Mitt Romney is a Shameless, Habitual Liar And He Would Be a Horrible President

Half of all Americans now express unfavorable views of Mitt Romney, a new high for the GOP presidential hopeful in Washington Post-ABC News polling.

Romney’s negative numbers have jumped around this election cycle, but the overall pattern is similar to his trajectory four years ago: As he became better known, his unfavorables shot up far more rapidly than his positive numbers. Negative impressions are up eight percentage points in the past week, nudging past the previous high, which occurred about the time Romney suffered a big loss in the South Carolina primary.

In the new poll, 50 percent of all adults and 52 percent of registered voters express unfavorable opinions of Romney, both higher than Obama has received in Post-ABC polling as far back as late 2006.

The biggest difference between Romney and Obama is on the other side of the ledger: 53 percent of Americans hold favorable views of the president; for Romney, that number slides to 34 percent.

In the new poll, Romney is underwater with independents: 35 percent view him favorably, 52 percent unfavorably.

Independents are more evenly divided on the president — 50 percent favorable, 46 percent unfavorable, about where they’ve been in recent polls.

The bottom line is that the more voters get to know Romney, the less they like him. This is a major reason why he has no chance of defeating Obama.
The fewer LIBERAL voters like him.
You people are scared shitless of Romney because with his semi-conservative views and appeal to the right leaning center, he is a legitimate threat to four more years of socialism.

Yes, I'm terrified. :lol:

Obama is going to beat Romney by a much larger margin than he beat McCain. No one is going to show up in large numbers to vote for Romney, especially independents, who dislike the shameless lying asshole more and more each week.

Take that to the bank, tea bagger bitch.

And even though economic recovery has been slow, most Americans still blame Bush and the Repugs for this, not Obama, and rightly so. Just another one of those pesky facts that you Repugs like to ignore.

And although tea bagger idiots such as yourself are deranged, scary mother fuckers, the good news is that you make up less than 30% of the American electorate. That's not going to be nearly enough to remove Obama from office. Hence, your right wing rants and predictions are irrelevant and utterly worthless.
1. You asked where She was wrong. I posted a link showing where she is wrong. To be honest, it was just the first of countless other websites showing where she is wrong. Perhaps you should research it for yourself.

2. Your inability to admit you are wrong, really doesnt say anything about me, only about yourself.

3. Have a nice and blessed day:)
If Romney gets the nomination Obama wins..same for that nut Santorum
"Mitt Romney is a Shameless, Habitual Liar And He Would Be a Horrible President"

Sounds like he could still be an upgrade.
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As an independent, i am not really happy with any candidates running, but i will vote for romney over obama. I am voting all incumbants out. Everyone of them. I do know, we can not continue to survive with this administration again. Obama has got to go. It was the biggest mistake this country ever made electing a muslim. We need to all unit as citizens, not a party affliation, and vote this bunch out.
1. You asked where She was wrong. I posted a link showing where she is wrong. To be honest, it was just the first of countless other websites showing where she is wrong. Perhaps you should research it for yourself.

2. Your inability to admit you are wrong, really doesnt say anything about me, only about yourself.

3. Have a nice and blessed day:)

You asked where She was wrong. I posted a link showing where she is wrong.

You did no such thing. Tip O'Neill did say "all politics is local", dumb ass. It's ridiculous that you just automatically believe this stupid ass right wing website without a moment's hesitation.

Regardless, it shows what a pathetic tea bagger you are that you would focus on something so fucking meaningless -- what a couple of dead people said decades ago.

Obviously, you focus on the trivial because that's all you got. You can't focus on the MAJOR issues because everything you've believed your whole miserable life is incorrect.

For example, you've preached that Repug bullshit many times that tax cuts for the rich create jobs. That's not true and you now KNOW it's not true after 8 years of Bush and the most massive tax cuts for the rich in U.S. history. Bush had the worst job creation performance of any President since WWII DESPITE these massive tax cuts for the rich.

However, you're never going to admit that you are wrong about this because you are an intellectually dishonest Repug pussy.
1. You asked where She was wrong. I posted a link showing where she is wrong. To be honest, it was just the first of countless other websites showing where she is wrong. Perhaps you should research it for yourself.

