Mitt Romney: Okay, businesses do need government, after all


Funny thing is, none of us (outside of the standard hardcore absolutists, have fun with them) who were insulted by Obama's comments have claimed otherwise.

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Funny thing is, none of us who were insulted by Obama's comments have claimed otherwise.


Then you shouldn't have been "insulted". Obama stated a fact.

The schism is the taxes to pay for all those services.

Like it or not..the government needs revenue to exist. And constant cuts in that revenue is patently stupid.

Funny thing is, none of us (outside of the standard hardcore absolutists, have fun with them) who were insulted by Obama's comments have claimed otherwise.



This thread is a classic strawman argument, and a fail.
Mitt Romney: Okay, businesses do need government, after all - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

“There are a lot of people in government who help us and allow us to have an economy that works and allow entrepenuers and business leaders of various kinds to start businesses and create jobs. We all recognize that. That’s an important thing.”



Romney did an "etch a sketch" in the very same speech.

It was amazing.

First he called Obama "foreign" for saying such a thing.

THEN..he agreed with it.


Funny thing is, none of us who were insulted by Obama's comments have claimed otherwise.


Then you shouldn't have been "insulted". Obama stated a fact.

The schism is the taxes to pay for all those services.

Like it or not..the government needs revenue to exist. And constant cuts in that revenue is patently stupid.

As I have already said, I realize that government needs revenues to exist. I was awake that day during class, and I think I remember studying that while studying for my various securities licenses. Got it - government is funded by tax revenues, government spends tax revenues for a variety of reasons. Included in those expenditures are really important stuff like roads, bridges, stop signs. Roads are those big black things my car rolls over, bridges stop me from driving into the water, stop signs keep things nice and orderly at intersections. I get it.

Yet, this has still been an educational time for me. I've been called a variety of names, including "idiot" and "fucking idiot", because I was insulted at a gut level by something Obama said. I've been told I should not be insulted, and yet, though I agree with Obama on several issues, here I am. I can only apologize for my gut reaction to this, and my only defense is that I have not only started multiple businesses, I have helped others start and/or operate theirs, and I sure wish a President who has not done so would just lighten up on me and mine a bit.

Anyway, now that I know that someone who is insulted at a gut level by something is a "fucking idiot", I must admit I'm looking forward a bit to the next time someone whines about being insulted or offended by something a conservative says. And I'd make a lousy conservative.

Still, I'm looking forward to it.

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Funny thing is, none of us who were insulted by Obama's comments have claimed otherwise.


Then you shouldn't have been "insulted". Obama stated a fact.

The schism is the taxes to pay for all those services.

Like it or not..the government needs revenue to exist. And constant cuts in that revenue is patently stupid.

Giving away so much for free to needy people that do not need it and then finding mistakenly over paying in the billions is dumb and dumber!!
The taxes they have for the roads and bridges comes from ... ? So who did for who and if the government didn't make a road or bridge and company x saw they could make twice as much if the towns people didn't have to drive 5 miles out of the way to get to the store would invest their own money and build it.
Walmart was not a super walmart to begin with it saw the need and invested, took a chance .. government didnt say hey take a chance they might get a tax break here or there, but would still find a work around if there was a profit to be made.
If a business owner was insulted by Obama's comments, they should read them again. They failed to grasp the meaning of his words and are reacting to that failure.

The world won't end if you admit to your mistake.

Funny thing is, none of us who were insulted by Obama's comments have claimed otherwise.


Then you shouldn't have been "insulted". Obama stated a fact.

The schism is the taxes to pay for all those services.

Like it or not..the government needs revenue to exist. And constant cuts in that revenue is patently stupid.

like it or not, we don't need this much bloated Government, this what we can't get through to some of you... then they need TO FIGURE out more ways to soak the people for MORE monies

and I was absolutly insulted to have our President say what he did...Obama believe we wouldn't BE where we all are IF IT WASN'T FOR don't try and blow smoke up our asses
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If a business owner was insulted by Obama's comments, they should read them again. They failed to grasp the meaning of his words and are reacting to that failure.

The world won't end if you admit to your mistake.

yeah's the people who just never understands that brilliant President we have
He just can't come down and speak on the little people's all OUR FAULT

Funny thing is, none of us who were insulted by Obama's comments have claimed otherwise.


Then you shouldn't have been "insulted". Obama stated a fact.

The schism is the taxes to pay for all those services.

Like it or not..the government needs revenue to exist. And constant cuts in that revenue is patently stupid.

Still peddling that horseshit?

During the eight years of the Clinton Administration the Federal government collected a total of $5.66 trillion dollars in individual income taxes.

During the eight years of the Bush Administration the Federal government collected approximately $7.45 trillion dollars in individual income taxes.

The rich - that is, the top 1% of taxpayers - not only forked over a trillion dollars more to Uncle Sam under Bush than under Clinton, their share of the income tax burden increased from 33% to 38%.'

RealClearMarkets - The Hidden Truth About the Bush Tax Increases
Mitt Romney: Okay, businesses do need government, after all - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

“There are a lot of people in government who help us and allow us to have an economy that works and allow entrepenuers and business leaders of various kinds to start businesses and create jobs. We all recognize that. That’s an important thing.”



If Obama had said that, the GOP would have edited it to say

"people in government...allow us to have an economy that works..."

and then ran attack ads against it.
and I was absolutly insulted to have our President say what he did...Obama believe we wouldn't BE where we all are IF IT WASN'T FOR don't try and blow smoke up our asses

I hate to get your panties in a wad, but you wouldn't be where you are today if not for the protections afforded by government. Get over it.
and I was absolutly insulted to have our President say what he did...Obama believe we wouldn't BE where we all are IF IT WASN'T FOR don't try and blow smoke up our asses

I hate to get your panties in a wad, but you wouldn't be where you are today if not for the protections afforded by government. Get over it.

I don't have to get over it..because that ISN'T what Obama meant and the majority of the people know it

Funny thing is, none of us who were insulted by Obama's comments have claimed otherwise.


Then you shouldn't have been "insulted". Obama stated a fact.

The schism is the taxes to pay for all those services.

Like it or not..the government needs revenue to exist. And constant cuts in that revenue is patently stupid.

Still peddling that horseshit?

During the eight years of the Clinton Administration the Federal government collected a total of $5.66 trillion dollars in individual income taxes.

During the eight years of the Bush Administration the Federal government collected approximately $7.45 trillion dollars in individual income taxes.

The rich - that is, the top 1% of taxpayers - not only forked over a trillion dollars more to Uncle Sam under Bush than under Clinton, their share of the income tax burden increased from 33% to 38%.'

RealClearMarkets - The Hidden Truth About the Bush Tax Increases

What a fucking stupid statistic. Of course they paid a larger percentage during the past decade. That's because they made and controlled a larger percentage while the Bush tax cuts reduced the lowest marginal rate for everyone by 1/3 and the top marginal rate by only 1/7th. It's simple math.

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