Mitt's federal bailout

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Ya gotta respect the R's for being against all these federal (tax payers money) bailouts except that they're really in favor of them - when its convenient.

You know - like Mitt's "saving" the Olympics.

After all those years of forcing companies into bankruptcy and firing all the workers, he did "save" the Olympics - WITH $1.3 billion, which was more than all other Olympics COMBINED!

(The 1984 games in L.A. received $75 million and the 1996 games in Atlanta received $609 million.)

IOW, Mitt didn't save the Olympics. The American tax payer did. And, it gives us an idea of what Mitt calls "saving".

Santorum Attacks Romney for

There are other links but rw's can't stand to read liberal (factual) links so I'm only posting that one. When I Googled it, I got 20,400,000 hits so surely you can find a link you like!
Ya gotta respect the D's for being against all these federal (tax payers money) bailouts except that they're really in favor of them - when its convenient.

As though democratics stood hard and fast against the bailouts of New York City, Cleveland, Lockheed, Chrysler (twice), GM, Mexico, the fake "stimulus" (which was just a big bailout of state overspending), Goldman Sachs, Fanny & Freddy....

Better get that 2X4 out of your eye, Skeezix.

Bailouts are just fine and dandy when they're convenient for the rw's.

Damn fool hypocrites.

They'll vote for NitWitMit who has said he will reinstate trickle down mess which the rw's KNOW will take us into a full depression or, they'll happily vote for an evangelical fruitcake who is actually running for National Peeping Tom. Hell, if Lushbo tells them to, they'd even vote for Noot, who is more crooked and corrupt as Mit and the Rick combined.

Not an ounce of integrity but gobs of hypocrisy but that's better than almost 4MILLION NEW JOBS and a constantly growing economy.
You better believe I give a fuck.

Thanks to President Obama, I didn't lose my shirt in the Bush Crash.

Yeah, I lost some money, a LOT of money, but, if not for President Obama, I've be up Shit Creek without a paddle!

You rw's should make up your mind.

If its okay for Mittens to get an enormous federal bailout for a very small return, then its okay for President Obama to do what he did for the ENTIRE COUNTRY.

You can't have it both ways.

Actually, being rw's, you CAN have it both ways because you're HIPP-OH-KRITS.
You better believe I give a fuck.

Thanks to President Obama, I didn't lose my shirt in the Bush Crash.

Yeah, I lost some money, a LOT of money, but, if not for President Obama, I've be up Shit Creek without a paddle!

You rw's should make up your mind.

If its okay for Mittens to get an enormous federal bailout for a very small return, then its okay for President Obama to do what he did for the ENTIRE COUNTRY.

You can't have it both ways.

Actually, being rw's, you CAN have it both ways because you're HIPP-OH-KRITS.

four dollars is not generally considered a lot of money, dudley

You better believe I give a fuck.

Thanks to President Obama, I didn't lose my shirt in the Bush Crash.

Yeah, I lost some money, a LOT of money, but, if not for President Obama, I've be up Shit Creek without a paddle!

Not me. I make my own decisions and don't have to rely on power hungry politicians to wipe my ass for me. Can't say I'm surprised that you do, though.
Well, see .. That's the difference between a Dem's TIA-CREFand rw's wad of $1dollar bills stuffed under the mattress.

If you had real investments, you would understand.
Ya gotta respect the R's for being against all these federal (tax payers money) bailouts except that they're really in favor of them - when its convenient.

You know - like Mitt's "saving" the Olympics.

After all those years of forcing companies into bankruptcy and firing all the workers, he did "save" the Olympics - WITH $1.3 billion, which was more than all other Olympics COMBINED!

(The 1984 games in L.A. received $75 million and the 1996 games in Atlanta received $609 million.)

IOW, Mitt didn't save the Olympics. The American tax payer did. And, it gives us an idea of what Mitt calls "saving".

Santorum Attacks Romney for

There are other links but rw's can't stand to read liberal (factual) links so I'm only posting that one. When I Googled it, I got 20,400,000 hits so surely you can find a link you like!

when you learn to craft an argument, call're a mess ....

what if I told you according to the GAO , the federal dollars spent on the games was $342 million, those were the direct costs, and that 1 billion was already earmarked for utah as in structural and capital improvements they would have gotten no matter what.

and inside that budget was also 180 million or so was for security which was provided at a premium due to the time ( 2002) and it being the first post 9-11 games.....

hows that shoe leather taste?
You better believe I give a fuck.

Thanks to President Obama, I didn't lose my shirt in the Bush Crash.

Yeah, I lost some money, a LOT of money, but, if not for President Obama, I've be up Shit Creek without a paddle!
Doesn't it get a tad stuffy having your head jammed up Obammy's ass 24/7?

it makes a change from his own
What do you know, the OP was full of shit. And grats at picking out one of the most Progressive candidates and attacking him. There is a reason there is a massive anti Romney vote in the Republican party, there is also reason Mitt has any kind of following, it's the media and the tens of millions he spends to make people believe he is something he is not.

In the end the OP is going to vote for Obama, oddly Obama's policies reflect that of the man the OP hates, Bush. Can we get a list of the evil bush polices that Obama has managed to repeal in the last 3+ years? You know, all that repeal he talked about when he ran for President? Maybe Obama having that historic super majority was somehow not enough to get it done so he had to expand homland security, start new wars, expand old war, pass the NDAA, re-pass Bush era tax cuts and the list goes on and on and on ...

The best defense you noobs can come up with is showing the hypocrisy that the idiot right has in supporting candidates that YOU go out of your way to prove are just like the Democrats you vote for... Then you tell us all how fucked the Republican candidates/congressmen are... Republicans that you proved were just like The Dems you love.

Idiots... so many fuckin idiots on these boards.
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Ya gotta respect the D's for being against all these federal (tax payers money) bailouts except that they're really in favor of them - when its convenient.

As though democratics stood hard and fast against the bailouts of New York City, Cleveland, Lockheed, Chrysler (twice), GM, Mexico, the fake "stimulus" (which was just a big bailout of state overspending), Goldman Sachs, Fanny & Freddy....

Better get that 2X4 out of your eye, Skeezix.

You can debate the wisdom of those bailouts, but those all had more serious economic consequences than the Olympics, which only lasted a couple weeks.

The thing about the 2002 Olympics is that Salt Lake City never should have gotten them. The city simply didn't have the venues to host it. But the (mostly Mormon) officials bribed IOC officials so badly, the IOC had to rewrite its charter and fire a bunch of people.

So if the Olympics turned into a Fiasco, it would have made us look bad, but honestly, so what?

Romney's argument is that he's a "turnaround artist". But really, he was only able to turn around the Olympics because the Federal Government bailed it out.
You better believe I give a fuck.

Thanks to President Obama, I didn't lose my shirt in the Bush Crash.

Yeah, I lost some money, a LOT of money, but, if not for President Obama, I've be up Shit Creek without a paddle!

You rw's should make up your mind.

If its okay for Mittens to get an enormous federal bailout for a very small return, then its okay for President Obama to do what he did for the ENTIRE COUNTRY.

You can't have it both ways.

Actually, being rw's, you CAN have it both ways because you're HIPP-OH-KRITS.

Just how did Obama SAVE you?

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