimulus money overseas? Was he fighting for us while sending jobs oversea in our nations biggest need to create jobs? It seems he used OUR money to help push HIS agenda.
Explain how Obama is not also an exporter of jobs? 79% of the green jobs, using STIMULUS TAXPAYER MONEY, were sent overseas and the big benefactor being China? seems hypocritical to call one out and not the other.

dooshbagh says what? link to a source for this bullshit

Sorry, I have link the article in a couple threads, however I realize the intelligence I am dealing with. The investigation was from ABC news.

Despite the fact that Obama's own policies have wiped out countless jobs and resulted in other jobs moving to foreign countries, the Obama campaign today accused Mitt Romney of being the "Outsourcer-in-Chief." That was deeply ironic, because the Obama Administration has spent billions of tax dollars subsidizing the outsourcing of American jobs to foreign countries. Obama, not Romney, is the Outsourcer-in-Chief.

“79 percent” of all green-jobs spending in Obama’s $800 billion stimulus package went to foreign companies, with the largest payment going to a bankrupt Australian company. For example, the Obama Administration spent $1.6 billion on Chinese and other foreign wind power. The practical effect of those subsidies was to outsource American jobs. ABC News reported on the subsidies for Chinese wind turbines contained in the stimulus package:

Despite all the talk of green jobs, the overwhelming majority of stimulus money spent on wind power has gone to foreign companies, according to a new report by the Investigative Reporting Workshop at the American University’s School of Communication in Washington, D.C.

Nearly $2 billion . . . has been spent on wind power. . .But the study found that nearly 80 percent of that money has gone to foreign manufacturers of wind turbines.

“Most of the jobs are going overseas,” said Russ Choma at the Investigative Reporting Workshop. He analyzed which foreign firms had accepted the most stimulus money. “According to our estimates, about 6,000 jobs have been created overseas, and maybe a couple hundred have been created in the U.S.” Even with the infusion of so much stimulus money, a recent report by American Wind Energy Association showed a drop in U.S. wind manufacturing jobs last year.

The stimulus package showered money on left-wing community organizers and liberal lobbying groups.

NewsMax reported on a $2 billion subsidized loan by the U.S. government to a Brazilian oil company:

Gulf Oil CEO Joe Petrowski says President Barack Obama’s weekend comments in Brazil that the United States looks forward to purchasing oil drilled for offshore by that nation “is rather puzzling,” and “hypocritical” as his administration has imposed a virtual moratorium on domestic drilling. The signal to purchase more foreign oil comes after the U.S. Export-Import Bank invested more than $2 billion with Brazil’s state-owned oil company, Petrobras, to finance exploration.

The CEO of General Electric, which received government “green jobs” money, is a close Obama adviser. GE has been busy outsourcing American jobs, eliminating a fifth of its U.S. workforce since 2002. GE made $14.2 billion in profits in 2010, but paid no taxes at all, even though America’s corporate tax rates are among the highest in the world. Indeed, GE actually received a tax benefit of $3.2 billion from the government in 2010, and received a preferential bailout at taxpayer expense.

In addition to paying for foreign “green” jobs that replaced American jobs, Obama’s stimulus package also contained poorly-designed provisions that ignited trade wars, wiping out jobs in America’s export sector and aggravating the U.S. trade deficit. The Dodd-Frank financial law passed in 2010 is also expected to shift thousands of jobs from America to foreign countries.

The Obama Administration has also given companies an incentive to move overseas by interfering with employers’ merit-based hiring, and by imposing a wide array of costly, harmful new labor and employment regulations on American manufacturers. Democratic businessman Steve Wynn called Obama “the greatest wet blanket to business and progress and job creation in my lifetime,” saying that “the business community in this country is frightened to death of the weird political philosophy of the President of the United States. And until he’s gone, everybody’s going to be sitting on their thumbs.”

