Mitt Romney needs to be recalled

This will go down as one of the greatest political speeches of all time. Mitt Romney said after he swore to God he had to do the right thing because heā€™s a very religious person.

The question after Trump is, does decency still matter?

Apparently there were only four senators in the chamber when Romney gave the speech and they left the chamber in tears.

itā€™s an extremely moving speech and thereā€™s a very long pause by Romney at the beginning trying to talk without breaking down because this is extremely emotional for him.
There Was God and the United States on one side and the Republican party on the other and he chose God and the United States.
He says does anyone seriously believe he would submit to these consequences if he didnā€™t believe what he was saying? Mitt Romney put God and the United States first. Thereā€™s no other way to look at it.

Heā€™s completely delusional. Politics is about policy and making the country better. President Trump has done that better than any President in the last 30 years. Romney is a moderate asswipe that has always groped for the middle way. He was never a conservative, much like John Mc-shit-Stain.
Romney said that he has to face his children and his grandchildren and so he just couldnā€™t vote to acquit Trump. Especially after he he took an oath to God.
These right wingers donā€™t understand. It seems they only use God for politics, they donā€™t actually believe.
If they did, they wouldnā€™t follow Trump.

Everybody should vote their conscience. Sometimes we just have to take their word for it. I dissagree with his vote but it doesn't bother me too much. If his constituents don't like it he will be gone.
Romney said that he has to face his children and his grandchildren and so he just couldnā€™t vote to acquit Trump. Especially after he he took an oath to God.
These right wingers donā€™t understand. It seems they only use God for politics, they donā€™t actually believe.
If they did, they wouldnā€™t follow Trump.
That asshole also raised his right hand put the other on a bible and swore a solemn oath to uphold the constitution. Which in this case he most assuredly DID NOT.
This hack just said the president has not
right if inquire about corrupt actions!
No right to say hey can you look in to biden saying fire the prosecutor if you want your money..

Is this guy serious!? If he had ANY balls he would sit down for a interview with Hannity and answer some questions.. HACK!
If not recall him immediately

Naw, I would say just let the voters take care of him. I would prefer not to stoop to the level of the Democrats. I'm not really for intimidation politics and once we start going down that road, it becomes very subjective to who did what and how offensive it is. Better not to steal away the votes of the people who voted him in. It's time for statesmanship to return to Washington, if that can ever be possible again after the Schiff, Nadler, Schumer and Pelosi crew.
We canā€™t wait four year to vote him out.. he needs to be recalled ..
This hack just said the president has not
right if inquire about corrupt actions!
No right to say hey can you look in to biden saying fire the prosecutor if you want your money..

Is this guy serious!? If he had ANY balls he would sit down for a interview with Hannity and answer some questions.. HACK!
If not recall him immediately
Imagining taking the treasonous attitude of putting country before party!.
I can see why you're so upset.
Romney said that he has to face his children and his grandchildren and so he just couldnā€™t vote to acquit Trump. Especially after he he took an oath to God.
These right wingers donā€™t understand. It seems they only use God for politics, they donā€™t actually believe.
If they did, they wouldnā€™t follow Trump.
But he can face his kids after impeaching a president for no reason at all? Lol

If you guys are going to hate Romney and Bolton, you have to hate John Kelly too.

At some point, you'll be blaming everyone but Trump.

Trump will be the ONLY one left.
Can a militia remove him?
He's the commander in chief.

Besides, you never see the military doing much within the US. The founders were very nervous of a military force inside the US used for "force". It's what they do in banana republics.

We are a nation of laws, not military force.

At least we were a nation of laws. Sometimes it seems white Republicans think laws only apply to others.
This hack just said the president has not
right if inquire about corrupt actions!
No right to say hey can you look in to biden saying fire the prosecutor if you want your money..

Is this guy serious!? If he had ANY balls he would sit down for a interview with Hannity and answer some questions.. HACK!
If not recall him immediately
Can a militia remove him?
He's the commander in chief.

Besides, you never see the military doing much within the US. The founders were very nervous of a military force inside the US used for "force". It's what they do in banana republics.

We are a nation of laws, not military force.

At least we were a nation of laws. Sometimes it seems white Republicans think laws only apply to others.
Romney is the commander and chief? And white republicans are in Chicago,, Detroit, Baltimore, Camden, San Fran, Louisiana,
Baton Rouge, Boston, ??
This hack just said the president has not
right if inquire about corrupt actions!
No right to say hey can you look in to biden saying fire the prosecutor if you want your money..

Is this guy serious!? If he had ANY balls he would sit down for a interview with Hannity and answer some questions.. HACK!
If not recall him immediately
I EXPECT ROMNEY TO FACE A PRIMARY CHALLENGE: Trump More Popular Than Romney in Utah.

Trump +7
Benedict Romney -5

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