...Mitt Romney re: the fear of MAGA supporters ...

Learn how to wipe your ass before making threats about wiping millions out
No one is making threats. The powers that be that enforces the normative law will punish any violent uprising viciously.

But MAGA has learned that Charlottesville and J6 prove they can't coordinate anything to a positive conclusion.
No one is making threats. The powers that be that enforces the normative law will punish any violent uprising viciously.

But MAGA has learned that Charlottesville and J6 prove they can't coordinate anything to a positive conclusion.
In this morning's newsfeeds (`10/28th) there is short coverage on what the biographer of Romney's recent book revealed. The author, Coppin, stated that fear of Trump supporters is a very real reality amongst Republican legislators. NOT fear of being voted out of office.....but fear of physical harm to them or to their families.
If that is true, it is, of course, alarming. And, in truth, we've seen internet-puffery leaning in that direction on this very venue when some jackass or uber-MAGA nutter makes posts about guns are necessary for American political order, or we need a civil war, or a 'divorce', or to break up the United States. Numerous postings puffing up the posters and MAGA's imagined muscularity and gun ownership.....and anger at, you name it, Biden, Libs, Dems, Progressives, Students, LGBQ, BLM, Hispanics, Anhauser-Busch, and so on.
In short, I found Romney's reflections on this matter credible.

To wit:

"Mitt Romney revealed concerning new details about Donald Trump's impeachment proceedings while speaking with his biographer, McKay Coppins, prior to the release of Romney: A Reckoning.

Coppins claimed the Utah senator shared numerous accounts surrounding the topic of GOP members in Congress being terrified to vote to convict or impeach Trump because they feared retaliation from his supporters.

One of the biggest revelations to me in my conversations with Romney was just how important the threat of political violence was to the psychology of elected Republicans today," Coppins explained in a recent interview with Brian Stelter.

Coppins noted that Romney told him "story after story about Republican members of Congress, Republican senators, who at various points wanted to vote for impeachment—vote to convict Trump or vote to impeach Trump—and decided not to, not because they thought he was innocent, but because they were afraid for their family’s safety."

"They were afraid of what Trump supporters might do to them or to their families," the author added, noting that situation "raises a really uncomfortable question."

"How long can the American project last if elected officials from one of the major parties are making their political decisions based on fear of physical violence from their constituents?" he asked."

Mittens is not a Republican much less a MAGA. He's a RINO, a sniveling Democrat dressed as a Republican that no one can stand...
As much as these people love their cushy gubmit jobs, those who don't toe the line do have to worry about their safety.

The number of death threats has increased exponentially since MAGA kicked in, and these politicians do have a breaking point.

America's first Holy War. Enjoy.
I worry about rabid leftists, but I don't count
The rest of America will turn its back on it next year and generally ignore it. Jordan, Comer, and McCarthy's flailing in this term, plus McConnell's ability to control the wingnuts in his caucus, demonstrates that it is a spent force.
LOL you people are so delusional. If you think American is going back to voting for the same neocon morons of the past then you really don’t understand Americans at all.
theHawk is blathering. Trump can't govern himself morally or legally, the GOP can't control the 1/2 of the 1/3 of the government they are in charge of. McConnell is the only effective national leader the GOP has, and he despises MAGA almost as much as real America hates it. The Orange is played out.
mitt and i were at byu together.
chickenshit was afraid to serve his country during vietnam.
I was an only child and served my 2 years.
don;t really care for my fellow brother of the cloth. (so to speak)

Thanks for your service.
Did Mitt provide any names of people who were prosecuted for threatening elected officials ?

Seems like it would not be tough to chase them down.
The government should always fear the people. Working as intended.
No, poster Al, government officials, bureaucrats, clerks, police, recorders, secretaries, service crews, maintenance folks, etc. .....should not fear our citizens. We want them to be service oriented, heedful, responsible, courteous, and effective in their duties. Living in fear doesn't aid in our expectation of such.
To desire that, to express that.....indicates an inexperience and naivete' of what governance must be to be effective. Nor has ever worked within any government....village, city, township, county, state, federal.