The Obama administration is reinterpreting federal labor, employment, disabilities-rights, and discrimination laws in ways that impose costly burdens on businesses and consumers. The Obama EEOC recently sued Pepsi for doing criminal background checks on job applicants, forcing it to pay $3.1 million to settle the lawsuit. The EEOC is also threatening employers who require high-school diplomas with lawsuits under the ADA.

Employers’ ability to hire and fire based on merit is under assault by Obama appointees at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), an agency that has recently ordered employers to discard useful employment tests and retain incompetent employees. For example, a hotel chain was recently compelled to pay $132,500 for dismissing an autistic desk clerk who did not do his job properly, in order for it avoid a lawsuit by the EEOC that would have cost it much more than that to defend. The EEOC has sued companies that sensibly refuse to employ truck drivers with a history of heavy drinking, even though companies that hire them will be sued under state personal-injury laws when they have an accident. It has previously sued other employers who take serious criminal records into account, or use criminal background checks, even though employers who hire criminals end up getting sued when those employees commit crimes. The EEOC’s demands thus place employers in an impossible dilemma where they can be sued no matter what they do. The EEOC’s aggressive anti-business stance reflects its new left-wing majority under the Obama administration, which has appointed anti-business extremists to the EEOC.

Obamacare burdens on employers will likely eliminate at least 800,000 jobs. Obamacare has caused layoffs in the medical device industry, and wiped out jobs in other industries.
Explain how Obama is not also an exporter of jobs? 79% of the green jobs, using STIMULUS TAXPAYER MONEY, were sent overseas and the big benefactor being China? seems hypocritical to call one out and not the other.

dooshbagh says what? link to a source for this bullshit

Obama, not Romney, is the Outsourcer-in-Chief - Washington DC SCOTUS |

okay, let me follow the spin: 79 percent of all green-jobs spending - had the practical effect?

first the post above - "79% of the green jobs, using STIMULUS TAXPAYER MONEY, were sent overseas" - is deceitful, disingenuous, and dishonest.

The linked article is a partisan hit on Obama, and not a serious discussion economic or job policies, I have no problem with a partisan wingnuts making partisan attacks on the President or anyone else. My problem is with the lack of truthfulness and honesty.

okay, let me follow the spin: 79 percent of all green-jobs spending - had the practical effect?

first the post above - "79% of the green jobs, using STIMULUS TAXPAYER MONEY, were sent overseas" - is deceitful, disingenuous, and dishonest.

The linked article is a partisan hit on Obama, and not a serious discussion economic or job policies, I have no problem with a partisan wingnuts making partisan attacks on the President or anyone else. My problem is with the lack of truthfulness and honesty.

of course

okay, let me follow the spin: 79 percent of all green-jobs spending - had the practical effect?

first the post above - "79% of the green jobs, using STIMULUS TAXPAYER MONEY, were sent overseas" - is deceitful, disingenuous, and dishonest.

The linked article is a partisan hit on Obama, and not a serious discussion economic or job policies, I have no problem with a partisan wingnuts making partisan attacks on the President or anyone else. My problem is with the lack of truthfulness and honesty.

of course

Pretty funny isn't he.
Explain how Obama is not also an exporter of jobs? 79% of the green jobs, using STIMULUS TAXPAYER MONEY, were sent overseas and the big benefactor being China? seems hypocritical to call one out and not the other.

dooshbagh says what? link to a source for this bullshit

Sorry, I have link the article in a couple threads, however I realize the intelligence I am dealing with. The investigation was from ABC news.

Obama, not Romney, is the Outsourcer-in-Chief - Washington DC SCOTUS |

NewsMax reported...


The article you linked to links to ABC. ABC did no investigation. Mentioning NEWSMAX is a sure thread killer.
from the wingnuts link: One reason so much money is going overseas is that there is not much of a wind power industry in the United States -- only two major American manufacturers make wind turbines.

Who fights alternative energy programs and funding?

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