2. Your inability to admit you are wrong, really doesnt say anything about me, only about yourself.

3. Have a nice and blessed day:)

He's not worth it.

I quit reading his posts a while ago as they all appear to use about the same phraseology. They show a lack of education and an smallmans complex too.

Real tough to yell at people through the internet.
As an independent, i am not really happy with any candidates running, but i will vote for romney over obama. I am voting all incumbants out. Everyone of them. I do know, we can not continue to survive with this administration again. Obama has got to go. It was the biggest mistake this country ever made electing a muslim. We need to all unit as citizens, not a party affliation, and vote this bunch out.

It was the biggest mistake this country ever made electing a muslim.

This goes without saying, but you are some stupid ass unsophisticated know-nothing white trash....Seriously.
And how did you reach this conclusion, assclown ?

Some highly defined set of statistics.

Or maybe you put your head up your ass and read it on the wall of your cholon.

Bush did double the national debt, fuckhole. That ain't my opinion, it's a fucking FACT.

So go fuck yourself, white trash tea bagger pussy.

And Obama has taken less time to run it up even further. Wow...that's a fact too.

And where did I say belonged to the Tea Party ? Asswipe.

So funny to see tough guys hiding behind the internet getting out all the aggression they couldn't because their big sisters used to kick their asses.

And Obama has taken less time to run it up even further. Wow...that's a fact too.

Obama has made a lot of mistakes, but this isn't one of them. Obama is trying to clean-up Bush's numerous fuck-ups. Any economist, conservative or liberal, will tell you that the government has to SPEND money during a recession. Obama had no choice but to approve the $700 billion stimulus package or the economy would now be in much worse shape than it currently is.

The Great Depression didn't end until WWII and WWII was fundamentally a massive governement jobs creation program for this country. One of Obama's biggest mistakes was that the stimulus in 2009 should have been much bigger. If it was bigger, the recovery would have been much quicker.

I know, I're one of those "above the fray" independents who think both sides are equally bad. Unfortunately, most independents are simply ignorant, like you, and that's why they feel that way.
1. You asked where She was wrong. I posted a link showing where she is wrong. To be honest, it was just the first of countless other websites showing where she is wrong. Perhaps you should research it for yourself.

2. Your inability to admit you are wrong, really doesnt say anything about me, only about yourself.

3. Have a nice and blessed day:)

You asked where She was wrong. I posted a link showing where she is wrong.

You did no such thing. Tip O'Neill did say "all politics is local", dumb ass. It's ridiculous that you just automatically believe this stupid ass right wing website without a moment's hesitation.

Regardless, it shows what a pathetic tea bagger you are that you would focus on something so fucking meaningless -- what a couple of dead people said decades ago.

Obviously, you focus on the trivial because that's all you got. You can't focus on the MAJOR issues because everything you've believed your whole miserable life is incorrect.

For example, you've preached that Repug bullshit many times that tax cuts for the rich create jobs. That's not true and you now KNOW it's not true after 8 years of Bush and the most massive tax cuts for the rich in U.S. history. Bush had the worst job creation performance of any President since WWII DESPITE these massive tax cuts for the rich.

However, you're never going to admit that you are wrong about this because you are an intellectually dishonest Repug pussy.
This is typical of your posts.
NO substance. Just an endless barrage of foul language and insults.
Here is what your post says....."Pathetic tea bagger" "fucking meaningless"..."whole miserable life"...."repug bullshit"...."repug pussy"..
In other words, your posts are meaningless anger filled drivel. Newsflash, nobody cares what you think. You don't matter.
You are an angry individual with very real issues.
I dont think KWO can make a post that doesnt involve swearing and derrogatory language.
he would be a corporate whore like the rest of the right

Hmmm...Bill Gates owns one of the largest companies in the world....Theresa Heinz if the heir to a gigantic food corp fortune. These people are card carrying liberals. Are they not also "corporate whores"?
As matter of fact most of the US based large and very wealthy corps contribute heavily to democrat candidates and liberal causes.
You are very close to reaching international status in stupidity.
This is a guy who's religion disallows eating pussy. Who the hell would want him as a pResident ?

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