Mitt Romney has been asked to lead Health and Human Services in President-elect Biden's administration

LOL this guy keeps getting demoted
Romney should join the democrats since he has no chance for advancement in the republican party

he could make the Party of Stolen elections an excellent shoeshine boy

but that all depends of biden becoming president which is far from certain
Go, Joe. Set the tone. Push the nutters on both ends where they belong -- the fringe.
What exactly is the fringe? In 2102 Romney was eviscerated by Progs. Mormon insults, Accusations of Tax avoidance started by Harry Reid, leaving pets on roofs of cars and then it got bad. Now Romney is a wonderful person. He seems to be a interchangeable RINO. If there was a balanced Political structure it would not be so bad. So having Progs control the Democratic Party who are to the left of the left wing of the same party and RINOS who can be Democrats called the norm while everything else is fringe is dangerous.
Go, Joe. Set the tone. Push the nutters on both ends where they belong -- the fringe.
You like Mitt???
I like country over party. We need to that, before it's too late.
If you like your country you would know it has borders. You are a globalist stooge or fool. You will learn that we Americans must have reduced lifing standards to be blended into the New World Order.
the left want Medicare For All...the US government can't even pay for Medicare For Some

Its actually a smart move. Romneycare and Obamacare are very similar program, and I'd certainly look to bring Mitt aboard if I were looking to screw up the healthcare system.

Thanks for the post. I was wondering what Romney was doing as Health and Human services. He's a lawyer and a politician. What the hell does he know about HHS??

You answered that. Thanks.

Its actually a smart move. Romneycare and Obamacare are very similar program, and I'd certainly look to bring Mitt aboard if I were looking to screw up the healthcare system.
Who the hell are you trying to fool...its an obvious PAYBACK position. So question is what did Romney do to earn a kickback from Bribing JOE? Sounds like something specifically tied into the election....

and FYI--you really don't want the mormons in charge of health care----they make millions off the welfare and health care government systems.
Go, Joe. Set the tone. Push the nutters on both ends where they belong -- the fringe.

Of course he will take a couple Quislings and Seyss-Inquarts from the RINO brigade.

And give them absolutely no policy power at all.

Joe will be a figurehead for the hard left, nothing more.
Why would a Senator want to give up the power (since the Senate may be 50-50 or even Dem-controlled) for a Cabinet post?
Why would a Senator want to give up the power (since the Senate may be 50-50 or even Dem-controlled) for a Cabinet post?

I know I wouldn't and what a post Health and Human Resources?? Dog catcher would be better.

Senator is a much more lucrative position.

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