.....from a greasy sleazeball who both begged for Trump's endorsement in 2012, and for the Sec. of State job in '16.
Umm, color me skeptical, good poster Oddball.
Accounts vary.
Notably, the story of 'begging' for endorsement and/or job comes from one source.......Don Trump's camp.
So is it true? Or rather was it manufactured and disseminated by those interests in order to, first, diminish Romney; two, bolster Don Trump?

Mittens is so yesterday
Well, actually he is still a Senator, a pretty big friggin' job. Compare his job to your job, Lassie. More important to this discussion though, is the reference to 'threats' by MAGA/QAnon, and similar nutters against anyone who offers a skeptical view towards Don Trump. That, as we have been reading for months and months, (and seen in lawsuits) is a very real .......reality.
True that.

Maybe if he was doing his job right he wouldn’t be living in “fear” as he claims. Turns out pissing on America pisses off a lot of Americans.
I would suggest to prolific posrer, Hawk, that "Doing his job" does not require subservience to a disgraced....and fired.....ex-president. Notably, the comments were made to a biographer who then spoke to someone in the press. To the best of my knowledge such comments were not in the biography.
Nonetheless, the comments have the ring of truth as we've seen multiple incidents of death threats to a whole variety of folks who have expressed skepticism towards Don Trump, or who have attempted to hold him accountable for his words or his actions. 'Variety of folks' from judges, to Senators, to opposing candidates, to part-time election clerks, to journalists.....to the Vice President and the Speaker of the House. We all know there is a slice of the MAGA/QAnon world that thinks violence is acceptable----witness the violence of the January 6th Jackasses. Hence, these hearsay comments by the biographer do have the ring of truth. Of credibility.

Mittens is not a Republican much less a MAGA. He's a RINO, a sniveling Democrat dressed as a Republican that no one can stand...
With no desire to be dismissive or disrespectful towards poster Doc, and this is merely my opinion, but......but I would view the above comments as uber-partisan effluvia.

Did Mitt provide any names of people who were prosecuted for threatening elected officials ?
The comments came from the biographer. I suppose if the good poster Hiker is truly interested in finding out he could google out news reportage.
As a small aside, I would suggest that those who make threats against public officials generally do it anonymously.....by phone, by letter, by scrawled on the side of car or house. I may be wrong on that.
In this morning's newsfeeds (`10/28th) there is short coverage on what the biographer of Romney's recent book revealed. The author, Coppin, stated that fear of Trump supporters is a very real reality amongst Republican legislators. NOT fear of being voted out of office.....but fear of physical harm to them or to their families.
If that is true, it is, of course, alarming. And, in truth, we've seen internet-puffery leaning in that direction on this very venue when some jackass or uber-MAGA nutter makes posts about guns are necessary for American political order, or we need a civil war, or a 'divorce', or to break up the United States. Numerous postings puffing up the posters and MAGA's imagined muscularity and gun ownership.....and anger at, you name it, Biden, Libs, Dems, Progressives, Students, LGBQ, BLM, Hispanics, Anhauser-Busch, and so on.
In short, I found Romney's reflections on this matter credible.

To wit:

"Mitt Romney revealed concerning new details about Donald Trump's impeachment proceedings while speaking with his biographer, McKay Coppins, prior to the release of Romney: A Reckoning.

Coppins claimed the Utah senator shared numerous accounts surrounding the topic of GOP members in Congress being terrified to vote to convict or impeach Trump because they feared retaliation from his supporters.

One of the biggest revelations to me in my conversations with Romney was just how important the threat of political violence was to the psychology of elected Republicans today," Coppins explained in a recent interview with Brian Stelter.

Coppins noted that Romney told him "story after story about Republican members of Congress, Republican senators, who at various points wanted to vote for impeachment—vote to convict Trump or vote to impeach Trump—and decided not to, not because they thought he was innocent, but because they were afraid for their family’s safety."

"They were afraid of what Trump supporters might do to them or to their families," the author added, noting that situation "raises a really uncomfortable question."

"How long can the American project last if elected officials from one of the major parties are making their political decisions based on fear of physical violence from their constituents?" he asked."

And Jan 6 was a good illustration of how GOP legislators felt. They were literally running for their lives

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