Mitt's speech

The board leftists here are truly on a roll. Their melt down is one for the annuls of message board history. As hysterically funny as it is, it's also very pathetic.

As far as Mitt's speech went, it was an excellent speech, and for me, I couldn't care less if I see or hear another campaign speech or ad until November. I know exactly who I'm going to vote for, as well as who I'm going to vote AGAINST.

God bless America.
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The board leftists here are truly on a roll. Their melt down is one for the annuls of message board history. As hysterically funny as it is, it's also very pathetic.

As far as Mitt's speech went, it was an excellent speech, and for me, I couldn't care less if I see or hear another campaign speech or ad until November. I know exactly who I'm going to vote for, as well as who I'm going to vote AGAINST.

God bless America.

Meltdown over what?
I was gonna ask why race matters so much, but then I realized I don't really care.


Why does it matter so much to the Left is what I want to know. They are obsessed with it.

It is fun to laugh at the lily white republican party. They had more minorities on stage then in the audience. Priceless.

Where was Tim Scott?

Does it bother you to blatantly like this? I mean even a little bit. your claim that there were more minorities on stage than in the audience is an absolute lie. Why? Because when they werent on stage they were in the audience.

So you see, a little simple math indicates that the minimum possible amount of minorities in the audience would be the same number who were on stage.

So why do you need to lie about this? Does it really threaten your existence so much that minorities believe in treating people equally? Does it bother you when minorities believe in working hard and being successful? When they arent ashamed of it? Does it bother you when they have the audacity to think for themselves and disagree with you? When they choose love rather than hate? Does it bother you that you are absolutely bitter and miserable while conservative minorities are happy and optimistic?

You are so obsessed with hate that it's blinded you to the truth. I don't think that is something to be proud of, but Im confident you probably disagree.
"Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians- we're the best. But when someone is not doing the job you gotta let 'em go"

Clint Eastwood RNC 2012

BUH-BYE Obama~
All in all, it was a better speech than I expected. It did take two teleprompters to make it appear he was talking to the audience, but meh. He didn't go off the well crafted speech and say anything really stupid, like he loves NASCAR because he has friends who own teams. He also didn't sound like he had a broomstick shoved up his ass. He did give the American people what I expected. A bunch of bullshit promises with zero substance, and doubliing down on a few of his lies. But that's what the wingnuts who hated him wanted. They want another Dubya style empty suit, so they can pretend he believes in their pathetic cause.
A lot better than Redistribution

Redistribution already happened under Bush. That's the problem.

You guys don't really believe Republicans support small business do you? Their idea of a small business is with a revenue stream of at least a billion dollars a year.

Yeah. I do believe Republicans support small business. Because regulations are the worst enemy of a small business. See, big corporations can eat the costs of new regulations. Thats why they laugh whenever democrats support new regulation. See it HELPS the big corporations because it drives the small ones out of business.

People who demonize business hurt small businesses, not the big ones. The big ones can survive incoveniences. Small businesses cant.

Actually, I previously posted a link to the "Small Business Association". Seems they commissioned a poll among their members and "regulations" came in fifth. In fact, many of them said regulation levels the playing field. The number one issue was "demand". There just aren't enough people buying their products. Bush left everyone broke when millions of jobs moved to China from 2001 to 2008.
Way too long. Too many mentions of Obama. Too much talking about the past.

Exactly. Why remind people what Republicans did to the country for 8 years under Bush? The problem is Mitt has stated that if people knows what his policies are, they won't vote for him.

Romney's speech so fucking killed!!!

He didn't promise to lower sea levels or proclaim that he was the chosen one for whom we've waited but I'm pretty sure Mitt's still just a man so I'm good with that.


I don't see any brainwashed children singing about how he'll save the world either. I guess that's just a Democrat thing.

Not super dooper but unlike Obama, Romney really projects a strong and viable feeling of basic competence. Nice change after 12 years.

Still, give Obama his due. Here in swing State Ohio (Oiho if you're the POTUS) we have retained unparalleled safety from the rising oceans. Although, some rain may hit us via Irene this coming weekend. (maybe we can impeach Obama if it does??)

Kidding aside, Romney hit a home run. Maybe there will be a little bounce after all. :confused: (thinking two or three points)
Way too long. Too many mentions of Obama. Too much talking about the past.

Exactly. Why remind people what Republicans did to the country for 8 years under Bush? The problem is Mitt has stated that if people knows what his policies are, they won't vote for him.

Pay attention folks. This is what a textbook liberal spin response looks like.

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