Mitt Romney on Income Inequality - "talk about those things in quiet rooms"



Pushing worthwhile questions into ‘quiet rooms’

On NBC this morning, Matt Lauer asked Mitt Romney whether Americans with “questions about the distribution of wealth and power in this country” are necessarily motivated by, in the Republican’s word, “envy.” The host asked, “Is it about jealousy, or fairness?”

Romney was unmoved. “You know, I think it’s about envy,” he said. “I think it’s about class warfare.”

LAUER: Are there no fair questions about the distribution of wealth without it being seen as envy, though?

ROMNEY: I think it’s fine to talk about those things in quiet rooms and discussions about tax policy and the like. But the president has made it part of his campaign rally.

Look at the shock on Mitt Romney's face when Matt asked, "Are there no fair questions about the distribution of wealth without it being seen as envy, though?"

Did the Mitt hit the fan? Is he "Mittfaced"? Or is it just a steaming pile of Mitt?
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Pushing worthwhile questions into ‘quiet rooms’

On NBC this morning, Matt Lauer asked Mitt Romney whether Americans with “questions about the distribution of wealth and power in this country” are necessarily motivated by, in the Republican’s word, “envy.” The host asked, “Is it about jealousy, or fairness?”

Romney was unmoved. “You know, I think it’s about envy,” he said. “I think it’s about class warfare.”

LAUER: Are there no fair questions about the distribution of wealth without it being seen as envy, though?

ROMNEY: I think it’s fine to talk about those things in quiet rooms and discussions about tax policy and the like. But the president has made it part of his campaign rally.

Mitt Romney on Wall Street and inequality - YouTube

Look at the shock on Mitt Romney's face when Matt asked, "Are there no fair questions about the distribution of wealth without it being seen as envy, though?"

Did the Mitt hit the fan? Is he "Mittfaced"? Or is it just a steaming pile of Mitt?

"Romney was unmoved. “You know, I think it’s about envy,” he said. “I think it’s about class warfare.”

I will add only two words to Romney's perfect answer and that is, "to smear." The Dems are desperately reaching and some stupid GOP candidates are trying hard to help.
Obama is a marxist as all he thinks about is Class warfare and tries to seperate the classes against each other. He is a piece of shit.
Same bullshit people spout here every day. It won't work for him in the general election. Which means he won't be saying it then.
On NBC this morning, Matt Lauer asked Mitt Romney whether Americans with “questions about the distribution of wealth and power in this country” are necessarily motivated by, in the Republican’s word, “envy.” The host asked, “Is it about jealousy, or fairness?”

Romney was unmoved. “You know, I think it’s about envy,” he said. “I think it’s about class warfare.”

LAUER: Are there no fair questions about the distribution of wealth without it being seen as envy, though?

ROMNEY: I think it’s fine to talk about those things in quiet rooms and discussions about tax policy and the like. But the president has made it part of his campaign rally.

Look at the shock on Mitt Romney's face when Matt asked, "Are there no fair questions about the distribution of wealth without it being seen as envy, though?"

Did the Mitt hit the fan? Is he "Mittfaced"? Or is it just a steaming pile of Mitt?

Maybe "Mattfaced"? Or "Double Standard Lauer"? who makes $17M a year? Does NBC and Matt Lauer talk about Matt's contract in 'quiet rooms'?
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Obama is a marxist as all he thinks about is Class warfare and tries to seperate the classes against each other. He is a piece of shit.

You are a piece of shit.

The class war is over.

The rich won.
Obama is a marxist as all he thinks about is Class warfare and tries to seperate the classes against each other. He is a piece of shit.

Why do you care? You have no class.
Should the rich pay taxes at a lower rate than the rest of us?

WASHINGTON, D.C.--The 400 highest-earning taxpayers in the U.S. reported a record $105 billion in total adjusted gross income in 2006, but they paid just $18 billion in tax, new Internal Revenue Service figures show. That works out to an average federal income tax bite of 17%--the lowest rate paid by the richest 400 during the 15-year period covered by the IRS statistics. The average federal tax bite on the top 400 was 30% in 1995 and 23% in 2002.

Richest 400 Earn More, Pay Lower Tax Rate -
Romney's tax plan raises taxes on almost everyone making less than 50,000 a year,

and lowers them for anyone with higher income. I would think that, no, he wouldn't want too much talk about that out in the public square.

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