...Mitt Romney re: the fear of MAGA supporters ...


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
In this morning's newsfeeds (`10/28th) there is short coverage on what the biographer of Romney's recent book revealed. The author, Coppin, stated that fear of Trump supporters is a very real reality amongst Republican legislators. NOT fear of being voted out of office.....but fear of physical harm to them or to their families.
If that is true, it is, of course, alarming. And, in truth, we've seen internet-puffery leaning in that direction on this very venue when some jackass or uber-MAGA nutter makes posts about guns are necessary for American political order, or we need a civil war, or a 'divorce', or to break up the United States. Numerous postings puffing up the posters and MAGA's imagined muscularity and gun ownership.....and anger at, you name it, Biden, Libs, Dems, Progressives, Students, LGBQ, BLM, Hispanics, Anhauser-Busch, and so on.
In short, I found Romney's reflections on this matter credible.

To wit:

"Mitt Romney revealed concerning new details about Donald Trump's impeachment proceedings while speaking with his biographer, McKay Coppins, prior to the release of Romney: A Reckoning.

Coppins claimed the Utah senator shared numerous accounts surrounding the topic of GOP members in Congress being terrified to vote to convict or impeach Trump because they feared retaliation from his supporters.

One of the biggest revelations to me in my conversations with Romney was just how important the threat of political violence was to the psychology of elected Republicans today," Coppins explained in a recent interview with Brian Stelter.

Coppins noted that Romney told him "story after story about Republican members of Congress, Republican senators, who at various points wanted to vote for impeachment—vote to convict Trump or vote to impeach Trump—and decided not to, not because they thought he was innocent, but because they were afraid for their family’s safety."

"They were afraid of what Trump supporters might do to them or to their families," the author added, noting that situation "raises a really uncomfortable question."

"How long can the American project last if elected officials from one of the major parties are making their political decisions based on fear of physical violence from their constituents?" he asked."

In this morning's newsfeeds (`10/28th) there is short coverage on what the biographer of Romney's recent book revealed. The author, Coppin, stated that fear of Trump supporters is a very real reality amongst Republican legislators. NOT fear of being voted out of office.....but fear of physical harm to them or to their families.
If that is true, it is, of course, alarming. And, in truth, we've seen internet-puffery leaning in that direction on this very venue when some jackass or uber-MAGA nutter makes posts about guns are necessary for American political order, or we need a civil war, or a 'divorce', or to break up the United States. Numerous postings puffing up the posters and MAGA's imagined muscularity and gun ownership.....and anger at, you name it, Biden, Libs, Dems, Progressives, Students, LGBQ, BLM, Hispanics, Anhauser-Busch, and so on.
In short, I found Romney's reflections on this matter credible.

To wit:

"Mitt Romney revealed concerning new details about Donald Trump's impeachment proceedings while speaking with his biographer, McKay Coppins, prior to the release of Romney: A Reckoning.

Coppins claimed the Utah senator shared numerous accounts surrounding the topic of GOP members in Congress being terrified to vote to convict or impeach Trump because they feared retaliation from his supporters.

One of the biggest revelations to me in my conversations with Romney was just how important the threat of political violence was to the psychology of elected Republicans today," Coppins explained in a recent interview with Brian Stelter.

Coppins noted that Romney told him "story after story about Republican members of Congress, Republican senators, who at various points wanted to vote for impeachment—vote to convict Trump or vote to impeach Trump—and decided not to, not because they thought he was innocent, but because they were afraid for their family’s safety."

"They were afraid of what Trump supporters might do to them or to their families," the author added, noting that situation "raises a really uncomfortable question."

"How long can the American project last if elected officials from one of the major parties are making their political decisions based on fear of physical violence from their constituents?" he asked."
As much as these people love their cushy gubmit jobs, those who don't toe the line do have to worry about their safety.

The number of death threats has increased exponentially since MAGA kicked in, and these politicians do have a breaking point.

America's first Holy War. Enjoy.
When Kennedy was assasinated and Reagan was almost assasinated, did congress vote out of fear? This sounds like a cop out narrative as violence in the 60s-80s was much higher for politicians, google the FLQ. He is worth many millions of dollars, I'm sure his security details are solid. Far better than the average citizen living on the border when the cartel walk over. Is Romney and congress not protecting your border out of fear of the cartels?
I have no concern for the safety of the elected elite as they have no concern for the safety of everyday Americans.
MAGA needs to start forcing out more rinos like was done with McCarthy.
That's just a load of shit from Romney. Plenty of people have attacked the millions of Little Trumpsters, and they've ALL lived to tell about it including Sen. Romney himself.
We took the fear out of the fear from MAGA by letting them know what would happen to them in our community if they tried violence.
In this morning's newsfeeds (`10/28th) there is short coverage on what the biographer of Romney's recent book revealed. The author, Coppin, stated that fear of Trump supporters is a very real reality amongst Republican legislators. NOT fear of being voted out of office.....but fear of physical harm to them or to their families.
If that is true, it is, of course, alarming. And, in truth, we've seen internet-puffery leaning in that direction on this very venue when some jackass or uber-MAGA nutter makes posts about guns are necessary for American political order, or we need a civil war, or a 'divorce', or to break up the United States. Numerous postings puffing up the posters and MAGA's imagined muscularity and gun ownership.....and anger at, you name it, Biden, Libs, Dems, Progressives, Students, LGBQ, BLM, Hispanics, Anhauser-Busch, and so on.
In short, I found Romney's reflections on this matter credible.

