Mittens financial forms finally filed

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Mitt Romney: Public financial disclosure report - The Washington Post

Maybe now the really stupid nutter rw's will stop saying he has only $13MILLION DOLLARS a year.

In fact, he has more money than all the presidents since Nixon, COMBINED.

Is it any wonder that

1) He's completely out of touch with the real world?
2) He doesn't care about the 47%?
3) He acts like we're "staff"?
4) He's not qualified to be the president to anyone but the 1%.
5) He has no right to steal from the poor to give to the rich.
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Is it any wonder that

1) He's completely out of touch with the real world?
2) He doesn't care about the 47%?
3) He acts like we're "staff"?
4) He's not qualified to be the president to anyone but the 1%.
5) He has no right to steal from the poor to give to the rich.

1) Obama
2) Obama
3) Obama
4) Obama
5) Obama has the right to steal from the stupid.
You nutters really believe that if you keep parroting that lie, you'll never have to face up FACTS. Anyone wanna bet that no matter how many rw's reply to this, not one of them will address any of my five points. Instead, they'll just regurgitate what they've been told to say.
Look at all these right wing sheep down on their knees worshiping Willard. What a bunch of idiots :lmao:
It's about time. Did he miss his August 15 deadline, or just get his accountants to spin his return. Now how did he get his sale of Bain to convert material ownership into an IRA turnover?
Look at all these right wing sheep down on their knees worshiping Willard. What a bunch of idiots :lmao:

I admire his success. A real American living the American dream despite the left

How many "real" Americans do you know who were born to such incredible wealth and privilege, given huge amounts of money for college and business start up, hidden from the government so he would not have to answer the draft and, in every way you can imagine, has lived a life completely insulated from the "real" America that the rest of us live in?

In EXACTLY what way(s) has "the left" tried to stop him from enjoying the money he actually stole from small business and the tax payers who funded much of his success.

Its just plain STOOPID to say there is anything "admirable" about the ways in which he has been financially successful. If you and your fellow nutters would ever stop regurgitating the shit from fux and lushbo, you would know that.
When did success become a negative trait?

EXACTLY were do you see where anyone has expressed that opinion?

I'm successful enough that, in my retirement, I can enjoy owning three, completely paid for properties, travel as we wish with several trips every year and no real financial worries.

So, tell me, WHERE did I write about my success being a "negative trait"?

Leftwing moonbats conflagrate fact and opinion.




You KNOW that you're lying.
Observations on Romneys returns

1. He does an admirable job of contributing to charity
2. His effective tax rate is remarkably low
3. He obviously recieves good tax advice
Mitt Romney: Public financial disclosure report - The Washington Post

Maybe now the really stupid nutter rw's will stop saying he has only $13MILLION DOLLARS a year.

In fact, he has more money than all the presidents since Nixon, COMBINED.

Is it any wonder that

1) He's completely out of touch with the real world?
2) He doesn't care about the 47%?
3) He acts like we're "staff"?
4) He's not qualified to be the president to anyone but the 1%.
5) He has no right to steal from the poor to give to the rich.

Another USMESSAGEBOARD dummy.........political IQ of a handball.

How about.........the issue is now dead asshole!!! Except to the k00ks...........and nobody cares abut them!!!:blowup:

The whole "47% thing = deaD

The whole "taxes" thing = deaD

+ 4 million to charity makes it dead to the 7% to 8% who matter in 45 days or whatever we have left of this fucking nightmare.

But if the k00ks insist on perpetuating the MSNBC narrative...........well, God Bless!!!:2up: Nobody is tuning in to watch!!!:fu:

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He engineered his tax release. He used enough years in his estimate to go back to pre-Bush tax cuts only so that he could show a higher rate than he has been paying.

He also only claimed $2.something million in donations to the Mormon cult instead of the actual $4.something million, in order to show a higher tax rate.

He will be able to - and will - amend those returns once the campaign is over.
1. Romney has released 9 financial disclosures since 2002. 3 Federal (2007, 2011 and 2012) and 6 from Massachusetts (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007).

2. On his site, he posts a letter from PWC giving an overview of his tax returns covering the period 1999-2009.

3. In 2011, he paid $1,935,708 taxes on $13,689,951 which is - for the most part - investment income.

4. The Romney's donated over $4m to charity. That's 29.4% of his income. His church requires 10% - so Romney has given over double the amount required by his religion.

5. Harry Reid lies. The notarized letter from PWC proves that. Reid has not released his returns. Nor has Pelosi, nor has Debbit Wasserman.

6. Romney's tax rate is about the same as Obama's.

7. Romney's 'off shore' accounts are not 'off shore accounts'. They are investment accounts outside the US but are taxed in the same way as those held in the US. Each is registered with the IRS, income is reported to the IRS and taxed, just like domestic accounts.

All of the above is verifiable - by independent sources - including PWC LLP. (That's Price Waterhouse Cooper for the terminally stupid.)

I may have to repeat this information several times... for the slow witted.
So you aren't happy with him now that you've seen the tax returns? Im not shocked. You wasted all that time whining about tax returns and it changed absolutely nothing of what you thought. You'r still reciting your talking points despite the fact that he he did more for charity this past year than Obama has done over several.

Does it bother you that there isnt one example of Obama helping someone else out? I would think there would have to be at least something, I mean he cant be totally heartless can he? But despite years of being in the Public eye, there isnt one person coming forward with an example of how Obama has personally helped them out. He can't even help his own brother. Yet, Romney has people coming out of the woodwork talking about how much he has helped them when they weren't expecting it.

Who is more in touch with the people? The man who actually serves or the one that talks about serving but doesnt do jack? Who is more in touch, the person who has worked in the business world, or the one who has no clue how the business world works? The one who has never had a budget or the one who has balanced countless budgets?

It must be sad to have to literally make thing up about Romney to avoid dealing with the fact that you support an empty suit.

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