Mitt Romney: Trump-Basher JOKE

Today Mitt Romney is scheduled to make a speech in Utah, on the state of the 2016 presidential race. Excerpts released ahead of the speech show Romney will go a step further in his attacks by accusing the GOP frontrunner of "playing the American public for suckers." How interesting. 4 years ago when Romney was running for president, Trump endorsed him.

Back then, Romney begged Trump for the endorsement, and gave perhaps the most flattering, just about adoring, speech about Trump, anyone has ever done about anybody. Here's what Romney said about Trump then >>

"I am so honored and pleased to have Donald Trump's endorsement. Donald Trump has shown an extraordinary ability to understand how our economy works. To create jobs for the American people. He's done it here in Nevada. He's done it across the country. He understands that our economy is facing threats from abroad. He's one of the few people who stood up and said China has been cheating. They've taken jobs from Americans. They haven't played fair. We have to have a President who will stand up to cheaters."

In case anybody doesn't believe this, no problem: Here's the video >>>

So why after all the glowing praise of Trump and his political policies and economic accomplishment, does Romney now do a complete about face and slam Donald harshly, contradicting everything he just said a few years ago ? Everybody's free to speculate.
Here's my guess. I'm thinking the GOP big boys who have been backing Rubio, are seeing him sink deep into the quicksand of unpopularity, and Romney is going to be the new rabbit they pull out of the hat to run against Trump as the establishment candidate. Those dummies don't seem to get it. No matter who they put up against Trump, that person is going to lose. And even if they pull some dirty trick in the convention and nominate Romney, Trump will still run as a 3rd party candidate, and still win, because the conservative people of America just don't want their has-been, wish-washy, cave-in, do-nothing RINO politics anymore. They are DONE. With Romney or without him.

Mitt Romney to Eviscerate Donald Trump as - NBC News

Romney aka Romneycare is further proof of Republican voter's ignorance and stupidity. Republicans always nominate the least Conservative of the bunch and the biggest asshole of the bunch and when it comes to assholishness Romney and Bush are neck and neck.

Trump will use Romney's words against him. He will show what a goof ball liar and a loser Romney is.

There is another difference between Trump and Romney. Trump is a businessman and Romney is a vulture capitalist. Businessmen build, vulture capitalists destroy. While I am no fan of Trump supporter I don't think he is the monster or racist the Republican/hypocrites portrayed him to be. Mitt Romney's picture needs to be in the dictionary next to the word Flaming-Asshole.

The other thing is that while Trump may have bent the law Romney belongs in prison.
If Romney on that debate stage had only hammered Obama about his lies attempting to cover up his Benghazi failure and had hammered that alleged moderator for trying to help obama lie to cover up his failure we wouldn't be looking at an inevitable repeat of obama in the shape of a psychopathic criminal c_nt named Hillary. The economy would have been rolling along the past four years and my house would be about $35,000 richer.
Instead, this split will only serve to put Mrs Bill C, Cuntisha Clinton, in the White House.
Racism and segregation will exacerbate and the welfare class will grow while our economy continues to be choked off. The only positive will be that we will likely be nuked into oblivion by obama's Iranian friends.
Today Mitt Romney is scheduled to make a speech in Utah, on the state of the 2016 presidential race. Excerpts released ahead of the speech show Romney will go a step further in his attacks by accusing the GOP frontrunner of "playing the American public for suckers." How interesting. 4 years ago when Romney was running for president, Trump endorsed him.

Back then, Romney begged Trump for the endorsement, and gave perhaps the most flattering, just about adoring, speech about Trump, anyone has ever done about anybody. Here's what Romney said about Trump then >>

"I am so honored and pleased to have Donald Trump's endorsement. Donald Trump has shown an extraordinary ability to understand how our economy works. To create jobs for the American people. He's done it here in Nevada. He's done it across the country. He understands that our economy is facing threats from abroad. He's one of the few people who stood up and said China has been cheating. They've taken jobs from Americans. They haven't played fair. We have to have a President who will stand up to cheaters."

In case anybody doesn't believe this, no problem: Here's the video >>>

So why after all the glowing praise of Trump and his political policies and economic accomplishment, does Romney now do a complete about face and slam Donald harshly, contradicting everything he just said a few years ago ? Everybody's free to speculate.
Here's my guess. I'm thinking the GOP big boys who have been backing Rubio, are seeing him sink deep into the quicksand of unpopularity, and Romney is going to be the new rabbit they pull out of the hat to run against Trump as the establishment candidate. Those dummies don't seem to get it. No matter who they put up against Trump, that person is going to lose. And even if they pull some dirty trick in the convention and nominate Romney, Trump will still run as a 3rd party candidate, and still win, because the conservative people of America just don't want their has-been, wish-washy, cave-in, do-nothing RINO politics anymore. They are DONE. With Romney or without him.

Mitt Romney to Eviscerate Donald Trump as - NBC News

When Romney "begged" Trump for an endorsement did he know that the Donald was a Nazi? I doubt it.

I think he DID make a comment to the effect that if Drumpf had made the comments about Mexicans, Muslims, women, etc. 4 years ago, he would not have sought his endorsement.

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