To wit:

"Mitt Romney revealed concerning new details about Donald Trump's impeachment proceedings while speaking with his biographer, McKay Coppins, prior to the release of Romney: A Reckoning.

Coppins claimed the Utah senator shared numerous accounts surrounding the topic of GOP members in Congress being terrified to vote to convict or impeach Trump because they feared retaliation from his supporters.

One of the biggest revelations to me in my conversations with Romney was just how important the threat of political violence was to the psychology of elected Republicans today," Coppins explained in a recent interview with Brian Stelter.

Coppins noted that Romney told him "story after story about Republican members of Congress, Republican senators, who at various points wanted to vote for impeachment—vote to convict Trump or vote to impeach Trump—and decided not to, not because they thought he was innocent, but because they were afraid for their family’s safety."

"They were afraid of what Trump supporters might do to them or to their families," the author added, noting that situation "raises a really uncomfortable question."

"How long can the American project last if elected officials from one of the major parties are making their political decisions based on fear of physical violence from their constituents?" he asked."
Sounds like some serious sour grapes, from a greasy sleazeball who both begged for Trump's endorsement in 2012, and for the Sec. of State job in '16.

In this morning's newsfeeds (`10/28th) there is short coverage on what the biographer of Romney's recent book revealed. The author, Coppin, stated that fear of Trump supporters is a very real reality amongst Republican legislators. NOT fear of being voted out of office.....but fear of physical harm to them or to their families.
If that is true, it is, of course, alarming. And, in truth, we've seen internet-puffery leaning in that direction on this very venue when some jackass or uber-MAGA nutter makes posts about guns are necessary for American political order, or we need a civil war, or a 'divorce', or to break up the United States. Numerous postings puffing up the posters and MAGA's imagined muscularity and gun ownership.....and anger at, you name it, Biden, Libs, Dems, Progressives, Students, LGBQ, BLM, Hispanics, Anhauser-Busch, and so on.
In short, I found Romney's reflections on this matter credible.

To wit:

"Mitt Romney revealed concerning new details about Donald Trump's impeachment proceedings while speaking with his biographer, McKay Coppins, prior to the release of Romney: A Reckoning.

Coppins claimed the Utah senator shared numerous accounts surrounding the topic of GOP members in Congress being terrified to vote to convict or impeach Trump because they feared retaliation from his supporters.

One of the biggest revelations to me in my conversations with Romney was just how important the threat of political violence was to the psychology of elected Republicans today," Coppins explained in a recent interview with Brian Stelter.

Coppins noted that Romney told him "story after story about Republican members of Congress, Republican senators, who at various points wanted to vote for impeachment—vote to convict Trump or vote to impeach Trump—and decided not to, not because they thought he was innocent, but because they were afraid for their family’s safety."

"They were afraid of what Trump supporters might do to them or to their families," the author added, noting that situation "raises a really uncomfortable question."

"How long can the American project last if elected officials from one of the major parties are making their political decisions based on fear of physical violence from their constituents?" he asked."
Maybe if he was doing his job right he wouldn’t be living in “fear” as he claims.

Turns out pissing on America pisses off a lot of Americans.
Most so called Maga fears arise over being held responsible
MAGAS are too stern for the lib loon weepers and feelers
In this morning's newsfeeds (`10/28th) there is short coverage on what the biographer of Romney's recent book revealed. The author, Coppin, stated that fear of Trump supporters is a very real reality amongst Republican legislators. NOT fear of being voted out of office.....but fear of physical harm to them or to their families.
If that is true, it is, of course, alarming. And, in truth, we've seen internet-puffery leaning in that direction on this very venue when some jackass or uber-MAGA nutter makes posts about guns are necessary for American political order, or we need a civil war, or a 'divorce', or to break up the United States. Numerous postings puffing up the posters and MAGA's imagined muscularity and gun ownership.....and anger at, you name it, Biden, Libs, Dems, Progressives, Students, LGBQ, BLM, Hispanics, Anhauser-Busch, and so on.
In short, I found Romney's reflections on this matter credible.

To wit:

"Mitt Romney revealed concerning new details about Donald Trump's impeachment proceedings while speaking with his biographer, McKay Coppins, prior to the release of Romney: A Reckoning.

Coppins claimed the Utah senator shared numerous accounts surrounding the topic of GOP members in Congress being terrified to vote to convict or impeach Trump because they feared retaliation from his supporters.

One of the biggest revelations to me in my conversations with Romney was just how important the threat of political violence was to the psychology of elected Republicans today," Coppins explained in a recent interview with Brian Stelter.

Coppins noted that Romney told him "story after story about Republican members of Congress, Republican senators, who at various points wanted to vote for impeachment—vote to convict Trump or vote to impeach Trump—and decided not to, not because they thought he was innocent, but because they were afraid for their family’s safety."

"They were afraid of what Trump supporters might do to them or to their families," the author added, noting that situation "raises a really uncomfortable question."

"How long can the American project last if elected officials from one of the major parties are making their political decisions based on fear of physical violence from their constituents?" he asked."
I know a person who is so far left the person makes the Squad look like staunch conservatives. The person conducts an official on line activity that tends to invite hecklers. The person told me that the threats of violence, attempts to dox/harm reputation of/death threats etc. directed at this person and colleagues came exclusively from far left people.

Given Romney's track record over the several years I have observed it, I suspect his purpose was to justify his TDS and is not based on any facts in evidence.

Think of that video of Pelosi and others in Congress calmly and unhurriedly almost strolling to presumably 'safety' on J6. With Pelosi's daughter videotaping it all I might add. Those people didn't look like people who were afraid of MAGAs at all.

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